Optimizing Assets for Augmented Reality

Adobe Aero User Guide

Learn how to prepare and optimize assets for importing into Adobe Aero.

It’s important to keep your Adobe Aero project size small for a better viewing experience. Optimized projects ensure people won't have to wait too long when viewing. Keep your project size below 50MB for a smooth delivery and faster load time. Below is guidance for optimizing your Adobe Aero projects.

Delete unused assets

  • Make sure to remove any unused assets in your scene before sharing you experience. Unused assets will increase the project size and load time even if they aren’t visible on the screen.

Unused audio assets can often cause increased project size. 

Streamline images

  • Large images can increase the file size and create slow load times for viewers. Importing large images and then scaling them down can add unneed file size to your project.
  • Consider using SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) files where appropriate. Learn how to export SVG files with Adobe Illustrator.

Compress audio assets

Optimizing 3D models

  • Reduce the polygon count of your 3D models as much as possible. Less than 15000 polygons is recommended.

  • Large texture sizes can quickly bloat a 3D asset. For best results, keep your texture sizes between 256x256 and 1024x1024.

  • Duplicate 3D assets inside Adobe Aero to create an instance instead of importing multiple copies of the same asset.


It's best to test the performance of your project on a typical mobile device before sharing it widely.

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