Create a short answer slide in Adobe Captivate

Assess learner understanding and knowledge retention by adding Short answer questions to your course.

In the all-new Adobe Captivate, the Short answer question type allows you to assess a learner's knowledge or understanding by asking them to provide brief, text-based responses to a question.

Add a Short answer question slide

Select + (New slide)Short answer in the left toolbar.

Change the properties of the question slide

Adobe Captivate lets you configure the question properties, such as answer options, attempts, points, or time limit.

  1. In the Visual Properties panel, expand the Alignment and Spacing section.

    The Content Width slider and Horizontal Padding are linked in the Alignment and Spacing section. Moving the slider from the left side changes the left padding value, and moving the slider from right changes the right padding value. The same change is replicated in the Content Width slider when you change the left or right Horizontal padding values.

  2. Select Graded or Knowledge Check in the Slide type dropdown. There are no points awarded for a Knowledge Check slide type.

  3. In the Question Properties section, set the following options:

    • Case sensitive: Enable this option if you want the learner to enter the answer exactly (in upper case and lower case) as defined in the Answer options.
    • Attempts: Select the number of attempts to finish the quiz. The options are single, multiple, custom, or unlimited.
    • Points for correct answer: Set the number of points a learner achieves if they answer the question correctly.
    • Penalty for wrong answer: Set the number of points that a learner loses if they answer the question incorrectly.
    • Time limit: Set the time within which a learner must answer the question.
  4. Add the answers to the question in the Answer section. Click Add answer

    In the Answer options dialog, add variations of the answer. Each answer is acceptable when the learner takes the quiz.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Select a design option. A design option presents pre-configured layouts with cleaner design elements to apply to the quiz slide.

    For more information, view Design options in Adobe Captivate.

  7. In the Components section, you can change the following:

    • Card: Add or remove a card around the question.
    • Quiz mode tab:
      • Caption: Click Show to display the caption that shows whether the answer is correct. Place the caption at the slide's top, center, or bottom.
      • Skip button: Add or remove the button to allow the learner to skip the question.    
      • Clear button: Add or remove the button to allow the learner to clear the answer.
      • Back button: Add or remove the button to allow the learner to go to the previous slide.
    • Review mode tab: In a review mode, learners review their quiz responses and view the correct answers after completing the quiz. This mode provides learners with feedback on their performance, helps them understand their mistakes, and reinforces their learning.
      • Caption: Click Show to display the response on the slide. Place the caption on the slide's top, center, or bottom.
      • View answer: Add or remove the button to allow the learner to view the correct answer in the review mode.
      • Next: Add or remove the button to allow the learner to go to the next slide in the review mode.
      • Back: Add or remove the button to allow the learner to go to the previous slide in the review mode.

    Edit the caption

    Select the feedback caption displayed on the top of the screen to view the multi states for the feedback caption, such as Correct, Incorrect, and Incomplete.

    Click each in-built state to customize the feedback text. For more information, see States in Adobe Captivate.

    In the Text tab, change the properties of the feedback text. For more information, view Work with text in Adobe Captivate.

  8. Add the slide's background color and a border in the Appearance section. You select a solid color, linear or radial gradient, or add an image as a background.

  9. If you've enabled Card, you can change the card's properties, such as padding, background color, border, or shadow.

  10. In the Reporting section, select the checkbox Report answer if you want the quiz to be included in an LMS. Each scorable unit of Captivate is automatically assigned a unique Interaction ID. This Interaction ID is what makes data tracking by the LMS possible. 

Change the properties of the answers

Apply a design option, set the states of the answers, and change the appearance of the answers.

  1. Select the answer placeholder.

  2. In the Visual Properties panel in the right toolbar, move the Opacity slider to increase or decrease the transparency of the placeholder text in the answer area.

  3. Select any design option. A design option presents pre-configured layouts with cleaner design elements to apply to the answers.

    For more information, view Design options in Adobe Captivate.

  4. In the States section, click Show to launch the States Flyout. Configure the in-built states of the option, Active, Disabled, and Focus lost/Success. If any state is disabled, right-click the state, and select Enable.

    For more information, see States in Adobe Captivate.

  5. In the Appearance section, you can select Small, Medium, or Large to change the size of the options.

  6. In the Shape tab, change the colors of the options, and shadows, and add a border. Select one of the caps (Butt, Round, Projecting) when applying a border.

  7. Change font family, color, and other properties in the Text tab

    For more information, view Work with text in Adobe Captivate.

Edit text on the question slide

Select the question, and in the Visual Properties panel, apply various options to change the text. For more options, see Work with Text in Adobe Captivate.

Customize the results slide

When learners complete a quiz, they are directed to the Quiz Results slide, where they can view their overall quiz scores, individual question scores, and other relevant information. 

  1. Select the result slide in the slide navigator. The quiz result slide appears right after a quiz slide or slides.

  2. In the Visual Properties panel, expand the Alignment and Spacing section.

    The Content Width slider and Horizontal Padding are linked in the Alignment and Spacing section. Moving the slider from the left side changes the left padding value, and moving the slider from right changes the right padding value. The same change is replicated in the Content Width slider when you change the left or right Horizontal padding values.

  3. Select a design option. A design option presents pre-configured layouts with cleaner design elements to apply to the quiz result slide.

    For more information, view Design options in Adobe Captivate.

  4. In the Components section, you can change the following:

    • Score: Add or remove the learner's score.
    • Maximum score: Add or remove the maximum score of the quiz.
    • Correct questions: Add or remove the number of correct responses.
    • Total questions: Add or remove the number of quiz questions.
    • Accuracy: Add or remove the learner's score in percentage.
    • Card: Add or remove a card around the quiz result.
    • Review area: Click Show to display the feedback message on the slide. You can position the message at the top, middle, or bottom of the slide.
    • Review quiz button: Add or remove the Review quiz button on the slide. Customize the button further. For more information, view Buttons in Adobe Captivate.
    • Continue button: Add or remove the Continue button on the slide. Customize the button further. For more information, view Buttons in Adobe Captivate.

  5. Add the slide's background color and a border in the Appearance section. You can select a solid color, linear or radial gradient, or add an image as a background.

Set pass or fail criteria

Set a pass or fail criteria for a learner based on a certain threshold in the quiz.

  1. Select the result slide and click Interactions in the right toolbar.

  2. In the Pass Criteria dropdown, select:

    • Based on Percentage Scored: Move the slider to enforce a minimum pass percentage.
    • Based on Points Scored: Enter the minimum threshold for points scored.

  3. Select the On Pass and On Fail tabs and choose an action to define the actions when the learner passes or fails the quiz. For more information on actions and interactions, see Interactions in Adobe Captivate.

  4. Set the number of attempts to retake the quiz. Either enter the number of attempts in the Number of attempts field, or select the Allow unlimited attempts checkbox if you want the learner to have unlimited attempts.

  5. If you select Allow unlimited attempts, select the Show retake button checkbox to enable the learner to retake the quiz. This adds the Retake Quiz button in the result slide. Learners can click the button and retake the quiz a specified or unlimited number of times. Learners can retake the course if they fail the quiz. Authors can customize the number of attempts that learners can retake on failure.

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