Import and add 3D models to your composition

Learn how to import 3D model files in After Effects and use them in your composition.

With After Effects 24.1 and later versions, you can import your 3D models directly into your project and drop them into your composite alongside other 2D and 3D layers.

Working with 3D models in After Effects

How to import a 3D model, composite all assets, and turn it into a final 3D motion video in After Effects. 


You can use Adobe Substance 3D Painter to prepare 3D models before you import them into After Effects.

Import 3D models to a project

  1. Select File > Import > File or use the Import option in the Project panel.

  2. Select GLB, GLTF, OBJ, or FBX (currently in beta) file formats from the device to import and select Open

    A new folder with the model's name is created in the project for the 3D model file. If the 3D model file has dependent files (texture image files and BIN for GLTF), they are also placed inside this folder. 


    You can import 3D files without additional dependent files in the Project panel. Learn more about Decluttered 3D model import.


    If you want to manually collect the dependent files, select File > Dependencies > Collect Files.

Supported 3D file formats for import

  • GLTF and GLB:  GLTF (Graphics Language Transmission Format) is a newer, royalty-free specification for the efficient transmission and loading of 3D scenes, which is developed and maintained as an open standard by the Khronos Group. GLTF and its binary package format GLB (Graphics Language Transmission Format Binary) have a wider variety of features, including scene cameras and lights, data compression, and model animation. GLB and GLTF files support physically-based materials for a more realistic appearance.
  • OBJ (Wavefront Object): OBJ is one of the most commonly used 3D model file formats and can be imported into your composition and treated with the same animation workflow as that of GLTF and GLB files.

  Use new beta features

FBX import support is now available for testing and feedback. Try it now in After Effects (beta).

  • FBX (Filmbox): FBX is the default file format for animated models, a popular online platform for creating and downloading character animations. You can use the FBX files to incorporate embedded animations in your 3D compositions. 

Join the discussion on FBR import support in the After Effects (Beta) community.


GLB is the preferred file format for most uses in After Effects because it's a single-file package that includes all dependent resources and texture data. GLTF relies on additional files, which may require additional file tracking by the project.

Add imported 3D model to a composition

  1. Select File > Import > File, or use the Import option in the Project panel.

  2. Select GLB, GLTF, OBJ, or FBX (currently in beta) file formats from the device to import.

    Once you import the 3D model into the Project panel and select that model, a thumbnail will appear.

    In the Project panel, a 3D model called '3d-model-2.obj' is selected and a thumbnail preview of the chosen 3D model is displayed with otehr details.
    A thumbnail preview of the chosen 3D model allows for quick identification before you add it to your timeline.

  3. Add the imported 3D file to your composition by dragging it to the Timeline panel.

  4. Specify the desired settings In the Model Settings dialog. By default, the Preview option is enabled, and in the Composition panel, you get a preview of what the model looks like when the settings are modified.

    Import 3D model files in GLTF, GLB, or OBJ formats and add them to your composition.

    Object Scale

    Change the object's scale.

    Make Comp Size

    Make the imported model fit the composition size.

    Object position while scaling

    Choose to allow changes in the 3D model's position while scaling.

    Model Units

    Change the model units in the object scale. 

    Up Axis

    Change the axis of the 3D model to either Y Axis or Z Axis.

    Flip Z Axis

    Flip the 3D models around their Z axis.

    Extract all materials

    Extract the materials from the imported 3D model. These extracted materials are stored in the Materials folder in the Project panel.


    You can access the Model Settings dialog anytime by selecting the model in the Project, Timeline, or Composition panels and choosing Layer > Model Settings.

    • When you set settings for the imported 3D model in the Model Settings dialog, it would be considered as 100 scale in your composition. 
    • When you add a 3D model to your composition, your 3D Renderer will change to the new Advanced 3D, and you can turn on Draft 3D to use the ground plane or extended viewer.
  5. Select OK to complete adding the model to your composition.


You can also import GLTF and GLB 3D models from your Creative Cloud Libraries.

Decluttered 3D model import

In the latest build, imported 3D models are placed at the Root level in the Project panel instead of their own folder. Dependent and related files such as .mtl, .mdl, .scene, .bin, and texture folders will no longer be visible in the Project panel. 

Before reference image of how decluttered 3D model import works.
After reference image of how decluttered 3D model import works.

 Decluttered 3D model import ensures all dependent and related files of an imported 3D file are no longer visible in the Project panel. 

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Collect files still adds the model dependencies files in the set of collected files.
  • After Effects will no longer display dependent files in the Project panel when opening an older project.
  • When saving projects with 3D files as older versions, After Effects creates a folder for models to ensure these versions have a designated place for dependent files when the project is opened.

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