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Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect


Manage attendees, their activities, and their permissions in an Adobe Connect meeting. Adjust permissions for status sharing and attendee role.

In the Attendees pod, everyone can quickly see who is logged in to a meeting. Hosts and presenters can monitor attendee names, roles, and statuses (such as Raised Hand or Agree). If configured, the active speakers are also displayed in real time, in a dedicated area in the Attendees pod.

Use the Attendee Pod to monitor names, roles, and discussion status.
Use the Attendee (A) and Attendee Status (B) views to monitor names, roles, and discussion status.


Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.

View or change an attendee’s role

A host can change the role of any attendee in the Attendees pod, promoting, and demoting attendees as necessary.

About attendee names

Adobe Connect users who logged in with a password appear with their full names in the Attendees pod, because the names are registered in Adobe Connect Central. If an attendee logs in to a meeting as a guest, the name in the Attendees pod is the name the attendee enters at login. Within a role group (hosts, presenters, and participants), attendee names are organized alphabetically.

The Attendees pod displays the telephone number of the participants who dial in or dial out using a telephone. Meeting Hosts can mask the phone numbers of the participants to uphold their privacy. The option is available in the in-meeting preferences dialog, in the Attendee Pod section. The option is persistent for a meeting room.


The option for Hosts to mask the phone numbers is enabled only if cluster-wide masking is disabled.

Customize attendee names

By default, the display name of the attendees is displayed what is listed as First Name and Last Name. 

As a meeting host, you can customize the display name of attendees in the Attendees pod. You can include custom information in display names, and sort attendees based on the customized display names.

  1. Choose Preferences from the options menu   in the upper-right corner of the attendees pod.

  2. In the dialog box, select Display Name on the left pane. Then, select Custom - Select Fields.

  3. From the Available fields list, select predefined custom fields for the display name, and include them in the Displayed fields list. The custom fields include custom information for the attendees. You can sort attendees based on the information in these fields.

  4. Select a custom field in the Available fields list, and then select a delimiter from the corresponding list at the bottom.


    The custom changes to the attendee display name reflect immediately at all places on the Adobe Connect interface, including Chat pods and polls.

To sort attendees based on their custom display names:

  1. Choose Preferences from the options menu   in the upper-right corner of the attendees pod.

  2. In the dialog box, select Attendee Pod on the left pane.

  3. From the available fields list, select custom fields to sort attendees, and include them in the Sort by list.

  4. Click Done to sort attendees based on the custom fields in the order they appear in the Sort by list.

To add custom fields:


You require administrator rights to modify custom fields. Modifying custom fields impacts the entire account.

  1. From the Adobe Connect main menu, click Administration.

  2. From the second-level menu, click Users and Groups.

  3. From the next-level menu, click Customize User Profile.

  4. Click Add Predefined Field to add a custom field in Adobe Connect.

Change an attendee’s role


As a host, you can demote yourself to a presenter or participant, revealing how attendees with other roles see the meeting room.

  1. In the Attendees pod, select one or more attendees. (Shift-click to select multiple.)

  2. Do either of the following:

    • Drag the attendees to different roles.

    • From the pop-up menu, select Change Role > Make Host, Make Presenter, or Make Participant.

Dragging attendees to different roles
Dragging attendees to different roles

Automatically promote participants to presenters

If all participants in a meeting are presenters, do the following:

  1. Click the drop-down from the top of the title bar, choose Manage Access & Entry > Auto-promote Participants to Presenters.

Assign enhanced participant rights

Hosts can change the rights of a participant to give them control over selected pods. This arrangement enhances a participant’s rights without promoting the participant to the presenter or host role.

  1. In the Attendees pod, select the name of one or more participants.
  2. Hover your mouse on the participant's name to grant Access Rights. From the drop-down menu, select Enhance Rights.

    Provide Enhance participant rights from Attendee pod options
    Provide Enhance participant rights from Attendee pod options

  3. In the dialog box, select the pods that you want the participant to control. You can give enhanced rights to various pods like Share, Notes Pod, Files, Weblinks, Poll, Q & A, and Whiteboard.

    Presenter control options to participants
    Presenter control options to participants

Remove an attendee from a meeting

  1. In the Attendees pod, select the attendees you want to remove.
  2. Hover your mouse on the participant's name and select Remove.

View and change attendee status

By default, participant status is blank in the Attendees pod. However, participants can change their own status. When a participant selects a status, an icon appears to the right of the participant’s name. Participants can clear their status at any time during a meeting.

View attendee status

  1. In the Attendees pod, you can view the statuses grouped by hosts, presenters, and participants.

  2. To view groups of attendees who share a status (such as Disagree), choose Status View from the options menu   in the upper-right corner of the attendees pod.

Attendee status


Icon (HTML Client)


Raise Hand

Remains displayed until attendee or host clears


Remains displayed until attendee or host clears


Remains displayed until attendee or host clears


10 seconds


10 seconds

Step Away

Remains displayed until attendee clears

Speak Louder

10 seconds

Speak Softer

10 seconds

Speed Up

10 seconds

Slow Down

10 seconds

Change your status (participant)

When you select one of these statuses, the status icon is displayed in the Attendees pod for 10 seconds:

  • Applaud
  • Laugh
  • Speak Louder
  • Speak Softer
  • Speed Up
  • Slow Down

The Raise Hand, Agree and Disagree status icons remain visible until you or the host remove them manually. Attendees can remove the Step Away status icon themselves.

(HTML5 Client) In a meeting, on the application bar, open popup menu of the statuses to access other statuses.
(HTML5 Client) In a meeting, on the application bar, open popup menu of the statuses to access other statuses.

  1. In the application bar, click the drop-down to the right of the Actions button.

  2. Select the status you want to show to all attendees.

To quickly toggle the Raised Hand status, simply click the button to the left of the menu. (If you select the Raise Hand status and then select another status, the second status icon is displayed, but the Raised Hand remains in effect.)

Clear a participant’s status (host)

  1. In the Attendees pod, select one or more participant names.
  2. In the application bar, click the drop-down to the right of the Actions button, and choose Clear Status.

Clear everyone’s status (host)

  1. From the options menu   in the upper-right corner of the attendees pod, choose Clear Everyone’s Status.

Disable hand raising or change notification duration

  1. Click the drop-down from the top of the title bar, choose Preferences.

  2. In the list on the left, click Menu Bar. Then do either of the following:

    • Unselect Allow attendees to use the raise hand function.

    • Choose a notification duration from the pop-up menu. Select Persist In Screen Share if you want notifications to remain visible during screen sharing until a host closes them.

Connection icons

There are several ways to join an Adobe Connect room using the Adobe Connect HTML application or the Adobe Connect Mobile app.

  • A browser icon  is displayed next to an individual's name when the participant joins using an HTML client.
  • A mobile app icon  is displayed next to an individual's name when the participant joins via the mobile app on iOS or Android.

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