Last updated on Sep 12, 2024

Learn how to modify images with the Transform tool.

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Follow along with any project to learn how to crop and transform images.

  1. On the Photoshop on the web homepage, under Start something new, select Upload an image and browse for a file on your device.

  2. Select Size & position > Transform .

  3. In the options bar, select the required transform option: Free transformSkewDistort, and Perspective


    Free transform allows to apply transformations (Rotate, Scale, Skew, Distort, and apply Perspective) in one continuous operation.

  4. Adjust the Rotation angle in the options bar.

  5. Drag any of the handles of the transform bounding box that appears to apply the selected transformation.

  6. You can further use the Contextual task bar to rotate and flip your selection.

  7. Select Download.

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