Import assets into Adobe Aero

Adobe Aero User Guide

Learn how to import asset into Adobe Aero on iOS and desktop.

Before you begin

It’s always a good idea to optimize your assets before importing. Learn how to prepare Dimension, PhotoshopIllustrator, and prepare 3D content for Adobe Aero.

Import assets into Adobe Aero mobile (iOS)

  1. Save the file that you want to import into Adobe Aero, in a place accessible from your mobile device (Creative Cloud, files, or camera roll).
  2. Open Adobe Aero and navigate to the plus (+) button in the Edit mode.
  3. Browse to where your file is located on your mobile device.
  4. Tap to place the asset.

Import assets to Adobe Aero desktop

  1. Drag the compatible file into your scene or choose any of the following options to import assets:
    • In the Home screen, click File > Import.
    • Click the + icon on the upper-left corner.
    • For macOS, press CMD + I.
  2. Navigate to where your file is located and select the file.
  3. The file is loaded in the scene.
Import assets
Import assets to Adobe Aero desktop.

What's next?

Learn how to place and edit the assets in Adobe Aero mobile iOS or Adobe Aero desktop.

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