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Using Smart Tags

Learn about Smart Tags and how to use them to easily search and filter your photos and videos in Elements Organizer.

Elements Organizer analyzes photos and videos in your catalog and automatically generates tags for them. These tags are called Smart Tags. For example, Elements Organizer generates Smart Tags such as Family, Children, Park, Beach, Smile, Ocean, Flowers, Sunset, Garden, and Soccer.

Smart Tags make it easy for you to search based on the content in your photos and videos.

Easily search photos and videos

After you import your photos and videos, Elements Organizer analyzes your media and automatically assigns relevant tags for them called Smart Tags. You can then easily filter and find photos and videos based on these Smart Tags. You can filter through the Smart Tags in the search window or type a tag in the Search bar to find related photos and videos. To access the Search window or the Search bar, click Search in the upper-right corner of the main window.

Search using Smart tags
Click Search to access the Search window

Your photos and videos are displayed in the Smart Tag panel of the Search window. These are stacked based on the people, place, events, things, and more that are in your media.

Search photos and videos in Elements Organizer with Smart Tags
Click the Smart Tag icon in the left panel to view the photos and videos associated with Smart tags.

To search for a Smart Tag, type its name in the Search window. For example, to search photos and videos that include a house, type 'house' in the Search bar.

Smart tag search result
Type the Smart Tag in the Search bar to search and filter out relevant photos and videos


Analysis of videos for Smart Tags takes longer than it does for photos. In case you don't see a video with a relevant Smart Tag, allow Elements Organizer some more time to complete the analysis.

Edit or share a photo or video

From your search result based on Smart Tags, you can edit, share, or add the photos and videos to an album:

  1. Click Grid in the upper-left corner of the search result screen.

    Select, open, and edit photos and videos from the search result based on Smart tags
    Click Grid to select, open, and edit photos and videos from the search result

  2. Click to select or double-click a photo or video to open and view it in full-screen.

    Search photos and videos using Smart tags
    Click to select or double-click to open a desired photo or video


    If you open a video from the Smart tag search result, it plays from the part that is relevant to the applied Smart Tag. You can drag the time lapse slider to the beginning of the video to view it from the start.

    For example, if you search the Smart Tag "house" and a video in the search result has a house present at 2:05 minutes, the video plays from this time when you open it.

  3. To edit, add to an album, or share the desired photo or video, see the following resources:

Remove a Smart Tag

If you want to remove a Smart Tag that you're not satisfied with, right-click a photo or video in the Media view. Select Remove Smart tag and then select the name of the Smart Tag that you want to remove.

For example, the following video includes several Smart Tags (family, colors, pencil, doctor). However, the Smart Tag 'doctor' is not relevant which you can remove.

Remove a Smart Tag

Edit Smart Tag preferences

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Elements Organizer > Preferences (macOS).

  2. Select Media-Analysis.

    Preferences dialog box
    The Preferences dialog box

  3. Under Analysis Options you can find the following:

    • Analyze Media for Smart Tags, Auto Curation and Auto Creation -Photos and Videos Keep these options selected to allow Elements Organizer to analyze your photos and videos. If you don't want Elements Organizer to analyze your photos and videos, unselect Photos and Videos, respectively.
    • Show Smart tags and Auto-Curate Keep this option selected to allow Elements Organizer to automatically analyze photos and videos and apply Smart Tags to them.
    • Generate Auto Creations Keep this option selected to view automatically created photo projects or Auto Creations in your Home screen.

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