Last updated on Sep 12, 2024

Get to know more about the various tools available in the Layers panel.

Layers panel is opened, showcasing options to add a new layer, adjustment layers, layer mask, effects, and arrange layers.
Quickly add and rearrange layers by dragging them up or down using the Layers panel.

The Layers panel provides various options to make edits while preserving the source content of an image with all its original characteristics.

  • Add new layer : Adds a new layer over the currently selected layer. 
  • Adjustment layers : Creates an adjustment layer or clips an adjustment layer to the current layer and provides options to modify Brightness/ContrastHue/saturation, Exposure, Vibrance, Color balance, Black & white, Levels, Curves, and Solid color.
  • Layer effects : Applies various effects like Stroke, Drop shadow, Color overlay to change the appearance of a layer's contents in a nondestructive manner.
  • Add layer mask : Adds a mask to a layer to show some parts of the layer and hide others.

To enable or disable the layer mask, select the  icon.

  • Arrange layers : Provides various positions available for the active layer, including Bring to frontBring forwardSend backward, and Send to back.
  • Delete : Deletes an active layer from the composite.
  • Layer actions : Lets you select various actions like Lock layer, Delete layer, Duplicate layer, and more.
  • Blend: Determines how pixels in a layer blend with underlying pixels in the image. You can choose from a list of special effects using blending modes available in the dropdown list, like Darken, Lighten, and more.
  • Opacity: Determines to what degree a selected layer is obscured or revealed. A layer with 1% opacity appears nearly transparent, while 100% opacity appears opaque.
  • Thumbnail: Displays the layer thumbnail and name. Double-click the layer name to rename the layer.
  • Hide layer and Show layerHides or shows the contents of a particular layer. Select the eye icon beside the layer thumbnail to hide the selected layer's contents. Select again to view the contents of that layer.
  • Show layer properties panel and Hide layer properties panel : Lets you access the Generative layer, Effects, and Dimensions within the Properties panel.

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