Manage content review and collaboration

Learn how to seamlessly manage your entire review process using an integrated cloud-based workflow.

This article discusses how to build a collaborative content-centric workflow for live collaboration with reviewers and subject matter experts via secure cloud-based review. Create multiple stages in your review process, implement a workflow with various steps, each of them tailored to fit your needs. 

Using the online review platform, you can transform the best practices into a robust, scalable, and distributed process.

  • Assign multiple reviewers to collaborate with a secure web-based environment.
  • Easy controls for creating, sharing, participating in, and managing reviews.
  • Experience browser-based collaboration in real-time from all the reviewers and subject matter experts.


To create or take part in an online review, you must set up your Adobe account to get started. The content that you share for review is stored in the cloud storage linked to your Adobe account. To successfully share content, you must install the Creative Cloud Desktop App on your system.


For optimal performance, we recommend you to verify that the cloud storage is enabled in your account. 

The review workflow

Adobe RoboHelp facilitates synchronous collaboration and helps automate the process of getting feedback from the reviewers and subject matter experts on a shared topic.

The author can start a review cycle by selecting a set of topics from the project and creating a private or public web link for the same. The reviewers are invited to access the link to add annotations in the shared topic with their feedback. The author can then view the shared feedback, make requested changes, and then continue the cycle.

The workflow is divided into two stages:

  • The author workflow, where new reviews are created while being assigned to the reviewers and SMEs.
  • The reviewer workflow, where the peer review happens, as well as any revisions required by the author.

The author workflow

To develop the review process as friendly and efficient as possible, here are the steps which include the following stages:

Create a Review

To create a review in RoboHelp, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Review tab in the standard toolbar. The Review tab opens.

  2. The left toolbar in the Review tab displays the Active Review group. 

    The Active Review tab displays a list of ongoing reviews.

  3. In the Active Reviews panel, click  to create a review.

  4. In the Create Review dialog box, in the Review Title field, give the review a descriptive name. 

  5. Click Done.

    The review is created in the Active Reviews panel. 

    Active review tab
    Active review tab

You can use the right panel to help filter out the list of topics that you would like to add to the review. For details, see How review filters work

Select content for review

  1. You can either select all the topics by selecting the top check box or just those you want. Once you have selected the topics to be reviewed, click the Share icon in the upper-right corner of the authoring screen.

    Select the topics
    Select your topics for review

  2. Click Create Link to upload your selected content to cloud storage and create a weblink for sharing.

    Create a review link
    Create a review link

  3. Once a weblink is created for review, you can go to the review URL and assign reviewers.

    Review URL
    Review URL

  4. After you launch the review URL, the list of selected topics opens expanded on the left side by default. In the comments you can use @ mentions to address fellow reviewers. Reviewers will get the notification for that comment. A new review option to Replace Text is added to aid the reviewers.

    List of topics and reviewers
    List of topics and reviewers

  5. Launch a topic from the left pane. You see a progress bar as the review and any topic loads. You also see a helpful suggestion in the topic area when no topic is open.

Share for review using private invites

  1. To share the review with specified reviewers and SMEs, select the default access setting Invite Only. Once Invite Only access is configured for your weblink, anyone invited will be able to view the content.

    Invite only
    Invite only

  2. In the Members tab, click on the Add People button to invite a new member to review. You can also specify multiple email addresses to send out invitations and include any message, if desired.

    Click Invite

    Share invites
    Share invites

  3. All reviewers receive an email with the details of the review, message, and the URL link where they can click and post their responses.

  4. To remove a reviewer, hover your cursor over the member's name and click Remove.

    Remove reviewers
    Remove reviewers

  1. To share the review with a wider audience, click the drop-down under Access Settings, and select Public. Once Public access is configured for your weblink, anyone having the link will be able to view your content. 


  2. You can enable the Require Password to add a layer of security to the shared public link, which will require that the participant enter the correct password to gain access to the shared topic.

The reviewer workflow

After you receive an invitation for review, open the link in a browser, and use the commenting tools to add comments, highlight text, insert text, and draw a shape. Multiple reviewers can contribute to the same version of a shared topic in real-time. Real-time comments mean you will know the instant your review is done. 

If the shared topic is protected by a password, you need to enter the password to view it. 

  1. Click the review link to open the Review on your browser. You may be prompted to sign in to your account.

  2. Click the chevron next to the shared topic in the left panel. Double-click to open the selected topic.

    Reviewer's screen
    Reviewer's screen

  3. Under the Review tab, use the following annotation tools to provide feedback:

    • Place a pin Allows you to insert comments on the topic. Every pinned comment is assigned a number. The comments in the comment panel reflect these numbers to identify the context of the comment.
    • Highlight text Adds an annotation element to the shared topic. 
    • Strikethrough text Indicates the deletion of the text with a horizontal line through the text.
    • Insert text Adds some text.
    • Draw a shape Draws a free format shape, such as traingle, rectangle, etc.

    Click on the desired tool and annotate the chosen content in the center.

  4. Click Submit.

How review filters work

When you create a review, you will see the entire list of the topics in your project, along with various filters and options for the columns displayed. To customize your selection, use the following options in the Filter panel on the right side of the screen.

  • Author Filter the topics based on their Author name, provided in topics metadata.
  • TOC Filters the topics based on the selected Table of Contents.
  • Folder Filter files based on the folders present in the project.
  • Modified After Filter files based on their last modified date time.
  • Columns Choose among various columns that you want to see in the files list.

View feedback

To see the reviewer's comments, double-click on the desired topic to open it in the center. The comments are displayed in the right panel, along with the corresponding annotations in the center. You can choose to reply to any comments or make your comment. 

View the reviewer's comments

Delete a review

To delete a review, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Review tab, click options.

    Review options
    Review options

  2. Click Delete. You'll see a confirmation pop-up message. Click Yes.

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