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  1. Photoshop Elements User Guide
  2. Introduction to Photoshop Elements
    1. What's new in Photoshop Elements
    2. System requirements | Photoshop Elements
    3. Workspace basics
    4. Guided mode
    5. Making photo projects
  3. Workspace and environment
    1. Get to know the Home screen
    2. Workspace basics
    3. Preferences
    4. Tools
    5. Panels and bins
    6. Open files
    7. Rulers, grids, and guides
    8. Enhanced Quick Mode
    9. File information
    10. Presets and libraries
    11. Multitouch support
    12. Scratch disks, plug-ins, and application updates
    13. Undo, redo, and cancel actions
    14. Viewing images
  4. Fixing and enhancing photos
    1. Resize images
    2. Cropping
    3. Process camera raw image files
    4. Add blur, replace colors, and clone image areas
    5. Adjust shadows and light
    6. Retouch and correct photos
    7. Combine Photos
    8. Sharpen photos
    9. Transforming
    10. Auto Smart Tone
    11. Recomposing
    12. Using actions to process photos
    13. Photomerge Compose
    14. Create a panorama
    15. Moving Overlays
    16. Moving Elements
  5. Adding shapes and text
    1. Add text
    2. Edit text
    3. Create shapes
    4. Editing shapes
    5. Painting overview
    6. Painting tools
    7. Set up brushes
    8. Patterns
    9. Fills and strokes
    10. Gradients
    11. Work with Asian type
  6. Quick Actions
  7. Guided edits, effects, and filters
    1. Guided mode
    2. Filters
    3. Guided mode Photomerge edits
    4. Guided mode Basic edits
    5. Adjustment filters
    6. Effects
    7. Guided mode Fun edits
    8. Guided mode Special edits
    9. Artistic filters
    10. Guided mode Color edits
    11. Guided mode Black & White edits
    12. Blur filters
    13. Brush Stroke filters
    14. Distort filters
    15. Other filters
    16. Noise filters
    17. Render filters
    18. Sketch filters
    19. Stylize filters
    20. Texture filters
    21. Pixelate filters
  8. Working with colors
    1. Understanding color
    2. Set up color management
    3. Color and tonal correction basics
    4. Choose colors
    5. Adjust color, saturation, and hue
    6. Fix color casts
    7. Using image modes and color tables
    8. Color and camera raw
  9. Working with selections
    1. Make selections in Photoshop Elements
    2. Saving selections
    3. Modifying selections
    4. Move and copy selections
    5. Edit and refine selections
    6. Smooth selection edges with anti-aliasing and feathering
  10. Working with layers
    1. Create layers
    2. Edit layers
    3. Copy and arrange layers
    4. Adjustment and fill layers
    5. Clipping masks
    6. Layer masks
    7. Layer styles
    8. Opacity and blending modes
  11. Creating photo projects
    1. Project basics
    2. Making photo projects
    3. Editing photo projects
    4. Creating Photo Reels
  12. Saving, printing, and sharing photos
    1. Save images
    2. Printing photos
    3. Share photos online
    4. Optimizing images
    5. Optimizing images for the JPEG format
    6. Dithering in web images
    7. Guided Edits - Share panel
    8. Previewing web images
    9. Use transparency and mattes
    10. Optimizing images for the GIF or PNG-8 format
    11. Optimizing images for the PNG-24 format
  13. Keyboard shortcuts
    1. Keys for selecting tools
    2. Keys for selecting and moving objects
    3. Keys for the Layers panel
    4. Keys for showing or hiding panels (expert mode)
    5. Keys for painting and brushes
    6. Keys for using text
    7. Keys for the Liquify filter
    8. Keys for transforming selections
    9. Keys for the Color Swatches panel
    10. Keys for the Camera Raw dialog box
    11. Keys for the Filter Gallery
    12. Keys for using blending modes
    13. Keys for viewing images (expertmode)



原稿 (左),以及移除綠色投射之後 (右)

  1. 選擇「增強 > 調整顏色 > 移除顏色投射」。

  2. 在您的影像中,按一下應為白色、黑色或中性灰色的區域。影像會根據您選取的顏色而更改。
  3. 若要重新開始並還原對影像所做的更改,請按一下「重設」。

  4. 按一下「確定」以接受顏色變更。


此技術需要顏色校正經驗以及一些有關 RGB 色輪的知識。

  1. 執行下列其中一項作業:

    • 選擇「增強 > 調整光源 > 色階」。
    • 選擇「圖層 > 新增調整圖層 > 色階」,或開啟現有的色階調整圖層。
  2. 從「色版」彈出式選單中選擇要調整的顏色色版:
    • 紅色可將紅色或青色增加至影像。
    • 綠色可將綠色或洋紅色增加至影像。
    • 藍色可將藍色或黃色增加至影像。
  3. 向左或向右拖移中間輸入滑桿可增加或減去顏色。
  4. 當您對整體顏色滿意時,請按一下「確定」。

您可以使用「色階」對話框中的灰色揀色器來快速移除顏色投射。按兩下揀色器,確定 RGB 值相等。關閉「揀色器」後,請按一下影像中應為中性灰色的區域。





A. 選取樣式 (從預設集選擇) B. 調整滑桿 (自訂選項) 

  1. 在 Photoshop Elements 中,開啟影像。

  2. 若要調整特定影像區域或圖層,請使用其中一項選取工具來選取該區域(如果未進行任何選取,調整會套用至完整影像)。


  3. 選擇「增強 > 調整顏色 > 調整顏色曲線」。
  4. 選取樣式 (例如「背光」或「曝光過度」)。
  5. 調整亮部、中間調亮度、中間調對比與陰影的滑桿。
  6. 若要將調整套用至影像,請按一下「確定」。若要取消調整並重新開始,請按一下「重設」。若要關閉「調整顏色曲線」對話框,請按一下「取消」。

