Configure output presets for conditional content

Learn how to customize output using condition tags, condition expressions, and dynamic content filters.

After you have implemented conditional content in your project, you need to add or configure condition expressions and filters that you want to use during publishing. Both condition expressions and dynamic content filters use condition tags for granular control over content. Then, configure the output preset from which you want to publish, to include the appropriate condition expressions and dynamic content filters. Next, generate the output for the configured output preset.

Configure condition expressions and dynamic content filters

Configure a condition expression

Condition expression

A condition expression controls the inclusion of tagged source content or its exclusion from the output. Depending on the condition tags used in an expression, the corresponding source content is included in the output. You can define various tag combinations in the expression using OR, AND, and NOT operators to customize the inclusion or exclusion of content in the output. Condition expressions are not published along with the source content and do not appear in the output.

  1. Click the Output tab at the left side of the Standard toolbar.

    The Output view opens.

  2. In the Output toolbar, click the Condition Expressions icon.

  3. In the Condition Expressions panel, click the Add icon ().

  4. In the New Condition Expression dialog box, specify the name of the condition expression. Click Done.

    The new condition expression is added to the Condition Expressions panel.

  5. From the Condition Expressions panel, double-click to open the expression. 

    The Condition Tags panel and the expression editor panel open.

  6. From the Condition Tags panel, drag a tag and drop it in the expression editor panel.

    The tag is removed from the Condition Tags panel and appears in the expression editor panel as a condition.


    You can drop multiple tags as required. You can drop a tag above, below, or in between multiple tags.

    You can delete an expression by clicking the delete icon against it.

  7. Against each condition in the expression editor panel, do one of the following:

    • Select Include to add the tag in the expression. This action includes all source content associated with the tag in the output. 
    • Select Exclude to exclude the tag from the expression. This action excludes all source content associated with the tag from the output.
  8. To combine multiple conditions, use the AND and OR operators.

    To ensure that the expression runs only when all conditions are met, use the AND operator between the conditions. Use the OR operator to let the expression run if one or more conditions are met. 

    The following expression displays Developer or EndUser content for Canadian locale.

    Multiple condition expressions

  9. To save the changes, click the Save icon in the standard toolbar.

Configure a dynamic content filter

A dynamic content filter controls the display of content in the output. Add a dynamic content filter and then customize it by adding condition tags. The filters are published along with the tagged source content. You can use dynamic filters to control the content that appears in the output. The resulting output will include only the topics and content that is either untagged or has the selected tags applied. The rest of the content which has some other tag applied will be hidden. Dynamic content filters facilitate quick retrieval and consumption of specific information, instead of having to go through the entire published content.

  1. Click the Output tab at the left side of the Standard toolbar.

    The Output view opens.

  2. In the Output toolbar, click the Dynamic Content Filters icon.

  3. In the Filters panel, click the Add icon ().

  4. In the New Filter dialog box, specify the name of the dynamic content filter. Click Done.

    The new dynamic content filter is added to the Filters panel. The Condition Tags panel and the filter editor panel open. The filter editor displays the new dynamic content filter.

  5. From the Condition Tags panel, drag a tag and drop it in the filter editor panel.

    The tag is removed from the Condition Tags panel and appears in the filter editor panel along with its original group. 

    Filter editor panel
    Filter editor panel

    If you do not want the original group to appear with the tag, create a new filter group by clicking  in the filter editor panel.

    A new filter group with the editable title New Group appears. Rename the title as required, for example, rename the title as Product.

    From the Condition Tags panel, drag a tag and drop it under the new filter group in the filter editor panel. For example, drag-and-drop the Printer tag.

    The Printer tag is removed from the Condition Tags panel and appears under the Product filter group without its original group Platform.

    New filter groups
    New filter groups

  6. (Optional) If you added multiple condition tags and filter groups in the filter editor panel, you can use the drag-and-drop method to reorder tags within and across filter groups. Similarly, you can also reorder filter groups.

    Click the Drag icon against a tag or a filter group to drag it.

    Drag icon
    Drag icon

  7. To provide your users the ability to select multiple filters across filter groups in the published output, select the Allow Multiple Selection field. This field is deselected by default to provide the ability to select only one filter from each filter group.

  8. To provide your users the option to define dynamic filters without tag groups, deselect the User filters in groups. This field is selected by default. You can now change the previously defined filters to remove tag groups or add to tag groups.

  9. To save the changes, click the Save icon in the standard toolbar.

Configure an output preset to generate conditional content

To be able to generate conditional content, you must configure the appropriate output preset to use a specific condition expression and/or dynamic content filter.

  1. Click the Output tab at the left side of the Standard toolbar.

    The Output view opens.

  2. In the Output toolbar, click the Output Presets icon.


    Adobe RoboHelp provides several output presets that you can use to generate output as required. If you want to use an existing output preset, proceed to Step 3.

    (Optional) If you want to create a new output preset for additional custom requirements, you can add a new output preset for one of the output preset types available in RoboHelp. For information about how to create a custom output preset, see Create an output preset.

    After creating an output preset, it appears in the Output Presets panel. Now proceed to Step 3.

  3. In the Output Presets panel, double-click an output preset to open it.

    The output preset editor panel opens with General as the default selection. 

  4. In the output preset editor panel, click Content

  5. In the content editor panel, do the following:

    • From the Condition Expression drop-down list, select a condition expression. By default, None is selected. 
    • From the Dynamic Content Filter drop-down list, select a dynamic content filter. By default, None is selected. 
  6. (Optional) You can edit the selected condition expression and dynamic content filter by clicking the respective Edit icon against it.

  7. To save the changes, click the Save icon in the standard toolbar.

Generate output using a configured output preset

  1. Click the Output tab at the left side of the Standard toolbar.

    The Output view opens.

  2. In the Output toolbar, click the Output Presets icon.

  3. In the Output Presets panel, select the configured output preset you want to publish with and click the Generate Preset icon (). 

    Or, against the configured output preset you want to publish with, choose Options () > Generate.

    While the output is being generated, a progress bar appears against the output preset.

    Adobe RoboHelp displays a message confirming successful output generation. It also intimates if publishing fails.

    When you create a new project, by default, output files are saved in the outputs folder inside the user area:

    <user_area>/Documents/My RoboHelp Projects/outputs/<folder_name>/<output_preset_name>. 

    For example:

    C:/Users/jdoe/Documents/My RoboHelp Projects/outputs/Travel the Whirls/Responsive HTML 5.


    To change the output folder path of an output preset, do the following:

    1. Against the output preset, choose Options () > Edit
    2. In the preset editor panel, select General
    3. In the general editor panel, in the Output Path field, choose or type an alternative path. Choose an output path outside your main project folder.
    4. To save the change, click the Save icon in the standard toolbar. 

    The option to change the output folder path is available for all output presets, except for Mobile App.

  4. To view the output, in the Output Presets panel, against the output preset you published with, choose Options () > View.

    Depending on the output type, it opens in its default viewer. For example, responsive output opens in your default browser. Output generated for mobile app, however, opens in a dialog box:


    If you have generated the output in a previous session and if it exists in the system, you can view it anytime, irrespective of which session you are in.

  5. (Optional) To view the output log, in the Output Presets panel, against the output preset you published with, choose Options () > View Log.


    Displays the log only if the output is generated (irrespective of success or failure) in the current session.


The Output view in Output Preset Editor gives you quick actions on the standard toolbar to use Generate Preset (), View output () and Publish () icons.

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