Edit background image in a project

You can add an image as a background to a card, Content Block, or any widget. After adding an image, you can crop the image to a dimension of your choice.

Follow the steps to edit the background of a slide.

Add an image

  1. Select + in the left toolbar and select Blank.

  2. In the Visual Properties panel, select Image in the dropdown. 

  3. Select an image from Assets or on your computer. 

Edit the background image

The Image preview panel allows you to preview the background image on different devices, adjust the focus and fit, crop the image using the handles, and choose the type of display for the background.

The image preview panel consists of two parts. On the left, you can see the original image and the options to change the image display and image focus. On the right, you can see the previews for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. 

Follow these steps to edit a background image: 

  1. After adding the background image, select the Edit Image icon in the Visual Properties panel. 

  2. Crop the image, change the image display type, or the focus on the left, and view the behavior on the right.

  3. Move the handlebars to crop the image to set the focus on the part of the image that is relevant. Adjust the focus to either left, center, or right for the desired background. 

    Cropping the background image
    Cropping the background image

  4. Select Save. The background image is replaced with the cropped image. 


You can alter the image focus and display types from the drop-downs in the Visual properties panel as well for background images. These changes are also reflected in the image preview panel and vice versa.

Edit background image display and focus from the visual properties panel
Edit background image display and focus from the visual properties panel

Responsive behavior in images

As an author, you can set the focal point of background images on devices to display the essential part of the image across devices. 

The focal point of an image refers to the specific area or element designed to be the primary point of visual interest or focus. It captures the viewer's attention, often representing the image's most significant or visually captivating aspect.

  1. In the Display dropdown in the Visual Properties panel, select any of the following:

    • Fill: If you select Fill, the image covers the entire slide. This ensures that no empty space is visible in the slide, and the image fills it entirely.
    • Fit: If you select Fill, the entire image is visible on the slide. No part of the image is hidden. The aspect ratio of the image is preserved when fitting the image.
    • Stretch: If you select Stretch, the image is resized to match the slide's dimensions, irrespective of the image's aspect ratio.
    • Original size: If you select Original size, the actual image appears on the slide. The image is shown at full size.
    • Tile: If you select Tile, the image appears multiple times to cover the slide. The option creates background patterns or textures. Each instance of the image is placed adjacent to the previous one, filling the container completely.

    The Original and Tile image display types are only available for background images.

  2. If you select Tile, you can increase or decrease the number of tiles on the image by moving the Scale slider.

  3. In the Image focus dropdown, you can determine which portion of an image you want to display on a device. An image on a desktop may not scale as expected on devices. Using the Image focus options, you can display what part of the image (center, right, or left) displays on a device. You can set the focus options only for images with Fill and Original size selected. 





    The Image focus option is available for only Fill and Original size.

  4. Move the opacity slider to change the transparency of the image. 

  5. Move the Blur, Brightness, and Contrast sliders to blur the image and change the image’s brightness and contrast, respectively.


    The options to apply blur, contrast, or brightness are only available for a slide background.

    Move the Blur, Brightness, and Contrast sliders
    Move the Blur, Brightness, and Contrast sliders.

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