Illustrator on the iPad FAQs

  1. 《Illustrator 用户指南》
  2. 了解 Illustrator
    1. Illustrator 简介
      1. Illustrator 的新增功能
      2. 常见问题
      3. Illustrator 系统要求
      4. 适用于 Apple Silicon 的 Illustrator
      5. GPU 性能
    2. 工作区
      1. 工作区基础知识
      2. 创建文档
      3. 使用 Illustrator“发现”面板加快学习速度
      4. 使用上下文任务栏加速工作流程
      5. 工具栏
      6. 默认键盘快捷键
      7. 自定快捷键
      8. 画板简介
      9. 管理画板
      10. 自定义工作区
      11. “属性”面板
      12. 设置偏好设置
      13. 触控工作区
      14. Illustrator 中的 Microsoft Surface Dial 支持
      15. 撤消编辑和管理设计历史记录
      16. 旋转视图
      17. 标尺、网格和参考线
      18. Illustrator 中的无障碍功能
      19. 查看图稿
      20. 将 Touch Bar 与 Illustrator 结合使用
      21. 文件和模板
    3. Illustrator 中的工具
      1. 工具概览
      2. 选择工具
        1. 选择
        2. 直接选择
        3. 编组选择
        4. 魔棒
        5. 套索
        6. 画板
      3. 导航工具
        1. 抓住
        2. 旋转视图
        3. 缩放
      4. 绘图工具
        1. 渐变
        2. 网格
        3. 形状生成器
      5. 文本工具
        1. 文字
        2. 路径文字
        3. 垂直文字
      6. 绘图工具
        1. 钢笔
        2. 添加锚点
        3. 删除锚点
        4. 锚点
        5. 曲率
        6. 直线段
        7. 矩形
        8. 圆角矩形
        9. 椭圆
        10. 多边形
        11. 星形
        12. 画笔
        13. 斑点画笔
        14. 铅笔
        15. Shaper
        16. 切片
      7. 修改工具
        1. 旋转
        2. 镜像
        3. 缩放
        4. 切变
        5. 宽度
        6. 自由变换
        7. 滴管
        8. 混合
        9. 橡皮擦
        10. 剪刀
        11. 尺寸
    4. 生成式 AI(在中国大陆不可用)
      1. 使用文本提示生成场景、主题和图标
      2. 使用文本提示生成矢量图形
      3. 使用文本提示生成矢量形状填充
      4. 使用文本提示重新着色图稿
    5. 快速操作
      1. 复古文字
      2. 霓虹灯文本
      3. 复古文本
      4. 重新着色
      5. 将草图转换为矢量
  3. Illustrator iPad 版
    1. Illustrator iPad 版简介
      1. Illustrator iPad 版概述
      2. Illustrator iPad 版常见问题解答
      3. 系统要求 | Illustrator iPad 版
      4. 在 Illustrator iPad 版上可以或无法执行的操作
    2. 工作区
      1. Illustrator iPad 版工作区
      2. 触控快捷键和手势
      3. Illustrator iPad 版的键盘快捷键
      4. 管理应用程序设置
    3. 文档
      1. 在 Illustrator iPad 版中处理文档
      2. 导入 Photoshop 和 Fresco 文档
    4. 选择和排列对象
      1. 创建重复对象
      2. 混合对象
    5. 绘图
      1. 绘制和编辑路径
      2. 绘制和编辑形状
    6. 文字
      1. 处理文字和字体
      2. 在路径上创建文本设计
      3. 添加您自己的字体
    7. 处理图像
      1. 对栅格图像进行矢量化
    8. 颜色
      1. 应用颜色和渐变
  4. 云文档
    1. 基本信息
      1. 使用 Illustrator 云文档
      2. 共享并协作处理 Illustrator 云文档
      3. 共享文档以供审阅
      4. 升级 Adobe Illustrator 的云存储空间
      5. Illustrator 云文档 | 常见问题
    2. 故障排除
      1. 排除创建或保存 Illustrator 云文档的问题
      2. 为 Illustrator 云文档问题排除故障
  5. 添加和编辑内容
    1. 绘图
      1. 绘图基础知识
      2. 编辑路径
      3. 绘制像素级优化的图稿
      4. 使用钢笔、曲率或铅笔工具绘制
      5. 绘制简单线段和形状
      6. 绘制矩形和极坐标网格
      7. 绘制和编辑光晕
      8. 描摹图像
      9. 简化路径
      10. 符号工具和符号组
      11. 调整路径段
      12. 利用简单 5 步设计花朵
      13. 创建和编辑透视网格
      14. 在透视网格上绘制和修改对象
      15. 将对象用作符号以重复使用
      16. 绘制用于 Web 工作流程的像素对齐路径
    2. 测量
      1. 测量和绘制尺寸
    3. 3D 对象和材质
      1. 关于 Illustrator 中的 3D 效果
      2. 创建 3D 图形
      3. 将图稿贴在 3D 对象上
      4. 创建 3D 文本
      5. 创建 3D 对象
    4. 颜色
      1. 关于颜色
      2. 选择颜色
      3. 使用和创建色板
      4. 调整颜色
      5. 使用“Adobe Color 主题”面板
      6. 颜色组(协调)
      7. “颜色主题”面板
      8. 重新着色图稿
    5. 绘画
      1. 关于绘画
      2. 使用填色和描边上色
      3. 实时上色组
      4. 渐变
      5. 画笔
      6. 透明度和混合模式
      7. 为对象应用描边
      8. 创建和编辑图案
      9. 网格
      10. 图案
    6. 选择和排列对象
      1. 选择对象
      2. 图层
      3. 展开、分组和取消分组对象
      4. 移动、对齐和分布对象
      5. 对齐、排列和移动路径上的对象
      6. 将对象与字形对齐
      7. 将对象与日语字形对齐
      8. 堆叠对象    
      9. 锁定、隐藏和删除对象
      10. 复制和重复对象
      11. 旋转和镜像对象
      12. 交织对象
      13. 创建逼真的艺术模型
    7. 改变对象形状
      1. 裁切图像
      2. 变换对象
      3. 组合对象
      4. 剪切、分割和裁切对象
      5. 操控变形
      6. 缩放、倾斜和扭曲对象
      7. 混合对象
      8. 使用封套改变形状
      9. 使用效果改变对象形状
      10. 使用 Shaper 和形状生成器工具构建新的形状
      11. 使用实时转角
      12. 增强的支持触摸式变形工作流程
      13. 编辑剪贴蒙版
      14. 实时形状
      15. 使用形状生成器工具创建形状
      16. 全局编辑
    8. 文字
      1. 添加文本并使用文字对象
      2. Reflow 查看器
      3. 创建项目符号列表和编号列表
      4. 管理文本区域
      5. 字体和排版
      6. 将图像中的文本转换为可编辑文本
      7. 为文本添加基本格式
      8. 为文本添加高级格式
      9. 导入和导出文本
      10. 设置段落格式
      11. 特殊字符
      12. 创建路径文字
      13. 字符和段落样式
      14. 制表符
      15. 从 Adobe Fonts 添加缺失的字体
      16. 阿拉伯语和希伯来语文字
      17. 字体 | 常见问题解答和故障排除提示
      18. 创意排版设计
      19. 缩放和旋转文字
      20. 行距和字距
      21. 连字和换行
      22. 拼写和语言词典
      23. 设置亚洲字符格式
      24. 亚洲语言脚本书写器
      25. 使用混合对象创建文本设计
      26. 使用图像描摹创建文本海报
    9. 创建特殊效果
      1. 使用效果
      2. 图形样式
      3. 外观属性
      4. 创建素描和马赛克
      5. 投影、发光和羽化
      6. 效果小结
    10. Web 图形
      1. 创建 Web 图形的最佳做法
      2. 图表
      3. SVG
      4. 切片和图像映射
  6. 导入、导出和存储
    1. 导入
      1. 置入多个文件
      2. 管理链接和嵌入文件
      3. 链接信息
      4. 取消嵌入图像
      5. 从 Photoshop 导入图稿
      6. 导入位图图像
      7. 导入 Adobe PDF 文件
      8. 导入 EPS、DCS 和 AutoCAD 文件
    2. Illustrator 中的 Creative Cloud Libraries 
      1. Illustrator 中的 Creative Cloud Libraries
    3. 存储和导出
      1. 保存图稿
      2. 导出图稿
      3. 创建 Adobe PDF 文件
      4. Adobe PDF 选项
      5. 在 Photoshop 中使用 Illustrator 图稿
      6. 收集资源并批量导出
      7. 包文件
      8. 提取 CSS | Illustrator CC
      9. “文档信息”面板
  7. 打印
    1. 准备打印
      1. 设置打印文档
      2. 更改页面大小和方向
      3. 指定用于裁切或对齐的裁切标记
      4. 大型画布快速入门
    2. 打印
      1. 叠印
      2. 使用颜色管理进行打印
      3. PostScript 打印
      4. 打印预设
      5. 印刷标记和出血
      6. 打印和存储透明图稿
      7. 陷印
      8. 打印分色
      9. 打印渐变、网格和颜色混合
      10. 白色叠印
  8. 任务自动化
    1. 使用“变量”面板合并数据
    2. 脚本的自动化
    3. 动作的自动化
  9. 故障排除
    1. 修复的问题
    2. 已知问题
    3. 崩溃问题
    4. 崩溃后恢复文件
    5. 安全模式
    6. 文件问题
    7. 支持的文件格式
    8. GPU 设备驱动程序问题
    9. Wacom 设备问题
    10. DLL 文件问题
    11. 内存问题
    12. 偏好设置文件问题
    13. 字体问题
    14. 打印机问题
    15. 与 Adobe 共享崩溃报告
    16. 改进 Illustrator 性能

Here's everything you need to know to quickly get started with Illustrator on your iPad.

Illustrator on iPad

Illustrator on iPad


Illustrator on iPad

Quick start FAQs

Can I use Illustrator on the iPad?

Yes, you can! Download Illustrator on your iPad and start designing beautiful vector graphics and illustrations, wherever the inspiration strikes. Illustrator on the iPad lets you create logos, illustrations, and graphics with the precision of vectors and the freedom of Apple Pencil and the iPad. 

Download on the App Store

Nevertheless, you can resume work seamlessly across your desktop and iPad using the power of cloud documents.

Subscribe to a Creative Cloud plan that includes Illustrator. If you already have an active plan that includes Illustrator, simply sign-in with your Adobe ID on your iPad and download Illustrator for the iPad today.

Illustrator on iPad
Modern design experience with ability to create precision vector graphics wherever inspiration strikes.

Which iPad do I need to use Illustrator?

Illustrator is supported on iOS version 14 or later with the following iPad models:

  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (5th generation)
  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (4th generation)
  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (3rd generation)
  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (2nd generation)
  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (1st generation)
  • iPad Pro 11 inch (3rd generation)
  • iPad Pro 11 inch (2nd generation)
  • iPad Pro 11 inch (1st generation)
  • iPad Pro 10.5 inch
  • iPad Air (5th generation)
  • iPad Air (4th generation)
  • iPad Mini (6th generation)

Note: All are supported with 2nd generation Apple Pencil.

For more details, see System requirements | Illustrator on the iPad.

What languages are supported in Illustrator on the iPad?

Currently, Illustrator supports the following languages on the iPad:

English   |  Deutsch  |  Français  |  日本語 | 한국어

You may be able to use an unsupported language on selecting a native font. However, the functionality will be limited and experience may be different. Adobe is working to provide support for additional languages in the future releases.

Illustrator's installation language is determined using the following order:

  • If your iPad's language is one of the above, Illustrator is installed in the same language.
  • If your iPad's language is not currently supported by Illustrator, then Illustrator is installed in the next supported language based on the preferred language order setting of your iPad.
  • If none of the specified preferred language is supported, Illustrator is installed in English. 

Which Adobe plans include Illustrator on the iPad?

Illustrator on iPad
Pick a plan that works the best for you!

  • Already have an Adobe Creative Cloud plan that includes Illustrator?
    Simply, download Illustrator on your iPad and sign-in with your Adobe ID, without buying a new plan.
  • Are you a new user, or do you have a Creative Cloud plan that does not include Illustrator? You can buy a Creative Cloud Illustrator plan that includes both the desktop and iPad apps, or you can choose to get Illustrator on the iPad on its own.
  • Buy Illustrator on the iPad through the App Store as a single app on a monthly or annual (available in the US market only) basis. Also, you can buy the app as part of the Adobe Design Mobile bundle.
  • Get a trial plan and use Illustrator on your iPad for a limited duration.

Don't have an Adobe ID? It's free and easy to create one. Click here to quickly create your Adobe ID

Is Illustrator on the iPad available in my country?

Illustrator on the iPad is available only in countries where Creative Cloud services are available. See the latest list of countries that support Creative Cloud services.

As Adobe Creative Cloud services are currently not available on in Mainland China, Illustrator on the iPad is also not available in this region.

How do I manage my Illustrator on the iPad subscription purchased through Apple App Store?

Illustrator on the iPad subscription you purchase from the App Store is managed through your App Store account. 

For more information, see Apple's documentation for:

How much cloud storage does Illustrator on the iPad provide? Can I upgrade my storage?

Your cloud storage is shared across your Adobe Creative Cloud apps. The amount of your cloud storage is determined by your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription plan. If your cloud storage goes over the given quota, your documents can be saved as a local document only. If you need more cloud storage, easily upgrade your subscription plan to include additional storage at any time. 



In-app purchase (via Apple App Store)

100 GB

Free trial

2 GB

Illustrator Single App (iPad only)

100 GB

Creative Cloud All Apps 

100 GB

What happens to my assets if I close or delete my Adobe account?

If you close or delete your Adobe account, or if your subscription expires, your assets remain in the cloud and available to download for 30 days. After 30 days, you may lose access to some or all of your documents that are saved on the cloud servers. 

To view your assets, go to
To learn more about Creative Cloud, see Common Questions | Creative Cloud.

Illustrator on iPad
Assets will remain on the cloud for 30 days after you close your account.

File workflows

How does Illustrator on the desktop work with Illustrator on the iPad?

Any new document you create with Illustrator on the iPad is saved as a cloud document, so that you can easily access your creative work from iPad to desktop. Cloud documents are automatically synced across devices to create a seamless workflow.

For example, if you want to resume your desktop work on the iPad, simply save your Illustrator file as a cloud document. 

To view your cloud documents, click the Cloud documents tab on the home screen or access your documents on the Creative Cloud website.

Illustrator on iPad
Cloud documents help you work seamlessly across devices. Your creative work is autosaved.

What are the key differences between Illustrator’s iPad and desktop versions?

Illustrator has been reimagined to take advantage of iPad's specialities and Apple Pencil. Illustrator on the iPad makes graphic designing more intuitive and simple, with all the controls you need to achieve precision and quality.

The only difference you may notice is the user experience around the new touch screen interface. On both desktop and the iPad, you can attain the same amount of control and precision with a mouse click to the touch screen.

Illustrator on iPad
Illustrator reimagined for the iPad to provide you quick and precise vector drawing abilities.

Can I open files from other locations in Illustrator on the iPad?

Any file created in Illustrator on the iPad is saved as a cloud file and can be opened seamlessly across platforms. You can also open a file from various other locations in Illustrator on the iPad.

To open a file on the iPad:

  • From the Home screen:
    On the home screen, tap Import and open. In the Browse dialog, navigate to your file and tap on it to open.
  • From the document workspace:
    Tap  from the left toolbar and select one of the following options:
  •  Camera: Capture a photo and place it directly in your document.
  • Photos: Import photos saved on your iPad into your document.
  • Files: Import files that are saved on your iPad into your document.
  • Cloud documents: Import Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Fresco cloud documents and place them directly in your document.
  • Libraries: Import assets from Creative Cloud Libraries into your document.
Import files

Which file formats can I open and export in Illustrator on the iPad?

You can export an Illustrator file created or edited using the iPad into the following formats: Ai, PDF, SVG, PNG, and PSD.

On the top navigation bar, Tap Publish and Export to choose a format to publish or export the documents. For your ease, a quick list of most frequently used formats (.ai, png) is provided.

In addition, you can also choose to livestream your work using the Start Livestream option.

How can I open a Creative Cloud file in Illustrator on the iPad?

To open a Creative Cloud file in Illustrator on the iPad, do one of the following:

  • Home screen: Tap Import and open.
  • Document workspace: Tap Import button.

Now, in the Browse panel, select Locations Creative Cloud to quickly import a file from Creative Cloud.

Illustrator on iPad
Open a Creative Cloud file quickly using the Home screen and the document workspace.

 If you're unable to find Creative Cloud option under Locations, download the Creative Cloud app on your iPad and ensure that you are signed in. To add Creative Cloud under Locations, see the directions listed under 'Use third-party apps' in Files section in Use the Files app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Can I turn off autosave in cloud documents?

Autosaving of cloud document helps you work seamlessly on your creative projects anytime, anywhere, across devices, without worrying about any data loss.

You can turn off the autosave while using Illustrator on the desktop. Autosaving of cloud document cannot be turned off on the iPad. However, you can restrict syncing over your cellular network when working on an iPad.

For more information, see Illustrator cloud documents | Common questions.

Illustrator on iPad

Productivity shortcuts

What are the keyboard and touch shortcuts for Illustrator on the iPad?

To view a list of popular keyboard shortcuts in Illustrator on the iPad, see Keyboard shortcuts.

To learn more about touch shortcuts and touch gestures in Photoshop on the iPad, see Touch shortcuts and gestures.

Use touch shortcuts and gestures to create quick vector graphics.

Share your feedback

How do I suggest a feature or report an issue with Illustrator on the iPad?

Participate in the future innovations of your favorite Adobe product! We value your input and make it easy to report issues or request new features.

To report a problem, suggest a feature, or take a survey, navigate to App Settings > General > Help > Send feedback.

You can also join the Adobe Illustrator Community to seek and provide guidance on using the app. We look forward to hearing from you.

Illustrator on iPad
Got feedback about Illustrator on the iPad? We're all ears.

