Select Preferences > General.
- Illustrator User Guide
- Get to know Illustrator
- Introduction to Illustrator
- Workspace
- Workspace basics
- Learn faster with the Illustrator Discover panel
- Create documents
- Toolbar
- Default keyboard shortcuts
- Customize keyboard shortcuts
- Introduction to artboards
- Manage artboards
- Customize the workspace
- Properties panel
- Set preferences
- Touch Workspace
- Microsoft Surface Dial support in Illustrator
- Undo edits and manage design history
- Rotate view
- Rulers, grids, and guides
- Accessibility in Illustrator
- Safe Mode
- View artwork
- Use the Touch Bar with Illustrator
- Files and templates
- Tools in Illustrator
- Tools at a glance
- Select tools
- Navigate tools
- Paint tools
- Text tools
- Draw tools
- Modify tools
- Generative AI (not available in mainland China)
- Quick actions
- Illustrator on the web (beta)
- Illustrator on the web (beta) overview
- Illustrator on the web (beta) FAQ
- Troubleshooting issues FAQ
- Keyboard shortcuts for Illustrator on the web (beta)
- Create and combine shapes on the web
- Add and edit text on the web
- Apply colors and gradients on the web
- Draw and edit paths on the web
- Work with cloud documents on the web
- Invite collaborators to edit on the web
- Illustrator on the iPad
- Introduction to Illustrator on the iPad
- Workspace
- Documents
- Select and arrange objects
- Drawing
- Type
- Work with images
- Color
- Cloud documents
- Basics
- Troubleshooting
- Add and edit content
- Drawing and dimensioning
- Drawing basics
- Edit paths
- Draw pixel-perfect art
- Draw with the Pen, Curvature, or Pencil tool
- Draw simple lines and shapes
- Draw rectangular and polar grids
- Draw and edit flares
- Image Trace
- Simplify a path
- Symbolism tools and symbol sets
- Adjust path segments
- Design a flower in 5 easy steps
- Create and edit a perspective grid
- Draw and modify objects on a perspective grid
- Use objects as symbols for repeat use
- Draw pixel-aligned paths for web workflows
- Measure and plot dimensions
- 3D objects and materials
- Color
- Painting
- Select and arrange objects
- Reshape objects
- Crop images
- Transform objects
- Combine objects
- Cut, divide, and trim objects
- Puppet Warp
- Scale, shear, and distort objects
- Blend objects
- Reshape using envelopes
- Reshape objects with effects
- Build new shapes with Shaper and Shape Builder tools
- Work with Live Corners
- Enhanced reshape workflows with touch support
- Edit clipping masks
- Live shapes
- Create shapes using the Shape Builder tool
- Global editing
- Type
- Add text and work with type objects
- Create bulleted and numbered lists
- Manage text area
- Fonts and typography
- Convert text within images into editable text
- Add basic formatting to text
- Add advanced formatting to text
- Import and export text
- Format paragraphs
- Special characters
- Create type on a path
- Character and paragraph styles
- Tabs
- Find missing fonts (Typekit workflow)
- Arabic and Hebrew type
- Fonts | FAQ and troubleshooting tips
- Create 3D text effect
- Creative typography designs
- Scale and rotate type
- Line and character spacing
- Hyphenation and line breaks
- Spelling and language dictionaries
- Format Asian characters
- Composers for Asian scripts
- Create text designs with blend objects
- Create a text poster using Image Trace
- Create special effects
- Web graphics
- Drawing and dimensioning
- Import, export, and save
- Import
- Creative Cloud Libraries in Illustrator
- Save and export
- Printing
- Prepare for printing
- Printing
- Automate tasks
- Troubleshooting
You create and manipulate your documents and files using various elements, such as panels, bars, and windows. Any arrangement of these elements is called a workspace. (The workspaces of the different applications in Creative Cloud look similar so that you can move between the applications easily.) You can adapt Illustrator to the way you work by selecting from several preset workspaces or by creating one of your own.
Home screen
When you launch Illustrator, the Home screen appears, which includes the following contents:
- A wide range of tutorials to help you quickly learn and understand the concept, workflow, tips, and tricks
- Popular presets to get you started with the new documents quickly
- Recent documents
- What's new in Illustrator
The contents of the Home screen are tailored based on your familiarity with Illustrator and your Creative Cloud membership plan.
Home screen interface
The Home screen shows the following tabs and buttons on the left:
- Home: Click this tab to open the Home screen.
- Learn: Click this tab to open a list of basic and advanced tutorials on Illustrator to get started with the application.
- Create New: Click this button to create a new document. You can create a document by selecting one of the numerous templates and presets available in Illustrator. For more information, see Create documents.
- Open: Click this button to open an existing document in Illustrator.
In addition, you can use the following icons to navigate between the document and the Home screen:
- Home: Opens the Home screen from the document.
- Back: Opens the document from the Home screen.
Disable the Home screen when no document is open
Deselect Show The Home Screen When No Documents Are Open.
You can use the keyboard shortcuts to open files (Ctrl/Cmd + O) or start new documents (Ctrl/Cmd + N).
The Contextual Task Bar is a floating bar on the canvas that provides the most relevant next actions for the object or tool you select. It ensures that your focus remains on the object you're working on.
You can move the Contextual Task Bar around to where you want it to be. You can also reset its position, pin it, or hide it by selecting More options . To enable it again after hiding it, navigate to Window > Contextual Task Bar.
Blank canvas
When you open a new document, the Contextual Task Bar gives you the tools and features to start your creative journey quickly. Use Draw (Pencil) to create freeform drawings, Generate Vectors to ideate on designs, or Place Image to import an image.
Generative AI features are available wherever Adobe provides services. It isn't available for users in China.
Artboard tool
When you use the Artboard tool, the Contextual Task Bar lets you change the preset size, create a new empty artboard, duplicate it, and export it.
Open paths, shapes, and the Selection tool
When you use the Selection tool to select paths and shapes on the canvas, the Contextual Task Bar gives you various editing options. You can use Gen Shape Fill to fill your selection with vector graphics, and Fill and Stroke to change the colors.
You get additional options based on what you select:
- Rectangle: Use Generate Vectors to ideate on scenes, subjects, and icons. Use Edit Path to switch to the Direct Selection tool and make the necessary edits, and Lock Object to prevent accidental edits.
- Open path: Use Join Path to connect the ends of the path, and Edit Path to make the necessary edits.
- Shape (closed path): Use Edit Path to make the necessary edits, and Lock Object to prevent accidental edits.
- Multiple paths and shapes: Use Group to work on them as a single shape, and Align to arrange them in various ways. If the selected shapes are of different colors, you also get Recolor to refine their color scheme.
- Grouped shapes: Use Ungroup to ungroup them, Isolate group to edit them in isolation mode, and Recolor.
- Grouped paths; grouped paths and shapes: Use Recolor, Ungroup, Repeat object to create different types of repeating patterns, Duplicate object, and Lock Object.
Compound path and the Selection tool
When you create a compound path and use the Selection tool to select it, the Contextual Task Bar gives you Gen Shape Fill, Edit Path, Fill, and Stroke. Release lets you separate the shapes.
Basic shape tools
When you use Rectangle , Ellipse , Polygon , and Star tools to add shapes to the canvas, the Contextual Task Bar gives you Gen Shape Fill, Edit Path, Fill, and Stroke. You also adjust the properties of the shape you add.
When you use any of the Type tools to add text to the canvas, the Contextual Task Bar gives you various text formatting options, such as Set the font family, Font Style, Set the Font size, and Fill.
When you select the text with the Selection tool, you get additional options based on the type of text:
- Point text: Use Area type to convert the text to area text.
- Area text: Use Point type to convert the text to point text.
- Text on a path: Use Type On Path to add an effect and rearrange the text.
You can use Outline the text to work on the text like other vector shapes.
When you select an image, the Contextual Task Bar gives you options for both vector and raster workflows. Image Trace lets you easily vectorize the image. Retype allows you to edit text within the image using suggested fonts. You can use Crop Image to remove unwanted parts of the image.
You get additional options based on whether the image is linked or embedded:
- Linked image: Use Embed Image to unlink the image from its source file, Link image to fix missing links, and Edit the image in Photoshop for advanced image editing options.
- Embedded image: Use Relink image to link it back to its source file.
Clipping mask
When you create a clipping mask using vector objects, the Contextual Task Bar gives you Edit Mask to edit in isolation mode, and Release to release it. You can also use Gen Shape Fill.
Images and vectors
When you use the Selection tool to select images and vectors together, the Contextual Task Bar gives you Clip Mask to create a clipping mask, Align, and Group.
When you create a new document in Illustrator, you can view the application header with the following options:
- Share document: You can now quickly invite people to your document by clicking this icon. Save the document first as a cloud document before you invite.
- Search and discover: Along with the existing search options, you can now see a discover panel. The discover panel gives you recommendations based on your skills and your work. These recommendations include tips and tutorials on how to get multi-step workflows done faster.
- Arrange document: Click this icon to arrange all your open documents in grids and tiles formats.
- Switch workspace: Click this icon to view different types of workspace options. Refer to the Workspace overview below for more information.
Workspace overview
Illustrator provides you ten different workspaces including the Touch workspace. The default workspace is Essentials.
- The Application frame groups all the workspace elements in a single, integrated window that lets you treat the application as a single unit. When you move or resize the Application frame or any of its elements, all the elements within it respond to each other so none overlap. Panels don’t disappear when you switch applications or when you accidentally click out of the application. If you work with two or more applications, you can position each application side by side on the screen or on multiple monitors. If you are using a Mac and prefer the traditional, free-form user interface, you can turn off the Application frame. Select Window > Application Frame to toggle it on or off.
- The Application bar across the top contains a workspace switcher, menus (Windows only), and other application controls. On Mac, the application bar is available only when Application frame is off. You can toggle it on or off using the Window menu.
- The toolbar contains tools for creating and editing images, artwork, page elements, and so on. Related tools are grouped.
- The Control panel displays options for the currently selected object.
- The Document window displays the file you’re working on. Document windows can be tabbed and, in certain cases, grouped and docked.
- Panels help you monitor and modify your work. Panels can be grouped, stacked, or docked.
Properties panel
The Properties panel in Illustrator lets you view settings and controls in the context of your current task or workflow. This new panel has been designed with ease of use in mind, ensuring that you have access to the right controls right when you need them.
The Properties panel is available by default in the Essentials workspaces. You can also select Window > Properties to view it.
For details, see Properties panel.
Manage windows and panels
Hide or show all panels
To hide or show all panels, including the toolbar and Control panel, press Tab.
To hide or show all panels except the toolbar and Control panel, press Shift+Tab.
Tip: You can temporarily display hidden panels if Auto-Show Hidden Panels is selected in Interface preferences. It’s always on in Illustrator. Move the pointer to the edge of the application window (Windows®) or to the edge of the monitor (Mac OS®) and hover over the strip that appears.
Display panel options
Click the panel menu icon in the upper-right corner of the panel.
Tip: You can open a panel menu even when the panel is minimized.
Adjust panel brightness
In User Interface preferences, you can customize the interface to sport one of the four available color options designed for optimal user experience: Dark, Medium Dark, Medium Light, and Light.
Pastaba:The canvas color in Illustrator is matched to the user interface brightness by default. Choose Preferences > User Interface > Canvas Color > White to change the canvas color to white.
Enter values in panels and dialog boxes
You enter values using the same methods in all panels and dialog boxes. You can also perform simple math in any box that accepts numeric values. For example, if you want to move a selected object 3 units to the right using the current measurement units, you don’t have to work out the new horizontal position—simply type +3 after the current value in the Transform panel.
Press Cmd/ Ctrl key while clicking the arrow buttons to increase or decrease the numerical values in fractions. For example, when you press Cmd/ Ctrl key while clicking Arrow Up to increase the Stroke Weight, the value increases from 1 point to 1.1 point.
Calculate values in a panel or dialog box
In a text box that accepts numerical values, do one of the following:
To replace the entire current value with a mathematical expression, select the entire current value.
To use the current value as part of a mathematical expression, click before or after the current value.
Type a simple mathematical expression using a single mathematical operator, such as + (plus), - (minus), x (multiplication), / (division), or % (percent).
For example, 0p0 + 3 or 5mm + 4. Similarly, 3cm * 50% equals 3 centimeters multiplied by 50%, or 1.50 cm, and 50pt + 25% equals 50 points plus 25% of 50 points, or 62.5 points.
Press Enter or Return to apply the calculation.
The Control panel offers quick access to options related to the objects you select. By default, the Control panel is docked at the top of the workspace.
Options displayed in the Control panel vary depending on the type of object or tool you select. For example, when you select a text object, the Control panel displays text-formatting options in addition to options for changing the color, placement, and dimensions of the object. When a selection tool is active, you can access Document Setup and Preferences from the Control panel.
A. Hidden options B. Link to another panel C. Panel menu
When text in the Control panel is blue and underlined, you can click the text to display a related panel or dialog box. For example, click the word Stroke to display the Stroke panel.
Change the kinds of controls that appear in the Control panel
Select or deselect options in the Control panel menu.
Open and close a panel or dialog box from the Control panel
Click a blue underlined word to open its associated panel or dialog box.
Click anywhere outside the panel or dialog box to close it.
Dock the Control panel at the bottom of the workspace
Choose Dock To Bottom from the Control panel menu.
Convert the Control panel to a floating panel
Drag the gripper bar (located on the left edge of the panel) away from its current position.
To redock the Control panel, drag the gripper bar to the top or bottom of the application window (Windows) or screen (Mac OS).
Change screen modes
You can change the visibility of the illustration window and menu bar using the mode options at the bottom of the toolbar. To access panels when in Full Screen Mode, position the cursor at the left or right edge of the screen and the panels will pop up. If you’ve moved them from their default locations, you can access them from the Window menu.
You can choose one of the following modes:
- Presentation Mode displays artwork as a presentation, with hidden application menu, panels, guides, and frame edges.
- Normal Screen Mode displays artwork in a standard window, with a menu bar at the top and scroll bars on the sides.
Full Screen Mode With Menu Bar displays artwork in a full-screen window, with a menu bar at the top and scroll bars.
Full Screen Mode displays artwork in a full-screen window, with no title bar or menu bar.
Use F key to toggle between the screen modes.
Using the status bar
The status bar appears at the lower-left edge of the illustration window. It displays any of the following:
current zoom level
current tool in use
current artboard in use
navigation controls for multiple artboards
Search box
Search for Help topics and assets from Adobe Help and Adobe Stock directly from within the Illustrator workspace. Select one of the following options from the drop-down menu of the search box on the right side of the Application bar:
- Adobe Stock
- Adobe Help
Search for Adobe Stock assets
You can search for high-quality, curated, royalty-free stock illustrations and vector graphics from for all your creative projects from right within Illustrator.
In the search box in the upper-right corner of the workspace, enter the name of the item that you want to find.
Press Enter.
You can also search for stock asset by selecting File > Search Adobe Stock.
All assets available from Adobe Stock for a particular search query appear in a separate browser window.
Search Adobe Help
Use the Search For Help box to search for Help topics and online content. If you have an active Internet connection, you can access all content on the Community Help website. If you search for Help without an active Internet connection, search results are limited to Help content that is included with Illustrator.
In the search box, type the name of the item on which you want to search (such as a feature, application, or tool).
Press Enter.
All topics available from the Community Help center appear in a separate browser window.
Integrate Adobe Asset Link
You can directly access the content stored in AEM Assets without the need to log in to AEM Assets. Adobe Asset Link is installed as an extension in the Illustrator application. Your IT admin has to configure and deploy the panel. Once installed and configured, you can do the following to open the panel:
- Choose Windows > Extensions > Adobe Asset Link.
For easy access, you can configure your workspace to include the Adobe Asset Link panel. For more information, see the following links:
Use Illustrator with the Touch Bar on MacBook Pro
Illustrator supports Touch Bar, the multitouch display at the top of the new MacBook Pro keyboard. Using the Touch Bar, you can access Illustrator features and controls right in the context of your current task on the main screen. The Touch Bar supports familiar gestures, such as tap, drag, and slide. For details, see Use the Touch Bar with Illustrator.
Use Illustrator with Microsoft Dial
Illustrator supports the new Microsoft Dial on Windows 10 Anniversary edition and later or directly on the SurfaceStudio. You can use Dial to adjust settings and parameters for your Illustrator documents.
While using Illustrator, long press the Dial to access the following options:
- Undo/ Redo
- Arrange
- Zoom
- Artboard Navigation
- Tools, including Rotate, Scale, Brush, Blob Brush, and Eraser.
For details, see Microsoft Dial support in Illustrator.