Import Mixamo assets into Aero

Adobe Aero User Guide

Learn how to seamlessly import animated character assets from Mixamo into Adobe Aero.

Mixamo is a great tool to add animated 3D characters to your Adobe Aero experience without needing any 3D animation skills. Mixamo content is free to use when you log in with your Adobe ID.

Steps to import Mixamo assets

  1. Navigate to Choose an existing character or upload one of your own by selecting Upload Character. Learn how to Upload and rig 3D characters with Mixamo.

  2. Search and animation and customize it by using the sliders on the right side of the screen.

  3. Choose .FBX format and select Download.

What's Next?

We've got you covered on how to import assets from Mixamo. Next, you can try to place digital assets and edit scene

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