- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect application for desktop
- Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
- Adobe Connect Central home page
- Share content during a session
- Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
- View meeting reports and analytics data
- Work with Pods
- Reactions in Adobe Connect room
- Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
- Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
- Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
- Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
- Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
- Change the timeout period
- Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
- Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
- Enhance Adobe Connect account security
- Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
- Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
- Manage users and groups
- Set permissions for library files and folders
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
- Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
- Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
- Start and stop Adobe Connect services
- About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
- Create and manage seminars
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Session dashboard
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
- Audio in Adobe Connect meetings
- Record and play back Adobe Connect meetings
- Video in Adobe Connect meetings
- Adobe Connect User Guide
- Introduction
Adobe Connect Meeting
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect application for desktop
- Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
- Adobe Connect Central home page
- Share content during a session
- Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
- View meeting reports and analytics data
- Work with Pods
- Reactions in Adobe Connect room
- Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
- Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
- Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect Events
Adobe Connect Training and Seminars
- About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
- Create and manage seminars
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Session dashboard
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
- Audio in Adobe Connect meetings
- Record and play back Adobe Connect meetings
- Video in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage user content in Adobe Connect
Read to know how account administrators can create custom reports from Adobe Connect database.
Building custom reports using star schema views
Adobe Connect uses a database to store information about users, content, courses, and meetings. User activity populates the database. You can use tools such as Adobe® ColdFusion® Studio and Business Objects Crystal Reports to query star schema views and view the data. You can also use SQL-based tools such as SQL Query Analyzer.
The following Adobe Connect applications can output data to reports:
Adobe Connect Meeting
Meeting attendance, meeting duration, and meeting content.
Adobe Presenter
Content views, slide views, and presentation views.
Adobe Connect Training
Course management information such as course attendee statistics, content viewing statistics, and quiz results.
In addition, you can run reports from the Adobe Connect Central web application and either view or download them in CSV format. For more information, see Generating reports in Adobe Connect Central.
SCO fact
Column |
Description |
dim_sco_details_sco_id |
SCO id |
dim_sco_details_sco_version |
SCO version |
max_retries |
Maximum number of retries |
owner_user_id |
User id of the SCO owner |
disk_usage_kb |
Disk usage in kilobytes |
passing_score |
Passing score |
max_possible_score |
Maximum score |
views |
Number of views |
unique_viewers |
Number of unique users who have viewed the SCO |
slides |
Number of slides |
questions |
Number of questions |
max_score |
Maximum score |
min_score |
Minimum score |
average_score |
Average score |
average_passing_score |
Average passing score |
total_registered |
Average failing score |
total_participants |
Total registered users |
account_id |
Total participants |
SCO details dimension
Column |
Description |
sco_id |
SCO id |
sco_version |
SCO version |
sco_name |
Name |
sco_description |
Description |
sco_type |
SCO type |
sco_int_type |
Integer type |
is_content |
Is SCO a content SCO? |
url |
parent_name |
Name of parent SCO |
parent_sco_id |
SCO id of parent SCO |
parent_type |
Type of parent SCO |
date_sco_created |
Date created |
date_sco_modified |
Date modified |
sco_start_date |
Start date |
sco_end_date |
End date |
version_start_date |
Version start date |
version_end_date |
Version end date |
sco_tag_id |
Tag id |
passing_score |
Passing score |
max_possible_score |
Maximum possible score |
linked_sco_id |
Id of a linked SCO |
linked_type |
Type of a linked SCO |
owner_user_id |
Owner user id |
storage_bytes_kb |
Storage bytes in kilobytes |
account_id |
Account id |
Activity fact
Column |
Description |
dim_activity_details_activity_id |
Activity id |
score |
Score |
passed |
Passed |
completed |
Completed |
peak_session_users |
Peak session users |
number_correct |
Number correct |
number_incorrect |
Number incorrect |
number_of_questions |
Number of questions |
number_of_responses |
Number of responses |
account_id |
Account id |
Activity details dimension
Column |
Description |
activity_id |
Activity id |
dim_sco_details_sco_id |
SCO id |
dim_sco_details_sco_version |
SCO version |
dim_users_user_id |
User id |
dim_sco_details_parent_sco_id |
Parent SCO id |
score |
Score |
passed |
Passed |
completed |
Completed |
activity_type |
Activity type |
role |
Role |
date_activity_started |
Date started |
date_activity_finished |
Date finished |
dim_cost_center_id |
Cost center id |
cost_center_audit_id |
Audit id |
session_start_date |
Session start date |
session_end_date |
Session end date |
attendance_activity |
Is attendance activity? |
session_id |
Session id |
account_id |
Account id |
Curriculum test outs dimension
Description |
dim_sco_details_curriculum_sco_id |
Curriculum id |
dim_sco_details_curriculum_sco_version |
Curriculum version |
test_out_subject_sco_id |
Subject SCO id |
test_out_target_sco_id |
Target SCO id |
test_out_type |
Test out type |
account_id |
Account id |
Curriculum prerequisites dimension
Column |
Description |
dim_sco_details_curriculum_sco_id |
Curriculum id |
dim_sco_details_curriculum_sco_version |
Curriculum version |
pre_requisite_subject_sco_id |
Subject SCO id |
pre_requisite_target_sco_id |
Target SCO id |
pre_requisite_type |
Prerequisite type |
account_id |
Account id |
Curriculum completion requirements dimension
Column |
Description |
dim_sco_details_curriculum_sco_id |
Curriculum id |
dim_sco_details_curriculum_sco_version |
Curriculum version |
completion_subject_sco_id |
Subject SCO id |
completion_target_sco_id |
Target SCO id |
completion_requirement_type |
Completion requirement type |
account_id |
Account id |
Slide views fact
Column |
Description |
dim_slide_view_details_slide_view_id |
Slide view id |
dim_activity_details_activity_id |
Activity id |
slide_view_display_sequence |
Display sequence |
account_id |
Account id |
Slide views details dimension
Column |
Description |
slide_view_id |
Slide view id |
date_slide_viewed |
Date slide viewed |
slide_name |
Slide name |
slide_description |
Slide description |
account_id |
Account id |
Answers fact
Column |
Description |
dim_answer_details_answer_id |
Answer id |
dim_activity_details_activity_id |
Activity id |
dim_question_details_question_id |
Question id |
answer_display_sequence |
Display sequence |
answer_score |
Score? |
answer_correct |
Is correct? |
account_id |
Account id |
Answer details dimension
Column |
Description |
answer_id |
Answer id |
date_answered |
Date answered |
response |
Response |
account_id |
Account id |
Question fact
Column |
Description |
dim_sco_details_sco_id |
SCO id |
dim_sco_details_sco_version |
SCO version |
dim_question_details_question_id |
Question id |
number_correct |
Number of correct answers |
number_incorrect |
Number of incorrect answers |
total_responses |
Total responses |
high_score |
High score |
low_score |
Low score |
average_score |
Average score |
account_id |
Account id |
Question details dimension
Column |
Description |
question_id |
Question id |
question_display_sequence |
Display sequence |
question_description |
Description |
question_type |
Question type |
account_id |
Account id |
Question responses dimension
Column |
Description |
dim_question_details_question_id |
Question id |
response_display_sequence |
Response display sequence |
response_value |
Value |
response_description |
Description |
account_id |
Account id |
Groups dimension
Column |
Description |
group_id |
Group id |
group_name |
Group name |
group_description |
Group description |
group_type |
Group type |
account_id |
Account id |
User groups dimension
Column |
Description |
user_id |
User id |
group_id |
Group id |
group_name |
Group name |
account_id |
Account id |
User dimension
Column |
Description |
user_id |
User id |
login |
Login |
first_name |
First name |
last_name |
Last name |
Email address |
user_descrription |
User description |
user_type |
User type |
most_recent_session |
Most recent session date |
session_status |
Session status |
manager_name |
Manager name |
disabled |
Disabled |
account_id |
Account id |
custom_field_1 |
Custom field 1 value |
custom_field_2 |
Custom field 2 value |
custom_field_3 |
Custom field 3 value |
custom_field_4 |
Custom field 4 value |
custom_field_5 |
Custom field 5 value |
custom_field_6 |
Custom field 6 value |
custom_field_7 |
Custom field 7 value |
custom_field_8 |
Custom field 8 value |
custom_field_9 |
Custom field 9 value |
custom_field_10 |
Custom field 10 value |
Custom field names dimension
Column |
Description |
dim_column_name |
Custom field column name |
custom_field_name |
Custom field name |
account_id |
Account id |
Cost centers dimension
Column |
Description |
cost_center_id |
Cost center id |
cost_center_name |
Cost center name |
cost_center_description |
Cost center description |
Building custom reports from legacy database views
Adobe Connect version 7 introduced star schema views that you can query to build custom reports. The legacy database views are still supported, but the star schema views are more standardized and robust.
Adobe Connect uses a database to store information about users, content, courses, and meetings. User activity populates the database. You can use tools such as Business Objects Crystal Reports to query the database and view the data. You can also use SQL-based tools such as SQL Query Analyzer.
The following Adobe Connect applications can output data to reports:
Adobe Connect Meeting
Meeting attendance, meeting duration, and meeting content.
Adobe Presenter
Content views, slide views, and presentation views.
Adobe Connect Training
Course management information such as course attendee statistics, content viewing statistics, and quiz results.
View relationships between database views
To see the relationships between the database views, use a diagramming tool that connects to your database.
The following are not supported:
- views that are not identified in this document
- altering the views that are identified in this document
- direct access to the underlying database schema
Use a diagramming tool that connects to your database to see the relationships between the database views.
A unique transaction ID is generated each time a user interacts with an object. The EXT_TRANSACTIONS view returns the data listed in the following table:
Column |
Data type |
Description |
Unique ID for this transaction. |
Name of user who carried out this transaction. |
Object that the user interacted with. |
Can be passed, failed, complete, or in-progress. |
How the user scored. |
Date this transaction was taken or viewed. |
Sample query and data
The following query returns the data in the following table:
select * from ext_transactions where url = '/p63725398/' order by login, date_visited asc;TRANSACTION_ID |
10687 | |
/p63725398/ |
in-progress |
0.0 |
2006-12-15 00:56:16.500 |
10688 | |
/p63725398/ |
in-progress |
0.0 |
2006-12-15 00:56:16.500 |
10693 | |
/p63725398/ |
in-progress |
0.0 |
2006-12-15 00:58:23.920 |
10714 | |
/p63725398/ |
in-progress |
10.0 |
2006-12-15 01:09:20.810 |
10698 | |
/p63725398/ |
in-progress |
10.0 |
2006-12-15 01:00:49.483 |
10723 | |
/p63725398/ |
in-progress |
10.0 |
2006-12-15 01:11:32.153 |
10729 | |
/p63725398/ |
completed |
20.0 |
2006-12-15 01:12:09.700 |
Query notes
The EXT_TRANSACTIONS view returns all existing transactions for a given user and training session. To view the latest transaction, check the maximum DATE_VISITED value.
You can filter on the STATUS and URL fields to get a list of passing users for a specific training session, for example:
select * from ext_transactions where url = '/p31102136/' and status = 'user-passed' order by login, date_visited asc;Generating data
User actions that generate data in this view:
Attending a meeting
Viewing a piece of content
Taking a training session (a course or curriculum)
Excluded data
Certificate number, which does not exist in the database
Maximum score, which is often unavailable
The EXT_TRANSACTIONS_VIEWS view retrieves data about the slides or pages that users view.
Column |
Data type |
Description |
Unique ID for this transaction (can be merged with TRANSACTION_DETAILS to summarize by URL). |
Slide or page number that was viewed. |
Date this view occurred. |
Sample query and data
The following query returns the data in the following table:
select * from ext_transaction_views where transaction_id = 10702 order by page asc;TRANSACTION_ID |
10702 |
0 |
2006-12-15 01:01:13.153 |
10702 |
1 |
2006-12-15 01:01:18.233 |
10702 |
2 |
2006-12-15 01:01:59.840 |
10702 |
3 |
2006-12-15 01:02:20.717 |
Generating data
Data is generated in this view whenever a user views content or a training session.
The EXT_USERS view lists users and associated profile attributes:
Column |
Data type |
Description |
Unique user identifier. |
Unique user name. |
Unique email address. |
The login of the manager. Manager is always set to NULL. |
User or guest. Type is always set to user. |
Sample query and data
The following query returns the data in the following table:
select * from ext_users;LOGIN |
---|---|---|---|---| |
test4 laxmi | |
user | |
TEST7 laxmi | |
user |
Generating data
Data is updated in this view whenever a guest or user is created, updated, or deleted.
Excluded data
Password, which is not stored in plain text.
Time zone and language, which are not available in human readable form. For example, PST is 323.
Last login, as it is resource intensive to calculate. Instead, use a max(date_visited) query from the EXT_TRANSACTIONS view to retrieve this data.
Active session, which is data from the EXT_TRANSACTION view. Instead, use a STATUS='IN-PROGRESS' query to retrieve this data.
Deleted users do not appear in the EXT_USERS view. Deleted users continue to appear in the EXT_TRANSACTION view.
Data on groups is not included in this view.
Data on new and pre-defined user custom fields. This information is available for each user in the EXT_USER_FIELDS view.
The EXT_USER_FIELDS view lists new and predefined custom fields for a specific user. It also lists custom fields for users who are converted to guests.
Column |
Data type |
Description |
Unique user identifier. |
Field name such as telephone number. |
Field value such as 415.555.1212. |
Sample query and data
The following query returns the data in the following table:
select * from ext_user_fields where login = '';LOGIN |
---|---|---| |
{email} | | |
{first-name} |
test4 | |
{last-name} |
laxmi | |
{x-job-title} |
sw engr 4 | |
{x-direct-phone} |
NULL | |
{x-direct-phone-key} |
NULL | |
777 |
Generating data
Actions that generate data in this view: adding, creating, or updating new or predefined custom fields for one or more users.
The EXT_USER_GROUPS view lists data about groups and associated group members. The EXT_USER_GROUPS view uses the data listed in the following table:
Column |
Data type |
Description |
Name of user. |
Name of group. |
Sample query and data
The following query returns the data in the following table:
select * from ext_user_groups where login = '';LOGIN |
---|---| |
{admins} | |
{authors} | |
{everyone} | |
Laxmi Nagarajan |
Query notes
Nesting of multiple groups is supported in version 5.1 and later. For example, if group A contains group B, and you are in group B, you are listed as a member of A.
Built-in groups, like the Administrators group, use code names in the schema, as in the following SQL query: SELECT * FROM EXT_USER_GROUPS where group='{admins}. The code name distinguishes built-in groups from user-defined groups.
Generating data
User actions that generate data in this view:
Creating, updating, or deleting a group
Changing group membership
The EXT_OBJECTS view lists all system objects (such as meetings, content, courses) and their attributes.
Column |
Data type |
Description |
Unique identifier for the object. |
Either a presentation, course, FLV file, SWF file, image, archive, meeting, curriculum, folder, or event. |
Object name as it appears in the content listing. |
The date on which the object is scheduled to begin. |
The date on which the object is scheduled to end. |
The date this object was modified. |
Object summary information entered when creating a meeting, content, course, or other object type. |
Sample query and data
The following SQL query returns the data in the following table:
select * from ext_objects order by type asc;URL |
/p79616987/ |
course |
test api |
2006-12-08 23:30:00.000 |
2006-12-08 23:36:55.483 |
/p47273753/ |
curriculum |
test review curric |
2006-12-14 21:00:00.000 |
2006-12-14 21:00:30.060 |
/tz1/ |
meeting |
{default-template} |
2006-12-12 19:15:00.000 |
2006-12-12 20:15:00.000 |
2006-12-12 19:25:07.750 |
release presentation |
/p59795005/ |
presentation |
2006-12-15 00:43:19.797 |
managers meeting |
Query notes
You can get all objects of a specific type by filtering on the TYPE field. For example, the following SQL query filters for courses and curriculums:
select * from ext_objects where type in ('course', 'curriculum');Use the following SQL query to return a list of available system types:
select DISTINCT (type) from ext_objects;Generating data
User actions that generate data in this view:
Creating or updating a meeting, course, or curriculum
Uploading or updating content
Excluded data
Duration, which you can use date_end- date_begin to calculate.
Size on disk, which exposes business rules regarding copies versus originals
Folder ID
Deleted objects do not appear in the EXT_OBJECTS view. Deleted objects do exist in the EXT_TRANSACTION view.