Last updated on Sep 12, 2024

Learn more on how to add paragraphs.

Adobe Photoshop deeplink

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  1. On the Photoshop on the web homepage, under Start something new, select Upload an image and browse for a file on your device.

  2. Select Type from the toolbar.

  3. Select and drag the pointer on the canvas to create a bounding box in which you can type the text paragraph.

  4. Select anywhere inside the bounding box to begin typing the desired text.


    By default, when a type layer is created, sample text appears within a bounding box.

  5. In the Properties panel, you can further modify Text, Dimensions, and add Effects.

  6. Select Done to save your edits to the type layer. Select Cancel to exit the Type mode.


    Select Move to move the paragraph to a different location on the canvas.

  7. Select Download.

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