Extract and animate lights and cameras from 3D models

Learn how to extract lights and cameras from the imported 3D models in compositions and animate them.

Extracting lights and cameras in After Effects can help you quickly recreate the scene you created using your 3D modeling application. You can currently extract lights and cameras from GLB, GLTF, and OBJ models in a composition. 

When you import your first 3D model into a composition, After Effects creates a default hidden Environment Light that helps you view your scene until you manually add a Light layer. After Effects also allows you to use the Default camera to view your scene. But, for maximum flexibility, you should create a Camera layer that you'll use to render so you can use the Default camera to inspect your scene.

Extract lights from a 3D model and animate them

When you import a 3D model, similar to a camera layer, After Effects will create a new light layer based on the light data in the 3D scene. 

If the lights are animated, keyframes will be created in the Timeline panel. 

  1. Import the 3D model and add it to your composition.

  2. Select the layer with the 3D model in the Composition panel and select Layer > Light > Create Lights from 3D Model.

  3. A new light layer is created based on the camera data in the 3D scene. 

  4. If the lights are animated, keyframes will be created in the Timeline panel for you to work with. If not, you can start creating your own. 

Extract cameras from a 3D model and animate them

When you import a 3D model, After Effects will create a new camera layer based on the camera data in the 3D scene. If the cameras are animated, keyframes will be created in the Timeline panel. 

  1. Import the 3D model and add it to your composition.

  2. Select the layer with the 3D model in the Composition panel and select Layer > Camera > Create Cameras from 3D Model.

  3. A new camera layer is created based on the camera data in the 3D scene. 

  4. If the cameras are animated, keyframes will be created in the Timeline panel for you to work with. If not, you can start creating your own. 

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Support varies between 3D modeling apps for saving lights and cameras into GLB, GLTF, or OBJ files. You may need to change how the file is saved, and some features may not be supported. 
  • Similarly, there are differences in how 3D scene data is represented between different 3D apps and 3D file formats. After Effects Beta does its best to translate the scene data available in the file into its own camera and light layers. Light power, for example, can be expressed in several ways by a 3D app. If you see a case where something seems wrong, let us know so we can investigate.
  • Keyframes will be created for every frame of animation. 
  • OBJ format does not support camera and light scene data.
  • Extraction is a one-way process. If you update the scene in your 3D modeling app and re-save the file, After Effects Beta will not automatically update cameras or lights that have already been extracted. You'll need to re-extract the updated cameras or lights.

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