Slide navigator in Adobe Captivate

Learn more about the slide navigator in Adobe Captivate.

The slide navigator in the all-new Adobe Captivate is a visual representation that provides an overview of all the slides in your project. It allows you to easily navigate, organize, and manage the sequence and content of your project. 

What does a slide navigator contain

Slide thumbnails

A thumbnail image represents each slide in the slide navigator. These thumbnails give you a visual preview of the slide's content.

View the slide thumbnails
View the slide thumbnails.

Slide RE-order

Rearrange the order of slides by dragging and dropping their thumbnails in the slide navigator. This is useful for organizing the flow of your course.

You can select multiple slides using the Shift or Ctrl/Command keys and drag and drop the slides in any position.

Slide-LEVEL operations

The slide navigator provides quick access to slide-level operations. Right-click on a slide thumbnail to access options for copying, renaming, or duplicating a slide.

Also, you can add a blank slide by pressing Enter or Return after any selected slide.

Edit slide properties
Select slide options.

Rename a slide

Double-click the name of a slide in the slide navigator and rename the slide.

Rename a slide
Rename a slide

Duplicate a slide

Right-click a slide and select Duplicate. A copy of the slide is created in the project.

Duplicate a slide
Duplicate a slide

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