Design an AR experience using starter assets

Adobe Aero User Guide

Learn how to create a simple AR experience using Adobe Aero mobile on iOS and a starter asset.

Step-by-step instructions on how to create a simple AR experience using one of Adobe Aero's starter assets.

  1. Open Aero on your iOS device and tap on Create new.

  2. Choose a well-lit location near you such as a park or a large room.

  3. Pan the device slowly for Aero to scan the surface and set a surface anchor. 

    To learn more, see Scan a space and set a surface anchor.


  4. Tap on the plus (+) button and navigate to Starter assets > Animated > Dinosaur roaring

  5. Place the dinosaur in the space. Scale, rotate, resize, or reposition the dinosaur to match your preference.

    To learn more, see Place digital assets and edit scene.


  6. Once the dinosaur is placed, you can go ahead and add interactivity to it. Tap on the dinosaur to see a toolbar appear at the bottom of the screen.

  7. Tap on Behaviors > Trigger. You can set the trigger to Start, Touch, or Enter proximity. Let us choose Touch in this example.

    To learn more, see Add interactivity to digital assets.

  8. Then, tap on Action. You can choose from a list of actions like bounce, spin, move, and more. Let's choose Animate for the dinosaur. You can keep the default settings for this action or explore some different options. 

  9. In the preview mode, you can now see the animated dinosaur.

    Share your AR experience by capturing a video or image of the experience and sharing them with others.

    To learn more about the sharing options, see capture an image or a video

What's next?

We've got you started on how to create a simple AR experience using a starter asset. Try creating an AR experience, by importing your own assets into Aero.

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