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Multiple views

Learn how to author and customize your content, and preview your work in real time.

RoboHelp allows you to access your authored content in three different views - Author view, Source view, and Preview. You can easily switch between the three views by clicking the corresponding icon from the right corner of the Standard Toolbar, as illustrated below.

Switch between the views
Icons of the three views in the Standard Toolbar

A. Author View B. Source View C. Preview 

Author view

The Author view uses the built-in “What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get” (WYSIWYG) editor and provides an easy-to-use interface for authoring your content. You can use Author view to insert elements, such as hyperlinks, images, multimedia in topics, pages, and more. Author view also allows you to author different types of content, such as topics, snippets, table of contents, style sheets, and more.

Source view

The Source view allows you to author content by writing its HTML, CSS, or XML source.

To activate the Source view, open a topic, or any source file. Then, select Source View from the top-right corner of the standard toolbar. It will show the source content of the file.

To edit a specific section of your content, you can select the section and then click the Source icon. It will highlight that section in your source content.


The built-in Preview window allows you to see how a topic or snippet will look like when the output is generated. You can quickly preview, verify, and fix the appearance of each topic without having to generate the entire output.

To activate the Preview, open a topic, snippet, or any source file. Then, click Preview icon  from the upper-right corner of the standard toolbar. It opens the current topic's preview mode that has the following features:


You can modify the appearance of your content as per your requirements by applying following filters from the 'Filters' panel:

Apply Condition. You can verify the application of Condition Tags and Condition Expressions in a topic's preview mode using the 'Apply Condition' drop-down menu.

You can either apply Condition Tags or Condition Expressions to your content and not both. The 'Apply Condition' drop-down menu appears only when you apply a condition to your content.

To apply Condition Tags:

  1. Click the 'Apply Condition' drop-down arrow from the Filters panel in the topic preview mode.
  2. Select 'Condition Tags' radio button. It displays a list of condition tags that you have applied.
  3. From the list, select the check-box for condition tag that you want to view. It will display the content tagged with the selected condition tag.  

To apply Condition Expressions: 

  1. Click the 'Apply Condition' drop down arrow from the Filters panel in the topic preview mode.
  2. Select 'Condition Expression' radio button. 
  3. From the 'Condition Expression' drop-down menu that appears, select an expression that you want to apply. It helps you evaluate how the content will appear in the output when the condition expressions are applied.

Highlight selected condition tags. You can select this option to see where a particular condition tag is applied. It highlights the content with the condition tag color.

Expand All Text. It shows an expanded view of all the content added as expanding text and drop-down text. 

Collapse All Text. It hides all the content added as expanding text and drop-down text. 

View With

The 'View with' icon on the Standard Toolbar allows you to see the preview in any of the web browsers installed on your system. You can click the 'View with' icon to see the list of available browsers, and select any of them to preview with.

