Import 3D models from Creative Cloud Libraries

Learn how to add 3D models to your Creative Cloud Libraries and use them for your projects.

Add 3D models from Adobe Stock

You can easily add 3D models to your Creative Cloud Libraries from Adobe Stock, your local system, or your After Effects projects in a few simple steps.

  1. Go to Adobe Stock and search for free 3D models, or browse through the entire collection of 3D models.

  2. Choose a model and select Save to Library to add it to your library.

    Choose a 3D model in Adobe Stock and use the Save to Library option to add it to your library.
    Choose a 3D model in Adobe Stock and use the Save to Library option to add it to your library.

  3. Open the Libraries panel to view the saved 3D model. If you can't find it there, use the Cloud   icon at the bottom-left corner of the Libraries panel to sync and update your library.

    The saved 3D model in Adobe Stock starts reflecting in your library.
    Open the Libraries panel to view the 3D model you saved on the Adobe Stock website.

  4. Drag and drop to import your 3D model into the Project or Composition panel.


Adobe Stock 3D models that use Adobe Standard Material properties are currently not supported. 

Add 3D models from your system

In addition to adding 3D models available in Adobe Stock, you can also add models from your system to Creative Cloud Libraries.

Add 3D models from your project

  1. Import the 3D model in After Effects and from the Project panel.

  2. Drag and drop the model to the Libraries panel. 

Add 3D models from your system to Creative Cloud library

  1. In the Creative Cloud desktop app, go to Files > Your Libraries

    Adding 3D models using the Creative Cloud desktop app.
    Go to Your libraries in the Creative Cloud desktop app and drag-drop the 3D model.

  2. Navigate to the library where you would like to add the model file. 

  3. Drag the file from your system and drop it into the list of files in that library.

  • When adding your own 3D models to a library, we recommend using the GLB format. While the GLTF or OBJ format models are also supported, they rely on links to dependent material and texture files that will break inside the library. GLB packages all dependencies into a single file and doesn’t experience this issue.
    3D models added to a library by the Adobe Substance apps, like Substance Stager, upload as USDZ files, which are not currently supported by After Effects Beta. Instead of adding the model to your library using the Libraries panel in the Substance apps, export it as a GLB file and import it into After Effects or add it to your library

Import 3D models from Creative Cloud Libraries to your project

You can directly add GLB, GLTF, and OBJ 3D models from your Creative Cloud Libraries into your project or composition.

  1. Open the Libraries panel. To enable the panel, select Window > Libraries

  2. Drag the 3D model from the Libraries panel to the Project panel, or right-click on the 3D model and select Add to project.  

    Use Add to project option to add the 3D model from your library to the project.
    Use the Add to project option to add the 3D model from your library to the project.

  3. You can also simply drag and drop the 3D model from the Libraries to the Composition or Timeline panels.


You can manage files in your libraries using the Creative Cloud desktop or web app.

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