Photoshop files with Adobe Aero

Adobe Aero User Guide

Learn about using Adobe Photoshop files with layers in Adobe Aero.

Adobe Aero respects the layers of an Adobe Photoshop file. You can offset the layers to add 3D depth or variation to your AR experience.


Keep the file size and the number of layers of your Photoshop file as low as possible. It’s also recommended to flatten any layer groups in Photoshop.

Offsetting layers of a Photoshop file in Adobe Aero

  1. Import your prepared Photoshop file into Adobe Aero.
  2. Select the assets and navigate to the Properties panel.
  3. Adjust the Layer Spacing to offset layers in the desired direction.

Photoshop document features supported in Adobe Aero

Layer Visibility

Layer must be visible to appear in Adobe Aero.

Layer Naming

Layers must not have duplicate names.

Layer Groups

All layer groups at the top level are flattened into a single layer each.

Adjustment Layers / Blend Modes

Adjustment layers and blend modes at the top level of the document are ignored. Adjustment layers within layers groups are applied to the group when it’s flattened.

Text Layers / Vector Layers / Smart Objects

Smart objects, text layers, and vector layers are rasterized.

Layer Effects

Layer effects are rasterized.


Channels applied as masks are respected as part of the layer composites. Extra channels are ignored.

What's next?

In Adobe Aero, follow the steps to import assets from Creative Cloud Files.

You can then place the asset, edit the scene, and add interactivity to your 3D content. 

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