Change project dimensions


Adobe Captivate allows you to change the dimensions of a project and control how the content appears across devices. Select preset or custom sizes for your project to ensure it appears appropriately on devices. The fixed or proportional display options let you determine how the content adapts on devices.

Change project dimensions

Authors have the ability to predefine the dimensions of their projects. This enables them to customize their courses to fit their learners' needs and ensure visual appeal across different display sizes.

  1. Select Project properties from the right toolbar.

    This is an image that shows how to select Project properties on the right toolbar
    Set project dimensions and display behavior from Project properties

  2. Select the dropdown to view the list of project dimensions or create a custom dimension.

    This is an image on how to set the project dimesnions from the dropdown or add a custom screen size
    Set the project dimesnions from the dropdown or add a custom screen size

Limitations of screen sizes:

When choosing a custom desktop screen size for slides, size limits apply. These limits apply to both simulation and project slides. They help ensure projects work well on desktops, tablets, and phones.

Screen type



Custom screen size

Minimum: 769px

Maximum: 1920px

Minimum: 100px

Maximum: 2500px

Simulation screen size

Minimum: 769px

Maximum: 3840px

Minimum: 100px

Maximum: 2500px


From Adobe Captivate 12.4 onwards, if you record additional simulations with screen sizes larger than the project dimensions, the project size will remain constant. This means that while the project dimensions stay the same, the simulation slides will display scroll bars during project previews.

Set display behavior

Adjust the Content Display settings to ensure your content scales properly across different screen sizes. Use the preview to observe how content would appear for a 4k display.

  • Proportional content display: This function scales the project's content to fit the available screen space by adjusting it to a specified percentage. Move the slider to determine the percentage of screen space the content will occupy.
Proportional content display
Proportional content display

Adjusting the slider to a specific percentage value on a 4K (3840 x 2160 pixels) display will let you preview the extent of screen coverage by the content. Here is an example that demonstrates the screen coverage at 100%.

Proportional content display when viewed on a larger display

  • Fixed content display: Projects retain their dimensions on any screen. On larger displays, this can lead to empty spaces around the content. This design is ideal for content that is meant to be viewed on specific display sizes. Here is an example that demonstrates a project with fixed dimensions of 1366x768px when viewed on a larger display.
Fixed content display preview
Fixed content display

Page break indicator for long scroll content

To ensure uniform height across all slides in a project, a dotted line indicates a page break when content surpasses the designated project height. This feature is particularly helpful for creating long-scrolling content, as it allows for monitoring the extent of content overflow beyond the set height.

This is an image that shows a dotted line signifying page break for content overflow
Dotted line signifying page break for content overflow

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