Zuletzt aktualisiert am
11. Jänner 2022
Gilt auch für ColdFusion
Function | Description |
Asc | Finds the ASCII value of a character. |
BinaryDecode | Converts a string to a binary object. |
BinaryEncode | Converts binary data to a string. |
Canonicalize | Canonicalize or decodes the input string. |
CharsetDecode | Converts a string to its binary representation. |
CharsetEncode | Uses the specified encoding to convert binary data to a string. |
Chr | Converts a numeric value to a UCS-2 character. |
CJustify | Centers a string in a field length. |
Compare | Performs a case-sensitive comparison of two strings. |
CompareNoCase | Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two strings. |
DayOfWeekAsString | Determines the day of the week as a string from 1-7. |
Decrypt | Decrypts a string that is encrypted with the Encrypt function. |
EncodeForCSS | Encodes the input string for use in CSS. |
EncodeForDN | Encodes a given string for safe output in LDAP Distinguished Names. |
EncodeForHTML | Encodes the input string for safe output in the body of a HTML tag. |
EncodeForHTMLAttribute | Encodes the input string for safe output in the attribute value of a HTML tag. |
EncodeForJavaScript | Encodes the input string for use in JavaScript. |
EncodeForLDAP | Encodes an input string for a safe output in LDAP queries. |
EncodeForURL | Encodes the input string for use in URLs. |
EncodeForXML | Encodes a string for XML. |
EncodeForXMLAttribute | Encodes a string that can be used as an XML attribute. |
Encrypt | Encrypts a string. |
Find | Finds the first occurrence of a substring in a string, from a specified start position. |
FindNoCase | Finds the first occurrence of a substring in a string, from a specified start position. The search is not case-sensitive. |
FindOneOf | Finds the first occurrence of any one of a set of characters in a string, from a specified start position. |
FormatBaseN | Converts number to a string, in the base specified by a radix. |
GenerateSecretKey | Generates a secure random key value. |
GetToken | Determines whether a token of the list in the delimiters parameter is present in a string. |
Hash | Converts a string into a fixed length hexadecimal string. |
Hmac | Creates Hash-based Message Authentication Code for the given string based on the algorithm and encoding. |
HTMLCodeFormat | Replaces special characters in a string with their HTML-escaped equivalents and inserts <pre> and </pre> tags at the beginning and end of the string. |
HTMLEditFormat | Deprecated function |
Insert | Inserts a substring in a string after a specified character position. |
JSStringFormat | Escapes special JavaScript characters, such as single-quotation mark, double-quotation mark, and newline. |
LCase | Converts the alphabetic characters in a string to lowercase. |
Left | Returns up to the leftmost count characters in a string. |
Len | Determines the length of a string or binary object. |
ListValueCount | Counts instances of a specified value in a list. The search is case-sensitive. |
ListValueCountNoCase | Counts instances of a specified value in a list. The search is case-insensitive. |
LJustify | Left justifies characters in a string of a specified length. |
LSIsCurrency | Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a currency amount in the current locale. |
LSIsDate | Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a date/time value in the current locale. |
LSIsNumeric | Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a number in the current locale. |
LSParseCurrency | Converts a locale-specific currency string into a formatted number. |
LSParseDateTime | Converts a string that is a valid date/time representation in the current locale into a date/time object. |
LSParseEuroCurrency | Formats a locale-specific currency string as a number. |
LSParseNumber | Converts a string that is a valid numeric representation in the current locale into a formatted number. |
LTrim | Removes leading spaces from a string. |
Mid | Extracts a substring from a string. |
MonthAsString | Determines the name of the month that corresponds to month_number. |
ParagraphFormat | Replaces single and double newline characters with spaces and HTML paragraph tags respectively. |
ParseDateTime | Parses a date/time string according to the English (U.S.) locale conventions. |
REFind | Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a pattern. The search is case sensitive. |
REFindNoCase | Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a pattern, starting from a specified position. The search is case-insensitive. |
REMatch | Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a pattern, starting from a specified position. The search is case sensitive. |
REMatchNoCase | Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a pattern, starting from a specified position. The search is case sensitive. |
RemoveChars | Removes characters from a string. |
RepeatString | Creates a string that contains a specified number of repetitions of the specified string. |
Replace | Replaces occurrences of substring1 in a string with an object in a specified scope. The search is case sensitive. |
ReplaceList | Replaces occurrences of the elements from a delimited list in a string with corresponding elements from another delimited list. The search is case sensitive. |
ReplaceNoCase | Replaces occurrences of substring1 with substring2, in the specified scope. The search is case-insensitive. |
REReplace | Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a string pattern and replace it with another. The search is case sensitive. |
REReplaceNoCase | Uses a regular expression to search a string for a string pattern and replace it with another. The search is case-insensitive. |
Reverse | Reverses the order of items, such as the characters in a string or the digits in a number. |
Right | Gets a specified number of characters from a string, beginning at the right. |
RJustify | Right justifies characters of a string. |
RTrim | Removes spaces from the end of a string. |
SpanExcluding | Gets characters from a string, from the beginning to a character that is in a specified set of characters. |
SpanIncluding | Gets characters from a string, from the beginning to a character that is not in a specified set of characters. |
StringSort | Sorts an input string. |
StringSome | Calls a given closure/function with every element in a given string and returns true, if one of the closure calls returns true. |
StringReduce | Iterates over every element of the string and calls the closure to work on the elements of the string. |
StringMap | Iterates over every entry of the string and calls the closure function to work on the element of the string. |
StringFilter | Filters a string to its elements for which the callback function returns true. |
StringEvery | Determines if all elements of a string satisfy a given condition. |
StringEach | iterates over a string and runs the closure function for each element in the string. |
StripCR | Deletes return characters from a string. |
ToBase64 | Calculates the Base64 representation of a string or binary object. |
ToBinary | Calculates the binary representation of Base64-encoded data, PDF document, or a spreadsheet. |
ToString | Converts a value to a string. |
Trim | Removes leading and trailing spaces and control characters from a string. |
UCase | Converts the alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase. |
URLDecode | Decodes a URL-encoded string. |
URLEncodedFormat | Generates a URL-encoded string. |
Val | Converts numeric characters that occur at the beginning of a string to a number. |
Wrap | Wraps text so that each line has a specified maximum number of characters. |
XmlFormat | Escapes special XML characters in a string so that the string can be used as text in XML. |