Screen flickers while writing in a PDF on Windows 10 touchscreen devices

On Windows 10 touchscreen devices, screen flickers while writing or using a freeform Comment tool in a PDF.

Apply the registry fix on your Windows 10 touchscreen device

The registry fix suggested below does the following: In Adobe Acrobat Pro, under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\<TRACK>\AVGeneral, it adds a DWORD named bDirectInkingEnabled and sets its value to 0. (Here, the <TRACK> can be DC or 2017.)


  1. Quit Acrobat or 2017 application if it's already running.

  2. Download and save the appropriate file based on your Acrobat version (DC or 2017):


  3. Unzip or extract the content of the downloaded file (.reg file) in a folder.

  4. Make sure that you have administrative privileges. Right-click the .reg file and select Merge.

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