Collaborate using GitHub

Learn how to collaborate from RoboHelp using GitHub.

Prerequisites for connecting to GitHub

  1. Install GitHub in your system. For detailed instructions, see the GitHub installation page
  2. Add GitHub to system PATH.
  3. Set up GitHub in your system. For detailed instructions, see GitHub help.

Create a GitHub connection profile

To connect RoboHelp with GitHub, create a GitHub connection profile.

  1. Open RoboHelp.

  2. Choose Collaborate > New Connection.

  3. In the Connection Profiles dialog box, specify a name for your connection profile.

  4. From the Version Control drop-down list, select Git.

  5. In the Repository SSH URL field, specify the repository SSH URL in the following format:


  6. In the Branch field, specify the branch name, for example, master.

  7. In the SSH Private Key field, specify or navigate to the path of the SSH key that is linked to your GitHub repository.

    To create an SSH key, see GitHub help


    While creating the SSH key, do not provide any paraphrase. There is a known issue with keys with password, which will be fixed in the next update.

    After the SSH key is created and added, test your SSH connection. For more information, see GitHub help.

    A message confirming the successful addition of the SSH key appears at the lower-right corner of the screen.

  8. In the Local Path field, specify the project path.

    The project path must be different for each of the following scenarios:

    • Adding a project to GitHub: Provide the path of the project you want to add to your GitHub repository for version control.
    • Opening a connection: Provide the path to an empty local folder in which the GitHub project is to be cloned locally.
  9. Click Save.

Add a RoboHelp project to GitHub

  1. Open the project that you want to add to GitHub. This is the same project for which you specified the path while creating a GitHub connection. For more information, see Step 8 in Create a GitHub connection

  2. Choose Collaborate > Add Project > <profile name>.

  3. In the Commit dialog box, select the files that you want to add in the Git Version Control field.

  4. In the Commit Description field, provide a description.

  5. Click Commit.

  6. To push the files to the GitHub repository, click Push.

    Your RoboHelp project is added to your GitHub repository. You can start committing changes to and from the RoboHelp project to the GitHub repository.

  7. To push your changes:

    1. Make the required changes in your project.

    2. Choose Collaborate > Commit.

    3. Select the files to commit and provide a commit description.

    4. Click Commit.

    5. To push the changes to the GitHub repository, choose Collaborate > Push.

  8. To sync changes from the GitHub repository to your local project, choose Collaborate > Pull.

  9. After pushing files, if you receive the following message, it indicates a merge conflict in the files:

    “The tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart. Try pulling before pushing.” 

    To merge conflicts if the changes are made in the same file: 


    1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Version Control
    2. Provide the path of the .exe file of any External Diff/Merge Application.
    1. Choose Collaborate > Pull. The following message appears:
      “Your local changes conflicted with changes made on the remote branch. Resolve the conflicts and commit to continue.”

    2. Choose Collaborate > Commit. This marks the conflicted files with Action as “In merge conflict” to indicate that there is a difference.

      Then, to resolve conflicts, click  .

    3. Ensure that the merge application is already added. To add merge application, follow the steps in the Prerequisites.

    4. Then, select the changes you want to commit and save the changes in the merge application. Close the merge application.

    5. Select the file in the already open Commit dialog box and provide the commit description. Click Commit.

      Then, click Push. GitHub repository changes and the local RoboHelp project is in sync now.

Open a RoboHelp project added to GitHub

  1. Ensure that you have provided the correct path to the GitHub repository where your RoboHelp project is present and the local path points to an empty folder where the GitHub project will be cloned locally.

  2. Open RoboHelp.

  3. Choose Collaborate > Open Connection > <profile name>. The repository starts getting cloned in the local system.

  4. Double-click the .rhpj file to open the project.

    The GitHub project is now open.

  5. You can start committing the changes with Push/Pull. To resolve conflicts, see Step 9 in Add a RoboHelp project to GitHub.

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