Adding a checkbox component to an Adobe Captivate project

Learn how to add and configure a checkbox in an Adobe Captivate project.


Adobe Captivate introduces content blocks, such as text or an image block, which contain components like text, image, or button. Play this video to learn more about content blocks and components.


Checkboxes in the all-new Adobe Captivate are interactive elements that allow learners to make selections or indicate choices in eLearning projects. Checkboxes are often used in quizzes, assessments, simulations, and interactive scenarios where learners must interact with content.

Add a checkbox content block

Select Add interactive components > Checkbox in the left toolbar.

Change the properties of a checkbox content block

Adobe Captivate lets you add a checkbox content block and change its appearance, color, and more.

  1. In the Visual Properties panel, expand the Alignment and Spacing section.

    The Content Width slider and Horizontal Padding are linked in the Alignment and Spacing section. Moving the slider from the left side changes the left padding value, and moving the slider from right changes the right padding value. The same change is replicated in the Content Width slider when you change the left or right Horizontal padding values.

    If you want to add padding at the top or bottom of the selected content block, then enter the desired values for the Top and Bottom padding by changing the values in Vertical padding.

    Select the Autofit height checkbox to change the height of the content block to fit the slide. If there are other content blocks in the slide, the content block adjusts itself to fit the slide's height.

  2. Select a design option. A design option presents pre-configured layouts with cleaner design elements to apply to the content block.

    For more information, view Design options in Adobe Captivate.

  3. In the Components section, you can change the following:

    • Label: Add or remove the checkbox's label in the content block.
    • Checkbox: This option remains disabled.
    • Button: Add or remove a button in the content block. Move the slider to increase or decrease the number of buttons. You can, at most, add three buttons. For more information, view Buttons in Adobe Captivate.
    • Card: Add or remove a card around the checkbox.

    You can align the components in the Components section. Hover over a component and select any option (Align left, Align center, or Align right).


    If you add a button component and add more than one button, you can distribute the buttons horizontally in a uniform layout.

  4. In the Appearance section, you can change the color settings at the content block level. Add the background color, border, and apply a shadow to the border. Select a solid color, linear or radial gradient, or add an image as a background.

  5. If you've selected Card, in the Card section, you can increase or decrease padding to the card, add a background color, add a radius to one or four corners of the card, add a border to the card, and apply a shadow to the card's border.

Edit the label text in the content block

Select the label in the checkbox content block.

You can change the label's font family, color, and other properties in the Visual Properties panel. For more information, view Work with text in Adobe Captivate.

Change the properties of the checkbox option

  1. Select the option.

    Checkbox item
    Checkbox option

  2. In the Visual Properties panel in the right toolbar, move the Opacity slider to increase or decrease the transparency of the option.

  3. Select any design option. A design option presents pre-configured layouts with cleaner design elements to apply to the option.

    For more information, view Design options in Adobe Captivate.

  4. In the States section, click Show to launch the States Flyout. Configure the in-built states of the option, Hover, Visited, Disabled (Checked), and Disabled (Unchecked). If any state is disabled, right-click the state, and select Enable.

    For more information, see States in Adobe Captivate.

  5. In the Appearance section, you can change the following:

    • Select Small, Medium, or Large to change the size of the checkbox option.
    • Select the Selected by default checkbox to make the checkbox option selected by default when a learner views the course.
  6. In the Shape tab, change the option's color, shadow, and add a border. Select one of the caps (Butt, Round, or Projecting) when applying a border.

  7. Change font family, color, and other properties in the Text tab

    For more information, view Work with text in Adobe Captivate.

  8. In the Image tab, enable the Image toggle.

    Add an image to the checkbox option. Replace the default image of the option with an image from Assets or on your computer. For more information on working with images, view Images in Adobe Captivate.

Add interaction to the checkbox option

After you've designed the checkbox option, add interaction to it. You can add an interaction from the Interactions panel in the right toolbar.

In this example, you'll add an interaction so that when learners select the checkbox option at runtime, they redirect to another slide.

  1. Select the checkbox item.

  2.  Select Interactions in the right toolbar.

  3. In the Selection tab, select Go to slide in the Action section.

  4. Select a slide in the project that the learner reaches when they select the option at runtime.

    See Interactions to know more about creating interactions.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to configure the action when the learner deselects the checkbox option at runtime. You can configure the action in the Deselection tab.

    See Interactions to know more about creating interactions.

  6. Click Done.

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