Publish to SharePoint Online

Learn how to configure and publish to SharePoint Online.



  1. Before you publish to SharePoint, make sure you have a Document Library in SharePoint with read and write permissions. Connecting to the SharePoint server is the only mandatory step. See "Connecting to SharePoint Server."
  2. Enable custom JavaScript to view the .aspx files on SharePoint server after publishing from RoboHelp. For more information, see Allow or prevent custom script - SharePoint in Microsoft 365.

Configure a publish profile for SharePoint Online

By creating a publish profile you can avoid the inconvenience of re-entering the publish options each time. You can create multiple publish profiles and save them based on your publish requirements.

To create and configure a publish profile for SharePoint:

  1. From the menu bar, choose Edit > Publish Profiles.

    This opens the Publish Profile settings dialog window.

  2. Click + to create a new profile.

    new profile
    View new profile window

  3. In the Server Type field, select the type of server. Here, SharePoint Online is already selected as a default.

  4. For the Sharepoint online server type, edit as below:

    • In the Name field, modify the name if required. Defaults to Profile_number, depending on the number of existing profiles.
    • In the Connection Profile field, select the SharePoint connection profile. See the next workflow to configure the Connection Profile.
    • In the Remote Path field, enter the server path you want to publish the content. For example, specify in the format /root folder/folder 1/folder 2 for folders and subfolders.

    If the specified folder does not exist, RoboHelp publishes to the default directory on the server.

  5. Click Save. The created profile is displayed under the Profiles column.

    To edit a profile, click the profile name to edit its fields.

    To delete a profile, click against it.

Publish to SharePoint Online

You can configure a Frameless or a Responsive HTML5 output preset to link to the SharePoint profile, and then publish your content to the SharePoint instance.

  1. Click the Output tab in the standard toolbar.

  2. In the Output Presets panel, double-click an output preset to edit it.

  3. Under the General tab, select Generate SharePoint output. This is applicable as we want to publish to Sharepoint.

  4. Save the settings made.

  5. Click the Publish tab to view the profiles under various servers.

    To edit the server information on the listed profiles, click the icon.

  6. Select the profile (server) on which you want to publish content.


    Select the Republish all check box at the bottom, to republish the entire content. Else, RoboHelp will publish only the updated content since the previous publication.

  7. Click the Generate Preset icon in the Output Presets panel. 

    A progress bar appears next to the selected output preset. Once the output generation is complete, a Success dialog box appears at the lower-right corner of the screen. 

    Click  in the Output Presets panel to view the output.

  8. To publish to the selected profile (server), click  in the Output Presets panel. Or, right-click the selected output preset and click Publish.

  9. To view the published content, click  in the Results column against the SharePoint Server URL. 

    If publishing fails, the Results column does not show the  icon.

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