Adobe Sign Release Notes: 2018

The Adobe Sign release notes are ordered below with the current release at the top, and rolling back in time as you scroll down the page.

Release Highlights: 2018

Trusted & Secure Industry Leading Solution

The next step forward in recipient verification, Government ID authentication uses a government-issued document (passport/driver’s license/national ID) in combination with a real-time image of the recipient to provide a strong authentication of the recipient.

Thousands of global ID document types can be authenticated in real time by using dozens of AI-powered automated authentication techniques, such as document structure evaluation, BIO-MRZ comparison, etc.

Sophisticated face comparison algorithms are used to automatically compare the portrait extracted from the ID document with a recipient’s selfie; affirming that the recipient submitting the ID document is its rightful owner.

(Controlled release - Contact your success manager for access)

OAuth support for CSC partners

Signers can access their TSP digital signature with third-party credentials (Google, Facebook, etc.) via OAuth authentication service, eliminating the need to manually log in to the TSP with a username and password each time. 

Adobe Sign is creating a new official audit report that will only be created at the completion of a signature workflow. “Interim Audit Reports” will be available prior to the official “Final” report.  This new report will be rolled out gradually to the lower tier customers with this release and to all enterprise and global customers early in 2019.

Included in this change, the time stamp for all events will be set to to a YYYY-MM-DD format with a GMT time zone.

Improved User Experience

Agreements sent using custom workflows will now be able to use a single existing document template and workflow definition to skip optional signatures and fields on the agreement.

For example, a library template created for two external signers, and one internal counter-signer can now be sent to just one external signer. The workflow will skip over the fields defined for the second signer, ensuring the counter-signer applies their information to the correct field spaces.


Dropbox is launching a new "file actions" tool to their web-based experience where users can select individual files via the familiar Dropbox interface and with the new File Actions tool, send the selected file (Word Doc or PDF) for signature via Adobe Sign. An Adobe ID is required.

Adobe Sign's integration with MS Dynamics 365 is expanding to Dynamics 365 for Talent, so HR and hiring managers can bring e-signatures to offer letters delivered via Dynamics. 

Adobe Sign seamlessly integrates with HR Service Delivery applications and can be used to add trusted, legally binding e-signature features to any document.

Adobe Sign is integrating with Workplace by Facebook, creating the ability for joint customers to seamlessly engage in an electronic signature workflow right from within the Workplace environment. Available in early 2019.

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4208150 Corrected time-zone mismatch for Fill & Sign agreements
4208214 Fixed an issue where auto-delegation was failing if the delegatee was already part of the agreement
4211047 Improved formatting of content in Currency fields
4213971 Fixed a load-time sync issue with IE11 for the Start navigation arrow
4220788 Fixed an API send issue where parallel recipients that included the sender would place the sender as the first recipient outside the parallel group
4221170 corrected an issue where the 'GET /agreements' Method was returning an Invalid Agreement for a User who is not the Sender
4221360 Corrected a problem with advanced account sharing when user accounts had identical Display name values
4222055 Corrected an issue where a written signature could be delegated after field content was populated, resulting in the first signature field being displaced
4223110 Fixed a UI error where Authoring would show two instances of the last participant in the participant list
4224522 Improved error handling for API calls that define visiblePages
4224704 Fixed a problem with Fill & Sign not being able to add text when launched from
4227806 Improved email notification for downloaded report data
4228506 Improved v5 REST API to better handle agreements where the same recipient is added multiple times
4228555 Corrected an API issue where an incorrect participantID was being returned if the participant was replaced multiple times
4229406 Improved email notification for agreements sent via custom workflows when the agreement is cancelled
4229407 Corrected an issue where the email thumbnail was showing the wrong cover page image for recipients when limited document visibility was enabled
4230601 Improved the exposure of the Click to Sign button for mobile apps
4230764 Corrected a problem where agreements sent from under Bio-Pharma rules would fail to allow the signer to apply a signature
4231703 Corrected a problem where the first signers name was presented on the Manage page if the second signer was active, and then delegated
4232121 Fixed a problem where the Please Sign emails were not being delivered to the second instance of a recipient if they were listed consecutively in the signature stack
4232237 Improved MegaSign to expose the Export Data link at the container level
4232310 Improved rendering of the Manage page View panel content for small screens
4232604 Improved how the Archive email updates if the user account changes their email address
4232764 Fixed an issue where template owners could not edit the template with the error Cannot Modify Agreement
4233242 Improved post-sign message for widgets that only have one signer
4233352 Improved the user interface for language settings to show the current language selected
4233987 Fixed a problem in Workflow Designer that made the CC field required if it was edited
4235089 Fixed a problem where redacted users could not sign new agreements
4235261 Fixed an problem where Senders were getting multiple reminders for agreements sent
4235725 Fax are code field has been removed from user profile
4235743 Corrected a problem where the signers account logo was loaded when a Written signature process was downloaded
4235960 Improved user feedback when loading OAuth pages
4194228 Improved cross-shard routing to support pages from within the application
4232734 Improved signing authentication for internal signers under CFR signature workflows
4232754 Corrected a message length error when callbacks would fail with a 411 error
4235002 Corrected a problem where using the PUT /formFields call generated an "Agreement modified" splash screen
4235748 Improved the code that displays the Cookie acceptance banner for embedded apps

User Experience Changes

GDPR Cookie Management

GDPR rules require that users from the European Union grant permission before saving any cookies that aren't strictly necessary for the page to operate.

EU users that operate under the free or individual service level must agree to this stipulation to continue to use the Adobe Sign service.

Cookie placement only needs to be agreed to once (per device), and then users are not prompted to accept again.

Customers under a team, business, or enterprise service level will have an account administrator accept the cookie placement for the whole of their account. Discrete users will only be prompted to accept the cookie placement if they access Adobe Sign before their admin does.

Signers from EU based IP ranges will also be required to accept the cookie placement before they can open their agreements.

Improved interface for the Custom Workflow Designer

Enterprise level customers that use the Custom Workflow designer will have the improved designer interface enabled.

The improved interface will become the only option in the December release, and admins are encouraged to familiarize themselves and their user base with the new functionality.

Customers that still need time to prepare their user base may revert their interface to the legacy experience until the December release by:

  • Log in as an account administrator
  • Navigate to Account > Account settings > Send Settings > Custom Workflow Send
  • Uncheck the Enable new Custom Workflow send experience checkbox
  • Click Save

Improved accessibility for visually impaired signers

Adobe Sign's commitment to improving accessibility takes a significant step forward in this release.

The page layout for screen readers has been optimized by removing screen reader clutter, identifying the user controls immediately, and the ability to get directly to the agreement without having to download the PDF. Screen readers can now read the document directly from the browser.


Default full-screen mode for Adobe Sign UI

In order to improve the experience on smaller devices and provide a better reading experience on the desktop, the Adobe Sign March release introduced a more flexible Sign UX based on the width of the browser. 

This was initially enabled selectively for enterprise accounts and generally for all individual and team accounts. 

In July this became the default configuration. All new users were able to see the web UI adapted to the width of the page and stack components instead of shrinking them to fit a narrow width. Existing users retained the option to revert back to the legacy experience.

With the September release, all users have been moved to the new reflowable experience, and the UI controls to revert to the legacy interface have been removed.

Experience Innovation

Improve Widget efficiency by pre-populating field values with data from the widget URL. Eliminate the need to manage multiple widgets for near-identical forms.  Give signers a better experience by pre-populating fields they are not responsible for.  Give customers a way to author one widget but still segment/route responses to the appropriate stake holders or data analysts.

Click here for more details>

HIPAA Settings for Document Cloud clients

Users that interact with Adobe Sign through the Document Cloud interface, and that require HIPAA compliance, will want to enable the HIPAA compliance checkbox.

  • Log in to Adobe Sign directly as an Adobe Sign account administrator
  • Navigate to Account > Account Settings > HIPAA Settings 
  • Check the box next to My Organization requires HIPAA compliance
  • Click Save

This setting suppresses notifications through the Document Cloud interface.

Customers that log in to Adobe Sign directly do not need to enable this setting.

Users that interact with Adobe Sign through the Document Cloud interface, and that require HIPAA compliance, will want to enable the HIPAA compliance checkbox.

  • Log in to Adobe Sign directly as an Adobe Sign account administrator
  • Navigate to Account > Account Settings > HIPAA Settings 
  • Check the box next to My Organization requires HIPAA compliance
  • Click Save

This setting suppresses notifications through the Document Cloud interface.

Customers that log in to Adobe Sign directly do not need to enable this setting.

Get more granularity when configuring signature reminder notifications. In addition to either daily or weekly reminders, you can configure reminders to be every other day, every workday, every third day, and every fifth day!

Click here for more information on reminders>

Feature Availability by Adobe Sign Plan


Adobe Sign Plan

Available date*

GDPR Cookie Management


06 September 2018

Custom Workflow Designer improved interface


06 September 2018

Widgets - Populate via URL

Business and Enterprise

06 September 2018

HIPAA compliance for Document Cloud accounts


06 September 2018

Expanded Reminder options


06 September 2018

Improved Accessibility


06 September 2018

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4175944 Getting error as "The API caller do not have the permission to execute this operation" while using method GET /libraryDocuments/ID for shared template
4193231 The "Recipient Security option" column does not show up while running report from Back-end
4199103 Tabbing (hitting TAB or NEXT button) does not work fine in the Adobe Sign form (form fields)
4201566 Specific agreement is shown as blank for the second recipient
4203106 URL in Signer Messaging setting is not getting converted into Hyperlink.
4210091 Changing report parameters on report changes the color sequence on dashboard for 'median time to complete' gauge.
4212595 Rapidly clicking the I need to sign checkbox on the megasign send page will show the checkbox selected but it will not enforce the setting
4219812 Cancelled email not getting send to the replaced signer
4220682 First recipient box is populated with sender's email address
4223594 View agreement page should not allow viewing deleted agreements
4223667 Sometimes when sending from a 3rd party integration the transactions error out
4223756 "Instruction for Sender" section in workflow does not recognize Enter(line break).
4223856 "Edited By" in Back End History empty if change was made by customer's user
4223902 CC'd user unable to get Daily reminder emails.
4223991 Signers are receiving multiple signed and filed copies
4224477 Unable to change the signer verification method post send.
4224769 Users with send turned OFF cannot send when sharing with account with send turned ON
4224783 Customer getting error when trying to access History tab on Manage page
4224835 Missing Signature fields pops up on the authoring page even when the signature fields are assigned for the signers.(with customer's email address)
4227764 Investigate the issue that a Canada mobile number is reported as a landline
4227839 Apply company name to all users setting not retaining its value
4227871 Specific mobile number throws an error while using Mobile signing option
4227886 MegaSign - I need to Sign checkbox stays checked
4227894 CC's with space in-between and library templates not recognized in workflows
4227959 Investigate Norway customer issue - mobile signing text message not received
4228335 REST API v6 - Your signature required email not sent when sender is same as first Signer
4228555 When MULTI_ACTION_ENABLED is true, get/agreements/id call doesn't return the participantid the same signer is replaced more than once
4229533 Advance Search bar on Manage page is grayed out for few minutes and user is unable to search agreements.

Experience Innovation

Do more with workflow automation

Enhance business processes created with Adobe Sign’s Workflow Designer. The new Custom Workflow send experience improves the sending experience with a modern reflowable design that aligns with the Send experience. 

Read more about the Workflow Designer improvements >


Note there are differences from the Send experience because custom workflow allows inserting Instructions on how to configure the Send experience.  The new Workflow Send places these instructions at the top of the page as opposed to the classic experience where they were adjacent to the send parameters.

Additionally, once the new interface is enabled, these new features are available through the workflow designer:

  • Use Library Templates that require signers to use Digital Signatures
  • Configure recipients to authenticate via phone-based PIN
  • Configure recipient groups to be defined on the Send page
  • Attach files from any enabled source on the Send page


Sign simple forms with a digital ID

Use the Fill & Sign tool to sign documents or forms with a cloud-based digital signature, regardless of the document format.  Just upload an agreement and place the signature.  

Of course, all of the previous capabilities of the Fill & Sign product continue to be available.   It couldn’t be easier!

Learn more about Fill & Sign >



SMS Verification Customization

Customize your SMS verification process with your company name to ensure your recipients know that the PIN number is coming from your company.

Read more about this new feature >



Expanded Compliance


Customer account admins can fully comply with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) through direct control of the information collected from signers. Privacy Admins have the authority to remove employee user information from the system, as well as deleting agreements from signers that are no longer needed for business operations.

The GDPR compliance overview can be found here >


Three tools are available to support GDPR:

  • User Logs - Users are allowed to know what personal information Adobe Sign collects
  • Agreement Deletion - Privacy administrators have the authority to search for a recipient's email, review any agreements found, and delete any that are no longer of value
  • User Deletion - Privacy administrators have the authority to fully delete any user in their account



BioPharma enhancements

Allow for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance with any custom workflow in your account. 

The Workflow Designer now support digital signatures.

When Enforced Identity Authentication is enabled, the recipient is additionally required to authenticate when they click the Click to Sign button.  

  • This final authentication can be removed by request to your Success Manager


By default, the Adobe Sign authentication method inserts the email address of the recipient into the authentication panel. 

  • Your Success Manager can configure the default action to leave the email field empty 


The BioPharma overview can be found here >



FedRAMP Tailored

Adobe Sign fully complies with the FedRAMP Tailored requirements for all users, all service levels.



Cloud Signature Advances

Enhanced Cloud Signature controls

Adding granularity to the cloud signature pre-selection functionality, Admins gain control over which digital ID providers the signer sees based on whether they're internal or external to their Adobe Sign organization.

Customers that have a relationship with a restricted provider (eg: BankID) need to deliver their Account ID to that provider so they can enable access to the IdP. Your Account ID can be found just under the options for external signers.

Learn more about ID provider selection here >



RSA-PSS support

Support more secure signature algorithm. Complies with Germany-specific requirements for Qualified Electronic Signatures.



Cloud Signature Advances

Integrate with v6 REST APIs and Webhooks

Integrate Adobe Sign faster and gain new efficiencies with next-generation API tools, including an all-new Webhooks admin experience to create push notifications that can be used to update dashboards and trigger next-step processes.


Adobe Sign for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v7

Equip your sales teams to close deals faster with a completely redesigned user experience plus customer contact details from LinkedIn. And, automate your quote to cash process completely by embedding Adobe Sign into Microsoft Dynamics workflows.

All guides are listed on the Dynamics integration page >



Feature Availability by Adobe Sign Plan


Adobe Sign Plan

Available date

Workflow automation improvements Enterprise June 11
Sign simple forms with a digital ID All June 11
SMS Customization Business and Enterprise June 11
GDPR All June 11
Bio-Pharma improvements Enterprise June 11
FedRAMP Tailored All June 11
Enhanced Cloud Signature controls Business and Enterprise June 11
RSA-PSS support All June 11
REST API v6 with Webhooks Enterprise June 11
Adobe Sign for Microsoft Dynamics CRM v7 Enterprise June 11

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4022024 Improved the signing experience on the Manage tab when users interact multiple times with the same agreement
4181842 Corrected a problem where an agreement for a recipient would not appear on the Manage tab if the recipient was in a recipient group
4181927 Corrected a problem where Auto-delegation would not properly relay the agreement of the delegator was included in the recipient list more than once
4183019 Improved cookie-less support for Apple devices when interacting with Widgets
4196244 Improved "replace Signer" to allow existing recipients to be listed more than once
4198442 Corrected an error that could cause a Bad Request response to the POST/Agreement REST API
4201635 Improved GPS location handling 
4202778 Corrected a problem where default field data could transfer to the document if the field was moved
4204328 Corrected a problem where files with very long names could prevent removal from the new agreement template
4207846 Fixed a problem where characters with accents would occasionally report as unknown characters
4208002 Fixed a configuration issue that could result in declined agreement reasons from populating in reports
4209645 Fixed a problem where biometric signatures in a Digital Signature object could cause the signature process to hang
4210095 Added a watermark to the transaction page to identify the example transaction
4210491 Fixed a library issue where an attached library document could cause a workflow to not launch properly
4211295 Fixed an issue that would block signatures in Fill&Sign if hand drawn or image signatures were disallowed
4211537 Corrected a problem where Widgets would not save the role settings for the fields
4211656 Improved expiration dates to be tied to the creation time of the agreement
4212722 Fixed a problem where Decline reasons were not always enforced when declined form the manage page
4213328 Improved accessibility for people that use screen readers when signing
4215256 Improved how screen readers can access pop-over content when signing documents
4215416 Clarified the Portuguese translation for the Please Sign email
4215419 Improved how display labels for fields that have longer display content
4215906 Corrected a condition where cancelled widgets could be returned to the Out For Signature status if the original signer verified their signature after cancellation
4216325 Improved the functionality for group admins to add users in bulk via csv
4217578 Corrected a problem with post sign redirection with digital signatures are applied with a 0 second delay in the redirection
4218427 Fixed a problem where Widgets would not send an external archive copy if the archive email changed since the widget was published.

Preconfigure signature settings to mandate handwritten signatures on mobile devices. Signers get a text message sent to their mobile device so they can sign with their finger or a stylus.

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4192638 Corrected a problem where conditional attachment fields were not allowing upload in Safari
4196239 Corrected an error with Mega Sign not properly identifying placed signature fields on templates
4197658 Improved SAML Login & Logout URLs to support additional parameters
4204151 Corrected a rare state where form fields would displace one page when multiple templates were added
4207445 Improved notification of canceled agreements when the declining party is part of a hybrid workflow
4208213 Improved Widget signing on Safari when cookies are disabled
4208237 Improved options for downloading supporting documents in the original format
4208421 Improved processing of Excel documents into PDF format
4209132 Corrected an issue where the formatting for Date fields was not being honored in some API transaction
4209983 Fixed a problem where conditional checkboxes were not properly reading in default values for text fields
4212432 Corrected a state where Locale was not honored for REST API calls in certain circumstances
4215323 Corrected a problem where signer fields were not properly rendering in rare circumstances
4215324 Corrected a problem where external archive users were not receiving the final PDF
4215418 Corrected a visibility conflict where Shared documents under limited visibility rules were not visible for the sharee
4215420 Corrected a font issue when text fields were placed in the same document location as signature fields

Life Sciences Compliance

Comply with FDA 21 CFR Part 11, the globally-accepted regulation for electronic records and signatures in the Bio-Pharmaceutical industry. Today CFR21 compliance is only possible using digital signatures. This release expands your options by enabling CFR21-11 compliance using:


  • Enforce Local Timestamp – Show the secure signing time as a visual component of the signature block, using the local time zone offset. The time reference is saved to the document and logged in the audit trail.

The SAFE-BioPharma Association is a digital identity and digital signature standard for the global pharmaceutical, biotech and healthcare industries. Adobe Sign is a certified product meeting all the SAFE-BioPharma Product and Services Certification requirements. This solution also ensures compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 using digital signatures when using authentication based on certificates issued by providers like TransSped.


Easily and securely collect payments – such as contract fees, donations, and online orders – while recipients fill and sign forms. Requires a Braintree merchant account.

Available for customer accounts in the NA, EU and AU datacenters.

Do more with Fill & Sign. In addition to filling and signing documents sent to you by others, now, you can simply fill in a form without adding a signature.

Cloud Signature Advances

Ensure consistency and compliance with corporate standards by preselecting one or more cloud-based Digital ID providers through the Account:Admin menu.

Group control over digital signatures

Group administrators can now control digital signature preferences for their specific business processes. Choose to show or hide digital signature form fields in the authoring experience, require that signers add a reason for signing, and more.

BankID signing in Sweden

Easily get signatures from customers and partners in Sweden. Over 6.5M people in Sweden can sign securely using the digital identity given to them by their bank. No enrollment or downloads required.

In the March and April timeframe, digital IDs from several previously announced partners will become available.

Use your Adobe Sign password as second factor authentication. Perfect for internal signers that have an Adobe Sign account.

Experience Innovation

Get files from your Microsoft OneDrive storage. Senders can upload files when sending for signature. Signers can access OneDrive to upload images to be displayed in the document such as pictures, stamps or licenses.

Adobe Sign continues to improve experiences for senders who use different screen sizes. In this release, the Home and Manage screens are optimized to reflow gracefully on screens of any size.

Expand your email customization with two new templates. Now, you can get full control over the email templates used to send reminders to people who haven't signed, or cancel a request for signatures. This is in addition to existing customization options for requesting and confirming signatures. Customization provided through Adobe professional services.

Feature Availability by Adobe Sign Plan


Adobe Sign Plan

Available date

Life Sciences Compliance

Enterprise March 16th - by request 
Online Payments Business and Enterprise March 16th - by request 
Fill only with Fill & Sign All March 16th
Cloud signature provider preselection Business and Enterprise March 16th
Group control over digital signatures Business and Enterprise March 16th
Sign with BankID Sweden Business and Enterprise March 16th
OneDrive integration All March 16th
Adaptive page experience All March 16th
Expanded email customization Enterprise March 16th - by request
Adobe Sign authentication Enterprise March 16th - by request

Resolved Issues

Issue ID


4189092 Corrected date format for EU customers in the Archived section of the Manage page
4194130 Corrected a problem where conflicting authentication methods resulted in a blank Authentication drop-down for workflows
4195998 Corrected a condition that could cause form field templates to throw a server error
4198332 Improved the workflow designer layout in terms of field size and spacing
4198567 Improved Radio Button placement
4198771 Corrected a state where Group Admins could not update the email for users in their group
4202918 Corrected a state that users could enter that would block editing the name value if SAML was enabled.
4204219 Corrected a problem where the Comb field property was not being respected with Regex field validation
4205020 Fixed a problem with workflow templates when removing all fields for any one participant
4207981 Corrected a problem where users on the AU1 shared could not use single sign on with Oauth
4209279 Updated the W-9 form in the Adobe Sign Library

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