Create a picture-in-picture overlay

You can place one video clip in a small frame over a background video clip that covers the entire screen. This effect is called a picture-in-picture overlay.


For information about superimposing one clip over another by creating transparent backgrounds, see About superimposing and transparency.

Create a picture-in-picture overlay in the Quick view

  1. Place the CTI on the clip in the Quick view timeline that you want to use as the background clip.

    The selected clip appears in the Monitor panel.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • From the Graphics panel, drag an image on to the background clip in the Monitor panel. If necessary, adjust the duration of the overlay in the Picture In Picture dialog box.

    • From Windows Explorer, drag a clip or image on to the background clip in the Monitor panel, and select Picture In Picture. If necessary, adjust the duration of the overlay in the dialog box.

  3. To adjust the position of the superimposed clip, drag it to the desired location in the Monitor panel.

If the superimposed clip is longer than the background clip, it appears over successive clips in the Quick view timeline for its entire duration. The clip also appears superimposed over those clips during playback.

Create a picture-in-picture overlay in the Expert view

  1. Place the CTI on the clip in the Expert view timeline that you want to use as the background clip.

    The selected clip appears in the Monitor panel.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • From the Graphics panel, drag an image on to the background clip in the Monitor panel.

    • From Windows Explorer, drag a clip or image on to the background clip in the Monitor panel, and select Picture In Picture.

    • From the Project Assets panel, drag a clip or image on to the background clip in the Monitor panel, and select Picture In Picture

  3. To adjust the position of the superimposed clip, drag it to the desired location in the Monitor panel.

If the superimposed clip is longer than the background clip, it appears over successive clips in the Expert view timeline for its entire duration. The clip also appears superimposed over those clips during playback.

Delete a picture-in-picture overlay

  1. Depending on the view you are in, make sure that the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline is active.
  2. Right-click/ctrl-click the superimposed clip in the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline.
  3. Select Delete.

The superimposed clip disappears from the Quick view timeline (or the Expert view timeline) and the Monitor panel.

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