Similar to the function callStackGet except that it returns a string representation of the call stack.
ColdFusion (2018 release): Renamed the parameter destination to output.
ColdFusion 10: Added this function.
Parameter |
Description |
output |
Optional parameter that takes one of the following values:
Callstack is a snapshot of all function calls or invocations. For your ColdFusion application, callstack provides the template name, line number, and if applicable, the function name.The feature is helpful in scenarios where you want to track the recursive calls that you made.
In this example, the factorial of a number is computed. The example is similar to the example for CallStackGet except that the function used here is callStackDump.callfact.cfm
<cftry> <cfinclude template="fact.cfm"> <cfcatch type="any"> <cfoutput> #cfcatch.message# <br>#cfcatch.detail# <br> </cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry>
<cffunction name="factorial" hint="returns the factorial of a number" output="true"> <cfargument name="n" required="yes" type="numeric" hint="The number for which the factorial is returned"/> <cfif n eq 1> <Cfset callStackDump()> <cfreturn 1> <cfelse> <Cfset callStackDump()> <cfreturn n * factorial(n - 1)> </cfif> </cffunction> <cfoutput> Factorial of 5 - #factorial(5)#</cfoutput>
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