Gets the metadata values for a cached object and template caches.
A structure containing the cached object metadata. The structure has the following fields:
Structure element |
Description |
cache_hitcount |
The number of cache entries have been used. |
cache_misscount |
Number of times the object was requested, but was not in the cache or was not up to date (was stale). |
createdtime |
The time when the element or object was cached. |
hitcount |
Number of times the cached object has been used. |
idletime |
The remaining time, in seconds, after which the cached object is purged if it is idle. |
lasthit |
The time the cached object was last used, as a date-time object, or the empty string. |
lastupdated |
The time the cached object was last modified, as a date-time object, or the empty string. |
size |
The number of bytes the object takes up when serialized. |
timespan |
The remaining time, in seconds, during which the cached object is valid. |
Function syntax
CacheGetMetadata(id, [cacheType,region])
See also
cfcache , CachePut, CacheGet, CacheGetAllIds, CacheGetProperties, CacheRemove, CacheSetProperties
ColdFusion (2018 release): Renamed the parameter template to cacheType.
ColdFusion 10: Added the parameter region
ColdFusion 9.0.1: Added the parameter template
ColdFusion 9: Added the function
Parameter |
Description |
id |
The ID of the cached object. |
cacheType |
Gets metadata for template caches. |
region |
(Optional) The name of the cache region. |
<cfcache action="cache" timespan="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,10,0)#" useQueryString="true" metadata="cachemetadata"> <cfoutput>-This date/time IS cached: #Now()#-<br /></cfoutput> </cfcache>
<cfcache action="flush"> <!--- contruct the templatecacheid to pass to the getcachemetadata function ---> <cfset baseurl = "http://#cgi.server_name#:#cgi.server_port##getDirectoryFromPath(cgi.script_name)#cacheTemp.cfm"> <cfset pageid = hash(expandpath('cacheTemp.cfm'))> <cfset lineno = 1> <cfset templateCacheId = trim(ucase("#baseurl#_PAGEID:#pageid#_LINE:#lineno#"))> <!--- cache the template ---> <cfhttp url="#baseurl#" /> <cfdump var="#getAllTemplateCacheIds()#"><br> <!--- work with the returned metadata ---> <cfset templateMetaData = cachegetmetadata(templatecacheid,'Template')> <cfdump var="#templateMetaData#">
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