Animate quickly using the After Effects Properties panel

Create motion graphics quickly and easily using the Properties panel in Adobe After Effects.

New to motion design?

If you use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, you'll feel right at home with the Properties panel displaying controls where you expect to find them.

Already an After Effects pro?

You can cut down on your twirl time by quickly accessing the properties you need right away by simply selecting a layer.

The Properties panel is designed to help you animate faster and easier

A handy panel

The Properties panel lives next to your composition window, enabling you to work with properties and transforms.

Animate faster

With the Properties panel, there is no need to twirl open multiple-layer hierarchies or open different panels during your animation workflow.

Simplified workflow

Quickly add animation to your text, shapes, and layers without changing the timeline view.

Easy accessibility 

Easy, contextual access to the important properties and controls for your selected layer or layers.

Make the most out of the Properties panel in After Effects

Play this video to learn how to use the Properties panel in After Effects and speed up your animation workflow.

How to use the Properties panel

After Effects Properties panel is a contextual panel that can be moved and stacked over other panels. To enable this panel, select Window > Properties.

  1. Select any layer in the Timeline or Composition panel to display the related controls in the Properties panel. Additional properties are shown for Text or Shape layers.

  2. The Layer Transform section will be displayed for all layer types at the top of the Properties panel. You can extend the panel or scroll down to view the controls.

  3. If you want to reveal a property in the Timeline, double-click it in the Properties panel or right-click on the property and select Reveal in Timeline.

Use the Properties panel for Text layers

You can use the Properties panel to access and animate text layers, edit text and paragraph properties, and add text animations.

  1. Select the Text layer in the Timeline or Composition panel.

  2. In the Properties panel, use the Layer Transform to work with controls such as Position, Scale, Rotation, Opacity, and so on.


    You can select the Anchor Point icon next to the Anchor Point property to use Quick Set Anchor and adjust the anchor point location. Choosing any point in the Quick Set Anchor dialog will update the anchor point for all selected layers and close the dialog.

  3. Use the Text and Paragraph sections to work with text and paragraph properties or styles.

  4. You can also use Add Animator under the Text Animation section to add other animator properties to the selected text layer.


If the Auto-Open Panel is enabled for the Type   tools in the toolbar, selecting them will open the Properties panel if it isn't already open.

Use the Properties panel for Shape layers

The Properties panel allows quick and easy access to selected Shape layer properties without having to work with multiple layer hierarchies in the Timeline panel. 

  1. Select the Shape layer in the Timeline or Composition panel.

  2. In the Properties panel, use the Layer Transform to work with controls such as PositionScaleRotationOpacity, and so on.

  3. Use the Shape Properties and Shape Transform sections to work with shape properties or transform controls.

  • If the Auto-Open Panel is enabled for the Shape   or Pen   tools in the toolbar, selecting them will open the Properties panel if it isn't already open.
  • You can also select the Anchor Point icon next to the Anchor Point property to use Quick Set Anchor and adjust the anchor point location.

Use the Properties panel for layers with Essential Properties

The Properties panel displays Essential Properties when a layer with Essential Properties is selected. You can use the exposed controls to modify properties without having to worry about the complexity of multiple-layer hierarchies in the Timeline panel.

  1. Select the layer with Essential Properties in the Timeline or Composition panel.

  2. In the Properties panel, use the exposed controls under Essential Properties to work with properties.


Essential Properties in the Properties panel also give you access to font controls that are not available in the Timeline view of Essential Properties. Use Edit Properties for Source Text in the Essential Graphics panel to enable custom font selection, size adjustment, and styles.

Use the Properties panel for layers with Camera and Light properties

Camera and Light layers are crucial for creating visually compelling animations. Camera layers allow you to create depth and perspective in your compositions to match real-world camera parameters such as Focal Length, Angle of View, Zoom, and more. And, the Light layers allow you to set light types to cast shadows, create highlights, and add depth to your scenes to enhance the realism of your compositions.

When working with the Camera and Light layers, you can use the Properties panel as a central control section to quickly adjust the layer's Transform properties and settings options without navigating to the timeline.

Use the Properties panel for a Camera layer

  1. Select the Camera layer in the Timeline panel.

  2. In the Properties panel, use the Layer Transform options to adjust its attributes.

    Point of Interest

    Adjust it to change the direction in which the camera is pointing while keeping its position fixed.


    Adjust the camera location in the composition by moving the camera along the X, Y, and Z axes.


    Adjust the camera's rotation along the X, Y, and Z axes to change its viewing angle.

    X Rotation

    Rotate the camera around the X-axis, which runs horizontally from left to right. 

    Y Rotation

    Rotate the camera around the Y-axis, which runs vertically from bottom to top.

    Z Rotation

    Rotate the camera around the Z-axis – counterclockwise or clockwise.

  3. Under Camera options, use the available options and Camera Settings to control how the camera behaves and captures the elements within your scene.

    The Properties panel shows the Layer Transform and Camera Options of the selected Camera layer. There are multiple options to specify the layer transforms and camera settings.
    Layer Transform and Camera Options in the Properties panel when a Camera layer is selected in a composition using the Classic 3D renderer.

Use the Properties panel for a Light layer

  1. Select the Light layer in the Timeline panel.

  2. In the Properties panel, use the Layer Transform options to adjust the position, scale, rotation, and anchor point of the Light layer.

  3. You can use the Light Options section to control the appearance and behavior of light in your compositions. 

    The Properties panel shows the Layer Transform and Light Options of the selected Light layer. There are multiple options to specify the layer transforms and light settings.
    Use the Layer Transform and Light Options in the Properties panel to work with the selected Light layer.

Use the Properties panel to adjust the anchor points

  Use new beta features

Quick Set Anchor is now available for testing and feedback. Try it now in After Effects (beta).

Whether you’re fine-tuning animations or aligning elements in your composition, Quick Set Anchor in the Properties panel provides you with a quick and easy way to position and adjust your anchor points. When you select a 2D layer and then the Anchor Point icon next to the Anchor Point property in the Properties panel, a temporary pop-over Quick Set Anchor dialog allows you to select from any of nine commonly used points — all the corners and centers of your layer’s edges.

Join the conversation about Quick Set Anchor in the After Effects (Beta) community.

Use the Properties panel for 3D compositions

  Use new beta features

3D model options in the Properties panel are now available for testing and feedback. Try it now in After Effects (beta).

The latest version of After Effects (beta) supports 3D model options in the Properties panel, making it fast and easy to adjust how a model responds to lights and shadows and to select embedded animations. 

A 3D model is selected and the Properties panel shows Compositing Options and Animations Options for adjustment.

Compositing Options such as Casts Shadows, Accepts Shadows, Accept Lights, and Shadow Color are available for all supported 3D model types. The embedded animations of the 3D models can be accessed using Animation Options.

Join the conversation about 3D model options in the Properties panel in the After Effects (Beta) community.

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