Web designers using UltraDev in Dreamweaver can find useful information on the websites listed.
UltraDev web developer sites
The following websites provide useful information to web designers using UltraDev. With the exception of the DHTML Zone, these sites are not affiliated in any way with Adobe and, while Adobe employees may occasionally post messages or reply to messages on these sites, Adobe does not commit its employees to monitoring these sites and/or replying to messages on them. Likewise, Adobe has no editorial control over content found there and makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or veracity of any information found there. They are presented to you as additional resources that may benefit you or your work with UltraDev. Please read any FAQs that these sites make available and observe any etiquette that these sites require.
UltraDev websites and extensions created by advanced users
This is a list of websites, extensions, and resources for the UltraDev community. The list is in no particular order.
- Dreamweaver Fever
- Charon.co.uk
- The Dreamweaver Bible - Behaviors and objects hosted by Joseph Lowery.
- Rick Curtis' Ultradev Tutorials
- UDzone
- Ottivacs Design - UltraDev Shopping Cart II, a cart version which extends upon the original cart concept.
UltraDev user groups and forums
Magazines and assorted links
Web programming resources
Adobe ColdFusion
Database / SQL fundamentals
SQL Server
Cross-browser DHTML
Resources available from the W3C
Microsoft's Internet Technology pages
Browser links
- Evolt - Browser Archive