What’s new in Adobe Connect 9 Web Services
The modified and newly added web services and functionality in Adobe Connect. Find out what the latest version has to offer.
A sample action reference to understand the API structure
A sample of the structure and sections of a typical Adobe Connect Web Services API, along with an example.
Common XML elements and attributes for Web Services
Know the commonly used XML elements and attributes from the Adobe Connect Web Services API calls and server responses.
Use this parameter to reduce the amount of response values from a Connect server. Extract the useful response in a response to your Web Service command.
Use this parameter to sort the server's response in an ascending or a descending order. Specify the field to sort on and locate the desired response quickly.
API to register a new or an existing user for an Adobe Connect Event.
limited-administrator-permissions info
Returns a list of permissions that can be enabled or disabled for the Limited Administrators group and the state of a permission.
Create metadata for a SCO or update an existing metadata describing a SCO using an Adobe Connect API.
Fetch the SCOs of Adobe Connect content that matches text to be searched.
Using an API, get a list of all SCOs matching a search text within the specified field to search for objects associated with a SCO.
Fetch detailed information about any content, meeting, or sessions (SCO) in Adobe Connect.
Adobe Connect legacy API to list the contents of a curriculum.
Returns a list of SCOs within another SCO. The enclosing SCO can be a folder, meeting, or curriculum.
Using Adobe Connect API, get a list of all the courses and curriculum a user has taken, whether or not the user has completed the training.
Fetch basic information about slides in a presentation, such as how many times it has been viewed and the name of the slide.
For a SCO, fetch its name, last viewed time, type of SCO, and so on.
Generate a list of all courses and curriculum a user or a group is enrolled in using Adobe Connect API.
Fetch information about a specific user-session of a meeting session.
Returns summary information about a course, including some reporting on users.
Know a user’s progress in a curriculum via API.
report-bulk-users API to get information of only users in an account and not groups.
Consolidated report about viewing of slides or any presentation in an account. Also, provides information on the page numbers of the slides, the time it was viewed, and user ID that views it.
API to get a list of the possible answers of a question in a quiz.
Manually process the existing and the new recordings for time gaps.
Using Administrator permissions, delete one or more users or groups (principals).
Create or update an existing principal (a user or group), using the same account as the user making the API call.
Use principal-list-by-field to query the custom fields and find principals that have a specific value in a custom field.
How to programmatically provide users access to or remove access from various Adobe Connect sessions.
Resets all permissions any principals have on a SCO to the permissions of its parent SCO. If the parent has no permissions set, the child SCO will also have no permissions.
Enable or disable features in a meeting, say to configure compliance settings. For example, tweak features of the various pods, disable recordings of meetings, and so on.
Update the disclaimer text that is shown when a user enters a meeting using an Adobe Connect API.
Find information about what permissions a principal has on a SCO, an account, or on a principal. Also, fetches the group and child information of the principal.
Provides information about the disclaimer text that is shown when a user enters a meeting. Also, see meeting-disclaimer-update.
Provides a list of recordings (FLV and MP4) from a specified folder.
API to log a user in to Adobe Connect
Log a user in to Adobe Connect Server using the login API and read cookie data from HTTP headers.
Fetch a list of learning path in a curriculum to determine whether a learner can proceed to the next learning object or not.
Add or remove one or more principals to or from a group.
Updates the settings for account-expiration notification to intimate the user a few days in advance.
Know the current number of days before account-expiration when a notification is sent to users.
Import guests to an Adobe Connect Event, using an API that accepts name and email ID of a guest.
Given a user’s login or principal-id, this action returns the list of events that the user attended. If an account-id is not provided, the currently active login account is used. If principal-id is not provided, the currently active principal is used.
Get a list of all the custom fields defined in an account and details of these fields.
Creates a new custom field or updates the value of an existing one on a principal or SCO.
Returns the number of peak concurrent learners and denied users grouped by day/week/month in the chosen time interval for the Peak Concurrent Learners Graph.
Fetch basic information about the current user and the Adobe Connect account, including the value of the BREEZESESSION cookie.
Lists all SCOs in a curriculum, including the contents of subfolders.
Update a field-id for the specified acl-id passed via Web Services API. Change, guided hints settings, check unexpected gaps in recordings, and tune the webcam video quality.
Updates a user profile with new language and time zone settings.
Get a list of the values for all the instances of a field name on your Adobe Connect Server account.
Fetch information about a principal, account, or SCO, as defined in an access control list (ACL).
Fetch the expiration date of an account using API.
You can enable or disable email notification types for an Event using event-notification-status-update Web Service API.
Move registration questions up or down in their listing on an Event page using asset-interactions-order-update API.
To add registration questions to an Event using API, use asset-interaction-response-update Web Service API.
Use asset-interaction-delete API to delete a registration question from an Event
API to fetch a list of email notifications that can be assigned to an Event.
Use Web Services APIs to send or receive data for automation to create custom applications for Adobe Connect.