Connect Enterprise 6
Returns a list of transcripts for trainings a user has taken. A transcript is the record of one score a user obtained from one attempt at taking one training. A training can be a course, curriculum, meeting, or event.
The response can include more than one transcript for a training SCO, if the user has attempted the training more than once. A user can fail a training the first time and then pass on the second attempt. Each attempt has its own transcript, and both transcripts are included in the report.
Request URL
http://server_name/api/xml ?action=report-user-training-transcripts &principal-id=integer &session=BreezeSessionCookieValue
Type |
Required |
Description |
principal-id |
Y |
The ID of a user whose transcripts you want. |
session |
String |
N |
The value of the BREEZESESSION cookie. Use this parameter if you do not use a client-side cookie management library. |
You can filter or sort the response on any element or attribute it contains.
Response structure
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <results> <status code=allowedValue /> <report-user-training-transcripts> <row transcript-id=integer sco-id=integer principal-id=integer status=allowedValue score=integer max-score=integer certificate=integer type=allowedValue icon=allowedValue> <name>string</name> <url-path>string</url-path> <login>string</login> <date-taken>datetime</date-taken> <principal-name>string</principal-name> <sco-tag>string</sco-tag> </row> ... </report-user-training-transcripts>
Response values
Element |
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
results | Container |
All results the action returns. |
status | Empty, with attributes |
The status of the response. |
code | Allowed value |
A code indicating the response status (see status). |
report-user-training-transcripts | Container |
Information about all transcripts for the specified user. |
row | Container |
Information about one attempt the user made on the training. |
transcript-id | BIGINT |
The ID of the transcript on which the user’s score is recorded. A distinct transcript exists for each of the user’s attempts at taking the SCO. |
sco-id | BIGINT |
The ID of the SCO, which can be a meeting, content, course, curriculum, event, or seminar. |
principal-id | BIGINT |
The ID of the user. |
status | Allowed value |
The status of the user’s work with the SCO (see status attribute for allowed values). |
score | Integer |
The score the user earned on the SCO. If the SCO does not have a score, as with a meeting, the value of score is 0. |
max-score | Integer |
The maximum score possible on the course or curriculum. |
certificate | BIGINT |
The ID of the record of the courses and curriculums the user has passed or completed. |
type | Allowed value |
The type of the SCO. Allowed values are user-content, content, and my-content. |
icon | Allowed value |
The name of the icon that identifies the course or curriculum in Adobe Connect Central. |
name | String |
The name of the course or curriculum. |
url-path | String |
The unique identifier of the course or curriculum that appears in its URL after the domain name. |
login | String |
The user’s login ID on Adobe Connect Server. |
date-taken | Datetime |
The date the user interacted with the course or curriculum (viewed a presentation, took a quiz, and so on). |
principal-name | String |
The name of the user interacting with the SCO. |
sco-tag | String |
A descriptive label for the SCO, in addition to the name (for example, a short course name). |
Sample request &principal-id=2006258745
Sample response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <results> <status code="ok" /> <report-user-training-transcripts> <row transcript-id="2006905612" sco-id="2006298431" principal-id="2006258745" status="review" score="0" max-score="" certificate="" type="content" icon="course"> <name>Test Course</name> <url-path>/test/</url-path> <login></login> <date-taken>2006-06-30T15:23:55.070-07:00</date-taken> <principal-name>Joy Smith</principal-name> </row> <row transcript-id="2007016805" sco-id="2006298431" principal-id="2006258745" status="review" score="0" max-score="" certificate="" type="content" icon="course"> <name>Test Course</name> <url-path>/test/</url-path> <login></login> <date-taken>2006-07-14T16:55:28.440-07:00</date-taken> <principal-name>Joy Smith</principal-name> </row> </report-user-training-transcripts> </results>