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Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Dynamics Online: User Guide


Adobe Acrobat Sign integration with Microsoft Dynamics offers a plug-and-play solution to obtain signatures for forms, contracts, agreements, or any document. Acrobat Sign for Dynamics 365 CRM integration provides the following benefits:

  • A built-in Acrobat Sign functionality in CRM records such as Contacts, Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, Orders, Invoices, Quotes, Contracts, and any custom CRM entity, as defined by admins.
  • Acceleration of the quote-to-cash process by instantly sending agreements from Dynamics.
  • Merging data from Dynamics entities (such as accounts and contacts) into agreements and pushing data gathered from signers during the signing process back into Dynamics. 
  • Enabled on mobile devices through the Sales Hub (available in Dynamics 365 version 9.0 and later).
  • Signing flexibility that allows recipients to sign anywhere, anytime, and on any device.
  • Tracking of documents sent out for signature from within Dynamics.
  • Eliminates manual steps across the entire process.

Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Dynamics Online: User Guide explains how to use Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration (version 9.0 online and later). It provides instructions on how to:

Access Acrobat Sign

Acrobat Sign is installed by the Dynamics administrator, and access is granted via security roles. 

The Acrobat Sign Home page provides access to the important features and functionalities. 

The Welcome banner contains a Learn More link that opens the User Guide (this document) and is available until the user starts generating agreements.

When you create an agreement, the welcome message and the Learn More link are replaced by links to agreement filters.

You can view current agreements or send a new agreement for signature using the following options:

  • Agreements in progress - It displays a list of all agreements created by the user that is currently in progress.
  • Waiting for you - It displays a list of agreements currently waiting for your attention as a recipient.
  • Request signatures -  It allows you to create a new agreement and send it for signature.

Note: If you don't view the Acrobat Sign option on your main page, contact your Dynamics administrator to request user access.

Microsoft Dynamics admins have access to the following Admin tools on the Home page:

View news, warnings, and error messages

Acrobat Sign home page reports the news, warnings, and errors, when applicable. You can view the message details and dismiss the messages.


Send agreements for signature

You can create and send agreements for signature using any one of the following ways:

  • Via Dynamics entity
  • Via + (New) menu
  • Via Agreements page

To send agreements via Dynamics entity:

  1. Navigate to an entity record (such as Opportunity or Account) within Dynamics CRM and select to open it.

  2. From the top menu, select  (more commands menu) > Request Signatures.

    It opens the entity record as a new agreement.


  3. On the New Agreement page that opens, configure the agreement details as described in the steps below.


  4. Under Recipients:

    1. To add one or more signers, select  Add recipient.
    2. In the Quick Create: Recipient dialog that opens:
      1. In the Recipient Type field, select one of the following recipient types:
        New – When the recipient isn’t a known value in Dynamics
        Contact – For recipients that are defined Contact entities in Dynamics
        Lead – For recipients that are defined as Leads in Dynamics
        User – This describes internal users of your Dynamics environment
      2. For new recipients, provide the recipient's full name, email address, and role.
      3. Specify the identity verification method if necessary. 
      4. Once done, select Save and Close.
    3. To include yourself as a signer, select + Add me. It adds a recipient row with your user details.
    4. Under the Recipient Role field, select one of the following roles for each recipient:
      • Signer (default):  Signers are required to apply at least one signature to the agreement.
      • Approver: Approvers are not required to sign the agreement (although they can if signature fields are placed), but they have to actively “Approve” the agreement, which is a logged event.
      • CC: Carbon Copied (CC’d) parties are included in the notification process of the agreement but have no interaction with the agreement or signature cycle.
    5. Under the Authentication field, select one of the following authentication methods for each recipient:
      • Email: It is the default value and requires that the recipient access the agreement via their email link.
      • Acrobat  Sign: It requires the recipient to authenticate to the Adobe identity system. The agreements only signed by the sender must set Identity Verification to Acrobat Sign.
      • Phone: It sends a message to the recipient with a code they must enter. The sender must provide the recipient's phone number at the time the recipient is configured.
      • Password: The sender must separately share the password information with the recipient so they can verify their identity.
      • Knowledge Base: US-based users can verify the recipient's public information (and optionally their US Social Security Number) to ask a series of questions. 
    6. To set a sequential signing order for the recipients, select Sign in order checkbox. It sends the agreement in the order the recipients are listed in the Recipients section. 
      To change the signing order of a recipient, select the Sign order field in the recipient's row and then edit the order value. It automatically adjusts the order for other recipients.
    7. Once done, select Save.

    Sign in order options

    Moving Recipients

  5. In the Files section, select + Add files and then select the required file from one of the following locations:

    • My Computer.
    • Templates: It provides access to the templates uploaded to your Acrobat Sign account.
    • Attach file from Acrobat Sign library: It is available only when you create a new agreement document and isn't available when you create a templateOnly admins can add documents to the library.

    Note: All attached files are merged into one PDF for the signature process. The order of the documents is based on the order you list them in the Attachments section. To reorder the documents, select the Order field and manually update the document number. 

    File Attachment interface

  6. In the Message section, fill in the following fields:

    • Subject – The Subject is prominent in the notification process, surfacing in the email subject line, in bold font in the email body, and in smaller font throughout the boilerplate description (seen in the yellow highlight below).
    • Message – The Message field is an open plain text field where you can insert any message or instructions to the signer (seen in the green highlight below).

  7. In the Options section, you can enable any of the following settings as required:

    • Preview and position signatures before sending: It automatically opens the agreement in authoring mode to allow you to place form fields.
    • Completion deadline: It sets a termination date for the agreement.
    • Days until the agreement expires: It defines the number of days the agreement remains signable when the Agreement expires feature is enabled.
    • Require In-person signing: It mandates the recipient to sign in person on the sender’s local system or tablet without involving email. 

    Note: KBA, Adobe Sign, and Phone authentication require you to turn on 3rd party cookies in your browser.

    • Add post-signing landing page: It allows you to set a URL the recipient is routed to after they complete their interaction with the agreement.
    • Post-signing landing page: This field contains the URL for the page you want to direct recipients to when Add post-signing landing page is enabled.
    • Delay in seconds for redirect: Required when a Post-signing landing page is defined, this setting dictates how much delay should be observed after the signature is applied and before the recipient is re-directed to the designated landing page.
    • Recipient reminder: Defines a reminder cycle (daily or weekly) for the transaction.  
    • Signature type: You can set Electronic or Written signature types for your agreement.
      Admins can enable an option for the recipients to choose a Written signature instead of an Electronic signature or vice-versa.
      For written signatures, the recipient must download the document, physically sign it, and then upload a scanned image of that signed document.
    • Recipient's language: This option dictates the language used in the email and web interface for the recipient.
    • Password protect: It allows you to apply a password to the final document to prevent unauthenticated access.
    Agreement options

  8. Once you provide all the required details, from the top menu bar, select Send Agreement.

To send agreements via Dynamics Entity using templates

Microsoft Dynamics admins can create reusable templates for any recurring processes that have a predictable workflow. These templates are alphabetically listed in the Request Signatures sub-menu.

When using an Agreement Template, the pre-defined fields automatically populate, and you only need to provide details for the agreement recipients, the agreement name, and add the document to be signed.

Dynamics administrators have the ability to create one or more templates for any Dynamics entity (Contact, Opportunity, Account) that will pre-configure the agreement, reducing the amount of manual configuration for the Sender.

Templates are accessed through the More Commands () icon in the ribbon

To send agreements via + (New) menu

If you know the Entity type that a template is built around, you can quickly create and send an agreement from the + New menu. To do so:

  1. From the top menu, select the + (New) icon > Agreement.
    It opens the Quick Create: Agreement panel.
  2. Select the Entity (for example Opportunity in this case) that is associated with the template you want to use. 
    It exposes two lookups to allow you to select the specific object that you want to relate the agreement to and the template you want to use. 
  3. Select Choose Opportunity field and select a record from the available options.
  4. Select Choose a Template field and select a template from the list of associated templates. 
  5. Select Save.

It creates the agreement based on the template values:

  • If the template does not have a Recipient or File attached, the Agreement is created in Draft status.
  • If the template has a Recipient and a File attached, but the template does not have One-Click Send enabled, the agreement is created in Draft status.
  • If the template has a Recipient and a File attached, and One-Click Send is enabled, the agreement is automatically sent for signature.
Quick Create Agreement

Quick Create - Define template


You can use the Quick Create system can only be used by the following standard entities within Dynamics:

  • Opportunity
  • Contact
  • Lead
  • Account
  • Contract
  • Invoice
  • Order
  • Quote
  • User

Agreements sent from custom entities must start from the Request Signatures menu item.

View and manage agreements via Acrobat Sign hubs

If your company has deployed Adobe Acrobat Sign for Dynamics version 9.2 or later, you have access to the Adobe Acrobat Sign functionality on the Dynamics Sales Hub, Customer Service Hub, and Field Services.

These Hubs offers the same functionality with improved formatting, allowing direct access for phones, tablets, and any other mobile device.

Check agreement status

The status of an agreement indicates its current legal status and is updated in Dynamics on a regular polling interval. The status values are:

  • Draft – An Agreement that has been created but not yet sent.
  • Out for Signature – Actively in the process of being signed.
  • Signed/Approved – Fully completed by all parties.
  • Canceled – The signature process was canceled before all signatures could be obtained.
  • Expired - An agreement that was not completed before the configured expiration date.

You can easily find an agreement by checking the entities related to the primary entity that you used to create the agreement.

For example, if you created an agreement using a Contact, you can check what entities are related by navigating to the Contact and then selecting Related Agreements.


The relationship window shows the Agreements object that you can select to open the full list of agreements associated with the entity.

To view the status of an agreement, you can navigate to Adobe Acrobat Sign > Agreements.

All agreements, regardless of entity, are listed in the agreements list on the Agreements page.

  • Signed agreements display the NameAgreement Status, and dates of the agreements.
  • Declined, Out for Signature, and Draft agreements don't contain a Signed On date as they have not been completed.
  • The Signed On reflects when the agreement is completed and legally signed. Incremental signatures during the signature process are not reflected.

Update status, send reminders, and cancel agreements

You can take any of the following actions for unsigned Agreements:

  • Update Status – Actively poll the Acrobat Sign server to get the current status.
  • Send Reminder – Immediately sends an email reminder to the current signer of the agreement.
  • Cancel Agreement – Terminates the agreement in the system and sends a cancellation notice to the signer.

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