Using (Legacy) with Premiere Pro and After Effects

Use to share video projects with anyone who needs to see them or provide feedback. Everything is in one place: All of your comments and reviewers’ notes are connected with your Premiere Pro or After Effects projects, so it’s easy to keep track of reviews and approvals.  


This article shows resources related to the Review with (Legacy) panel for Premiere Pro. If you’re using Version 4 (V4), please note:

  • V4 accounts are not compatible with this panel.
  • To use V4 in Premiere Pro, download the extension or learn more via this support article. If you are using Premiere Pro v22.3 and later and looking to use the Review with (Legacy) panel, you can find this extension here: Window > Review with

Before you start

 Have you updated to the latest version of Premiere Pro and After effects; and installed and activated extension yet? If not, upgrade your apps or install the extension using the instructions here.

How works

Want to try how it works? Open the panel in Premiere Pro (22.3 or later) and get started! offers a panel within Premiere Pro and After Effects (Window > Workspaces > Review) or (Window > Review with, a web app, and more collaborative features.

Use the web app ( for the full feature experience. Through web, you can manage versions, and update permissions.

With the panel inside Premiere Pro and After Effects, you can easily access media, add collaborators, share for review, upload your timeline for sharing, share in presentation mode, and import comments and annotations directly into your project. Make the most of by starting within the app and then moving to the web interface for advanced features. is built into the latest versions of Premiere Pro and After Effects and it is included with Creative Cloud subscription.

Parts of the panel
Parts of the panel

A. Select from the available projects or Add project B. Upload and download media C. Manage versions D. Add collaborators E. Share projects 

When you’re ready to collaborate, create a new project inside In the panel menu bar, you can upload specific files or the current active sequence and choose the specific settings for that project. 

The web app offers additional functionality such as more powerful collaboration tools, version management, and project sharing for review and comment. The web app also includes Camera to Cloud - the fastest, easiest, and most secure way to get footage from cameras into

The app on the web
The app on the web

A. List of projects B. All media C. Links of all projects sent out for review D. Links of all branded presentations E. List of all camera 2 cloud connections 

Upload media will accept any file uploaded to your project. File types that support viewers and reviewing features include all standard video, image, audio, and PDF types.

Upload media in Premiere Pro

Upload your media by dragging and dropping the file or folder anywhere onto the project. (Only available in the web app)

Upload media

Or, select Upload > Active Sequence on the top of your window.

Upload media in After Effects

  • Active Comp uploads selected comps from the Timeline.
  • Queued Comps uploads comps that are queued for render in the Render Queue. learn more about Render Queue.

For more information about how the various Upload options work, see Using the After Effects extension.

Select Upload > Active Comp (or other options) on the top of your window.
Select Upload > Active Comp (or any other option) on the top of the window.

Upload active sequence and active comp

With the Active Sequence option in Premiere Pro and the Active Comp and Queued Comps options in After Effects, you can render and upload the Timeline directly in to for sharing without leaving the app.

Upload active sequence in Premiere Pro
Upload active sequence in Premiere Pro

Upload active comp in After Effects
Upload active comp in After Effects

  • Name: What you want the file to be called in
  • Preset: The render preset you want to use.
  • Range: Whether you want to export the whole sequence, or what's between an In & Out point.
  • Render to: Where the exported file lives on disk.
  • Export markers at comments - Turns timeline markers into comments when uploaded.
  • Keep rendered file - Keeps the exported file on disk at the above location. Turning off deletes the files once the upload is complete
  • Auto-version - Adds new versions of a sequence to a version stack.

Points to note

 In both cases, if you choose to upload folders, retains the folder structure automatically.

 No need to compress your media beforehand. Upload your largest files, and plays it back smoothly when it's ready. uses an accelerated file uploader. encodes the files into H.264 videos to play seamlessly on the web while making the original file available for download.

 After the upload is complete, instantly creates hover scrubs for videos, and thumbnails for your still images. Non-media file types are identified with a file icon.

Share projects for review

Share for review from in-app panel
Share for review from in-app panel

  1. Open your project or file in the panel.
  2. Click Share For Review. A shareable link generates automatically.
  3. Copy the link to dashboard and share it offline using the chain link icon. For advanced sharing capabilities, go to on the web.

Add comments

Reviewers can comment on specific video frames in the text field below the composition window. Use the annotation options such as font color to customize the comments before posting. These comments appear in the Comment list panel on the left, where you can view every comment along with the timestamp. You can post a reply, delete a comment, and mark a comment as complete in the Comment list.

Adding a comment with annotations
Adding a comment with annotations

Navigate the Timeline with the comment list

When you click a comment, it takes you to the specific video frame to which it was added. Simply click any comment to navigate through the Timeline.

Click the comment to navigate the timeline
Click the comment to navigate the timeline

Import comments as markers in Premiere Po

After you receive feedback from reviewers, you can import their comments as markers on your timeline.

To import comments, you first need to link your sequence with the video. This is automatically done if you previously uploaded your sequence through the extension. But you can also link a video to your sequence manually.

  1. In the panel, double-click the clip to open the player. Available comments display on the play bar, click a comment to jump to the exact frame in the video. If it doesn't work, click the Link Playheads icon at the bottom middle of the player.

    Clicking the Link Playheads icon
    Clicking the Link Playheads icon

  2. Once the video is linked, a purple badge is shown on the clip, indicating it is linked to the sequence.

    Purple badge indicating the video is linked to the sequence
    Purple badge indicating the video is linked to the sequence

  3. While linked, click the Comment icon, and click Import Comments.

    After importing the comments, you can see the comment, collaborator, and comment time in the marker on the timeline.

    Import comments
    Import comments


If the correct Premiere Project is open, you can open the related Premiere Pro sequence by opening a Linked clip in

Add collaborators

To add collaborators:

    • To add collaborators in the web app, open the project in a browser. ( Click the (+) plus user sign at the top right.
    • Follow the same steps to add collaborators in the panel.
    Adding collaborators in the panel within the app
    Adding collaborators in the panel within the app

    Adding collaborators in the web app
    Adding collaborators in the web app

    • In the web app, if the user is added to your account, you can search for them by name, and if they're not already part of your account, you can invite them by email address.
    • In the panel, follow the same steps to search for collaborators and click Add. Collaborators are added or invited to your project.
    Searching for collaborators
    Searching for collaborators in on the web

    Searching for collaborators in panel within the app
    Searching for collaborators in panel within the app

  1. In web app:

    You can choose to send a personalized message with the invite too.

    The user will receive an email notification asking them to join the project.

    Users must sign in with the exact email address that has been invited.

    Inviting collaborators
    Inviting collaborators

  2. In web app and the in-app panel:

    Enable the project invite link, which generates a URL. 

    Send this URL out so users can add themselves to the project.

    Enabling the green chain icon project invite link
    Enabling the green chain icon project invite link in the app

    Enabling the project invite link on the web
    Enabling the green chain icon project invite link on the web

Remove collaborators

To remove collaborators:

  1. Select the project.
  2. Click the Collaborator icon on the top right. 
  3. Click the - icon on the user that should be removed from that project. 
  4. Click Do it to confirm the action.
Remove collaborators
Remove collaborators

Share edits with external reviewers

You can share any project such as a Premiere Pro or After Effects project, project, or a sequence with collaborators outside your organization in the following ways:

  • Share as Presentation: This is solely to present clips for viewing and downloading with custom branding elements.
  • Share for Review: Create shareable links for reviewers. For more information, see Share for Review.

Hand off files from Camera to Cloud

Camera to Cloud

You can directly hand off files from your camera into your project directly from the set using Camera to cloud. Open the panel in Premiere Pro or After Effects to start.

Want to learn more? Check out the Camera to Cloud Training Series.

Camera to cloud

Do more with other plans

If you are looking for additional capabilities, you can consider the Team plan. For archival storage, more active storage, additional security and more, consider Team. To learn more about plans, see plans.

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