What's new in RoboHelp (2020 release) Update 6


The Update 6 of RoboHelp (2020 release) is only compatible with Update 3 of FrameMaker (2020 release).

For a seamless experience on Update 6 of RoboHelp 2020, you must upgrade to Update 3 of FrameMaker 2020. Do not upgrade to Update 6 of RoboHelp 2020 if you’re on any version prior to Update 3 of FrameMaker 2020.

Adobe RoboHelp (2020 release) Update 6 contains Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a new Knowledge Base output preset, option to add separate headers and footers in a Word output, a new script to convert hyperlinks into cross-references, option for static header and footer in a Frameless output, a Glossary hotspot tool, search enhancements, CSS list editor enhancements, and bug fixes.

Read on to know more.

In this document,

Install the update

Ensure that you have an active Internet connection.

To install Update 6 of the 2020 release of RoboHelp, click Help > Check for Updates.

Then follow the instructions.

For more information, see this community post.

What's new and changed

Publish to Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe RoboHelp extends the capabilities of its publishing feature, giving you the option to publish Knowledge Base output, directly to Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a comprehensive content management solution for building websites, mobile apps and forms. And it makes it easy to manage your marketing content and assets.

Leverage Adobe Experience Manager’s content management capabilities to publish RoboHelp content, so that your users can consume your content at scale.

For more information on setting up the publish profile and preset, and configuring the preset, see Publish to Adobe Experience Manager.

Select AEM as KB preset
Select AEM as KB preset

Static header and footer

The feature sticks the header and footer on the output, even on scrolling. The header or footer will always be visible on the screen. We've provided two toggle switches on the Home Page and Topic Page sections in the Skin Editor.

Add static header and footer
Add static header and footer

Script to convert hyperlinks into cross-references

In this release of RoboHelp, we’ve provided a script that converts all hyperlinks in a project to cross references.

The script CrossRefConverter is available in the Scripts panel. When you run this script, the script parses the topics for all available hyperlinks and displays them to be converted into cross references.

Conversion script
Conversion script

Headers and footers in the Word output preset

In this update, we've introduced an option to add master pages, so that you can add separate headers and footers in a Word document. Like PDF outputs, you can specify the even and odd pages in the Word output.

With this change, the CSS files from the master pages are applied to the Word output.

Add separate header and footer
Add separate header and footer

Glossary hotspots

The Glossary Hotspot tool searches for the glossary terms within topics and converts the terms into links in the topics. You can mark all the terms to convert to expanding hotspot, when you generate or preview the output.

You can also convert the glossary term in the topic to normal text.

For more information, see Glossary hotspot tool.

Glossary hotspot tool
Glossary hotspot tool

List editor enhancements

In this release, the List editor has been simplified and a checkbox has been added to enable advanced editing. By default, it will be disabled which suits most of the users. If any user requires to resize the numbering width, change the margin between the numbering and the text, define a formatted numbering pattern, or use the image in the numbering then he should enable the option.

Search enhancements

To search special characters, they had to be added to the search settings of the output preset. With this update, common special characters like numbers and $ # @ & % need not be added and they are searchable by default. Other characters still need to be added to search settings. Four characters ; / - * will not be searchable.

Word image output and input improvements

Dimensions of an image contribute to the output of a project, in terms of picture quality, image size, and wait time in loading oversized images.

Image resizing in Word output has not been producing favourable results, especially when its dimensions are altered. The settings applied to alter the visible size of a picture results in the image extending beyond the edges of a page.

In this release, we've made enhancements both importing and exporting of an image, where a resized image now shrinks to fit according to the specified dimension.

Image in a Topic

Images in a RoboHelp project with dimensions of higher pixel value gets chopped in the final Word output. This is because the size of the image is more than the width of the page. This issue is now resolved in Update 6, where the image resizes to fit to frame.

Image in a table

An image added to a table in RoboHelp project with higher pixel value gets chopped in the final Word output.

This is because the width of the table is larger than the width of the page. This issue is now resolved in Update 6, where the image resizes to fit to frame within the table dimensions.

Image resizing issues have now been fixed for a Word output. The shrink to fit is applied to large images for the below scenarios:

  • Images with a fixed aspect ratio.
  • Images without a fixed aspect ratio.
  • Images within a table.
  • Images added to header and footer sections.
  • Image style mapped within a template.

The visible size of the picture now fits to the frame irrespective of the height and width of the image.

Bugs fixed in this release

To see the list of bugs that have been fixed in this release, see Fixed issues.

Have a question or an idea?

If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate in the Adobe RoboHelp Community. We would love to hear from you and address your queries.

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