Adobe Aero | Common questions

Adobe Aero User Guide

Get answers to common questions about Adobe Aero.

What is Adobe Aero?

Adobe Aero is a cross platform solution that enables creatives with no coding and mininmal 3D experience to design, share, and view interactive augmented reality experiences.

Create and share using a desktop or mobile using the Aero app for iOS and view. View experiences on iOS or Android.

Is Adobe Aero free?

Yes, the Aero mobile (iOS) app is available free to download from the Apple App Store. Also, Aero desktop apps are available for free from the Creative cloud application.

Which devices can I run Aero on?

Aero is built for the best real-time visual quality and performance for both the authors and the viewers. For more information, see System requirement for Aero mobile (iOS) and System requirement for Aero desktop.

What can I create with Aero?

With Aero, you can create immersive experiences and tell compelling stories. Help your audience visualize how a billboard will look in its physical environment, or create an engaging learning experience in which learners interact with digital and physical content.

For inspiration on what is already being created using Aero, visit the Aero gallery on Behance.

What type of assets can I import into Aero?

You can import your 2D, 3D and audio content. Aero will even optimize some imported assets for AR.

To learn more about supported file formats, see Supported file formats.

Is there a cost to use Adobe Stock assets in Aero?

Adobe Stock is a growing marketplace of assets that you can use in Aero. There is no cost to access Adobe Stock, but you may need to license the assets. After licensing the assets, you can download and import these purchased assets into Aero.

What other Adobe products is Aero integrated with?

You can export assets directly from Photoshop and Dimension, and the 3D character animation website Adobe Mixamo.

You can import assets sourced from Adobe Stock, including images and 3D content. 

Aero is also integrated with Adobe cloud documents so that as you work to build an experience, the project is being saved and synced with the cloud to ensure that as you move between devices, your work is always available to you.

How can I share the experiences created with Aero?

You can easily share a viewable link or display the unique scanable QR code with your audience or collaborators or record a video or snapshot.


You can also export your document as a .real file to share with collaborators.

Is Aero available for enterprise?

Yes, Aero is available for enterprise users. It supports three identity types (Adobe ID, Enterprise ID, and Federated ID). 

How do I learn more about the possibilities with Aero?

You can get the latest information about Adobe Aero on

What's next?

We've got you covered on the common questions about Aero. To learn more about Aero and what you can make with it, see What is Adobe Aero.

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