Last updated on Sep 12, 2024

Learn more on how to make selective adjustments.

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  1. On the Photoshop on the web homepage, under Start something new, select Upload an image and browse for a file on your device.  

  2. Select Adjustment layers  in the Layers panel.

  3. In the Adjustment layers panel, choose any of the given adjustment layers:

    • Brightness/Contrast: Adjusts the lightness and darkness of an image and its contrast.
    • Hue/saturation: Alters the color hues and their intensity for overall color adjustments.
    • Exposure: Changes the exposure levels to brighten or darken an image while maintaining details.
    • Vibrance: Increases the intensity of more muted colors without affecting well-saturated colors.
    • Color balance: Adjusts the color levels of shadows, midtones, and highlights to correct color tones.
    • Black & white: Converts color images to grayscale while allowing individual color channel adjustments.
    • Gaussian blur: Reduces image detail by averaging pixel values within a circular, Gaussian-shaped area, creating a gradual blur.
    • Levels: Alters the brightness and contrast by adjusting the input levels of shadows, midtones, and highlights.
    • Curves: Modifies tonal range and color balance using a curve graph for more precise adjustments.
    • Solid color: Fills the adjustment layer with the current foreground color.
  4. Select an Adjustment layer in the Layers panel to rename it.


    Select the layer visibility icon to Show/Hide the adjustment layer.

  5. Adjust the settings for the selected adjustment layer using the sliders or controls provided in the Properties panel.


    Select to delete the applied adjustment layer.

  6. Select Download.

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