Live Text Templates

About Live Text Templates

You can create text template compositions in After Effects wherein the source text can be edited in Premiere Pro. Any composition with text layers can be used as a text template, and unlocked text layers in that composition can be edited in Premiere Pro.


With After Effects CC April 2017 release, you can use Motion Graphics templates to create graphics, which can be shared and edited in Premiere Pro. The Motion Graphics templates expand on text templates in After Effects.

Export compositions as text templates

You can share After Effects compositions as text templates with Premiere Pro as a single, packaged file that contains all the assets required for that composition. The template behaves like any other imported footage within Premiere Pro, with the added ability to modify the text. Using this feature, you can easily send a text template as a single file to the editor. To make this feature work, you need a free or licensed copy of After Effects installed on the same computer on which you have installed Premiere Pro.

  1. Create a composition with one or more text layers.

  2. Choose File > Export > Composition as Text Template or Composition > Export Composition as Text Template.

  3. Save the file as a .aecap file. You can import this file in to Premiere Pro and modify the text.


    After exporting the .aecap file, you cannot edit it in After Effects.

Creating and editing live text templates

  1. Create an After Effects composition with one or more text layers.

  2. Animate, add effects, or perform any other action that you want to on the text layer.

  3. Click the Lock icon to lock any text layers that you do not want to be edited in Premiere Pro. The locked text layer is not editable in Premiere Pro, but is still visible.

  4. Save your After Effects project.

  5. In Premiere Pro, click File > Import to import the text template.

  6. Load the composition in the Source Monitor.

    The After Effects Editable Text category is displayed in the Effect Controls panel in Premiere Pro.

  7. Edit the source text items in the Effect Controls panel in Premiere Pro, and verify that the items appear in the content in Premiere Pro. The changes do not affect the original material in After Effects. 

    The edited text is sent from Premiere Pro to After Effects and the original text in After Effects is replaced.

  8. In After Effects, you can modify the text layer. 

    The text is rendered and then sent back to Premiere Pro.


You can modify the source text in After Effects for one of the text layers where the text was changed in Premiere Pro. The text does not change in Premiere Pro.

See the Live text templates section in Premiere Pro for details specific to Premiere Pro.

Motion Graphics templates

In After Effects, you can add different controls, modify them, and then pack them as shareable Motion Graphics templates. Motion Graphics templates expand on the text templates in After Effects and give more tools to create shareable assets. For more information, see Creating Motion Graphics templates using Essential Graphics panel.

Creating Motion Graphics templates in After Effects

Watch this video to learn about creating Motion Graphics templates in After Effects

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