In any module except the Book module, choose File > Email Photo.
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Email photos from Lightroom Classic
Lightroom Classic allows you to create email messages and send photos to people using your default email application. You can also use an Internet/web-based email providers such as Gmail.
Configure email account settingsfor Lightroom Classic
To begin sending your photos by email directly from Lightroom Classic, first setup your email account using Lightroom Classic Email Account Manager. Lightroom Classic allows you to configure multiple email accounts associated with various service providers.
Lightroom Classic displays an email creation dialog.
In the email creation dialog, click the From pop-up menu and choose Go To Email Account Manager.
Poznámka:In the From menu, Lightroom Classic automatically adds the default email application set on your computer such as Microsoft Outlook (Windows) and Apple Mail (Mac).
The Lightroom Classic Email Account Manager window appears.
To begin configuring a new email account, click Add at the lower-left corner of the window.
In the New Account window that appears, specify the following:
Account Name
Specify an alias name for the account. Choose a name that will help you recognize the email id that you want to associate with this account.
Service Provider
Choose a service provider from the drop-down list. If your service provider is not in the list, choose Other.
Click OK.
Poznámka:If you choose any of the listed service providers — AOL Mail, Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail — Lightroom Classic automatically populates the Outgoing Server Settings (explained in the next step). If you choose Other, contact your email service provider or see the provider's website to get the correct details for your account.
In the Lightroom Classic Email Accounts Manager window, specify the following:
Configuring a Gmail account in Lightroom Classic Email Accounts Manager Configuring a Gmail account in Lightroom Classic Email Accounts Manager Outgoing Server Settings
For common service providers, such as Gmail, Lightroom Classic automatically adds SMTP server and port settings, as well as the security and authentication options.
For more information about specifying these settings, contact your email service provider or see the provider’s website.
Credential Settings
Enter your Email Address and Password.
Poznámka:In the User Name text box, ensure that you enter the full email address.
In the left column of the window, the gray circular icon next to the Account Name and the 'Not Validated' label indicate that your account credentials are yet to be validated in Lightroom Classic.
Once you have specified all the account credentials in the previous step, click Validate to have Lightroom Classic establish a connection with the outgoing mail server.
Poznámka:For a successful validation, check the following:
- Ensure that your computer has a working Internet connection.
- If you have installed an anti-virus program that blocks certain network access, manually add the Adobe Lightroom Classic executable to the list of trusted programs in the anti-virus settings.
- If you are on a corporate network, contact your network administrator about your network's firewall configuration and how to configure your outgoing email server correctly.
If the validation is successful, the circular icon next to the Account Name (in the left column) turns green and a label 'Validated' is displayed. You can now use this email account to directly send photos by email from Lightroom Classic.
If you're facing problem validating your Gmail account in Lightroom Classic, see Unable to validate email account in Lightroom Classic for a solution.
Remove an email account
To remove an existing email account in Lightroom Classic, do the following:
- In any module except the Book module, choose File > Email Photo.
- In the email creation dialog, click the From pop-up menu and choose Go To Email Account Manager.
- In the Lightroom Classic Email Account Manager window appears, choose the email account that you want to remove from the left column.
- Click Remove at the lower-left corner of the window.
Update the password of an email account
To update or change the password of an existing email account in Lightroom Classic, do the following:
- In any module except the Book module, choose File > Email Photo.
- In the email creation dialog, click the From drop down menu and choose Go To Email Account Manager.
- In the Lightroom Classic Email Account Manager window appears, choose the email account that you want to update from the left column.
- In the Credential Settings section, enter the new Password.
- Click Validate to have Lightroom Classic establish a connection with the outgoing mail server.
Send photos as email attachments
In the Grid view of the Library module or in the Filmstrip, select one or more files that you want to share via email. Selected files can be photos or videos.
Choose File > Email Photo or press the keys Cmd (Mac)/Ctrl (Win) + Shift + M.
Sending photos as email attachment to multiple recipients Sending photos as email attachment to multiple recipients -
In the email message window, do the following:
Enter one or more email addresses. When sending to multiple recipients, use ';' (semicolon) between the email addresses to separate them. You can also add email addresses or groups from Lightroom Classic Address Book by clicking Address in the upper-right corner of the window. For details, see Add email addresses and create groups in Lightroom Classic Address Book.
(Optional) Enter the subject line of the email.
(Optional) When sending email using a web-based email account such as Gmail, Lightroom Classic allows you to enter the body text/message of your email. You can also use the formatting options provided in the email message window.
(Optional) To change the email account that sends the message, click the From pop-up menu and choose a different email account. To know how to configure a new email account, see Configure email account settings for Lightroom Classic.
Poznámka:In the From menu, Lightroom Classic automatically adds the default email application set on your computer such as Microsoft Outlook (Windows) and Apple Mail (Mac).
Poznámka:Select Include Caption Metadata As A Description Label to send caption metadata with the photo in the body of the email.
Click the Preset button and choose a size for the attached photo or photos.
Poznámka:Based on the selected Preset, Lightroom Classic converts the selected photos (including raw images) to JPEG attachments for emailing.
Click Send.
- If you chose an email application saved on your computer, the email message opens in that application. Add a message if desired, and then click Send in your email application.
- Otherwise, if you chose a validated web-based email account, Lightroom Classic directly sends the email.
Add email addresses and create groups in Lightroom Classic Address Book
Lightroom Classic Address Book allows you to save email addresses of your contacts and also create mailing groups consisting of one or more email addresses.
Once you have saved the addresses, Lightroom Classic automatically suggests the matching contacts as you start typing in the 'To' box in the email message window. For more details, see Send photos as email attachments.
In any module except the Book module, choose File > Email Photo.
In the email message window, click Address at the upper-right corner.
In the Lightroom Classic Address Book window that appears, click New Address.
In the New Address window, do the following:
Enter an alias name of the contact that you want to add.
Enter a valid email address of the contact.
Click OK.
The address now appears in the Lightroom Classic Address Book window.
To create a Group, click New Group in the Lightroom Classic Address Book window.
In the New Group window, do the following:
Enter a name for the group that you want to create.
In the left column, select one or more addresses and click (>>) icon to move them to the right column.
Click OK.
The selected addresses are added in the group. The group now appears in the Lightroom Classic Address Book window.
Export photos with custom settings to email
When exporting photos to email (Export To > Email), Lightroom Classic allows you to apply custom settings on the exported photos — File Naming, Video, File Settings, Image Sizing, Output Sharpening, Metadata, Watermarking — and opens an email message window to allow you to send the attached photos to someone using email. You can also save the export settings as presets for reuse.
Based on your custom setting or preset in the Export dialog, Lightroom Classic converts the photos selected for exporting (including raw images) to JPEG email attachments.
To export photos from Lightroom Classic to email, follow these steps:
In the Grid view of the Library module or in the Filmstrip, select one or more files that you want to share via email. Selected files can be photos or videos.
Choose File > Export, or click the Export button in the Library module. Then, choose Export To > Email in the pop-up menu at the top of the Export dialog box.
Specify the export settings such as a destination folder, naming conventions, and other options in the various Export dialog box panels.
Use the File Settings panel to choose a color space, output quality, and file size. When you are exporting to email, Image Format is set as JPEG and cannot be changed. For details, see File settings.
In the Image Sizing panel, specify how to size the image — dimensions and resolution. For details, see Image sizing.
For information on settings in the other panels, see Export files to disk or CD.
Poznámka:In the Presets column on the left, you can also use the For Email Lightroom Classic preset, which generates a 72-dpi JPEG image and automatically sends the email from Lightroom Classic.
(Optional) To save your export settings for reuse, click Add at the bottom of the Preset panel on the left side of the Export dialog box. See Save export settings as presets.
Click Export.
Lightroom Classic open the email message window with the export photos as attachments.
- If you saved your custom export settings in the previous step, the email message window displays the name of the Preset at the lower-left corner.
- Otherwise, the email message window displays the Preset option as Custom Settings Defined In The Export Options Dialog.
To proceed further, see Send photos as email attachments.
Publish from Lightroom Classic to Flickr
The Publish Services panel in the Library module allows you to send photos directly from Lightroom Classic to Flickr. First, establish a connection between Flickr and Lightroom Classic, then create a publish collection of photos to publish. Finally, upload the photos. You can also make and view Flickr comments in the Comments panel in the Library module of Lightroom Classic.
Create a Flickr connection
The Publish Services connection allows Lightroom Classic to communicate with your Flickr account.
In the Publish Services panel on the left side of the Library module, click the Flickr connection Set Up button.
The Publish Services panel The Publish Services panel -
In the Lightroom Classic Publishing Manager dialog box, look under Flickr Account and click Log In.
Follow the prompts to allow Flickr to communicate with Lightroom Classic.
Specify additional export options in the Publishing Manager:
Publish Service
A description that appears next to the connection name in the Publish Services panel.
Flickr Title
Set photo titles using a photo’s filename, IPTC Title metadata, or Leave Blank. Choose the preferred behavior when updating photos: Replace Existing Title or Leave Existing Title.
Poznámka:For information on File Naming, File Settings, Image Sizing, and other options, see Export files to disk or CD.
(Optional) To change your Flickr connection settings at any time, click the + button at the top of the Publish Services panel and choose Flickr > Edit Settings.
Add and manage photos in a Flickr photoset
Photos that you want to upload to Flickr are managed in a publish collection, also called a photoset.
To create a Flickr photoset, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the Flickr connection in the Publish Services panel and choose one of the following:
Create Photoset
A collection or set of any photos that you choose that resides in your Flickr Photostream.
Create Smart Photoset
A photoset based on rules that you define. See Work with smart collections.
For a regular photoset
, drag photos from the Grid view to the Flickr photoset in the Publish Services panel. If you create a smart photoset
, the photos that match your rules appear in the collection.
To manage your Flickr photosets, do any of the following:
To edit, rename, or delete a photoset, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) it in the Publish Services panel and choose Edit Collection, Rename, or Delete.
To remove an unpublished photo from a regular photoset, select it in the photoset and press Delete.
To add or remove photos in a smart photoset, change the rules of the smart photoset.
To view the photos in a photoset, select the photoset in the Publish Services panel. The photos are organized in the following categories, or queues, in the image display area:
New Photos To Publish
Photos that have not been exported.
Modified Photos To Republish
Photos that were edited in the Library or Develop module after they were exported.
Published Photos
Photos that have not been modified since they were exported.
Deleted Photos To Remove
When you press Delete to remove published photos from a photoset, Lightroom Classic marks them as Deleted Photos To Remove. They are removed from the photoset in Lightroom Classic and from Flickr the next time you click Publish.
Upload to Flickr
Photos waiting to be published appear in one of two queues: New Photos To Publish or Modified Photos To Republish. Lightroom Classic uploads everything in both queues when you publish a photoset.
To publish photos to Flickr, do one of the following:
Select a photoset and click Publish.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) a photoset and choose Publish Now.
If prompted, click Replace to update published photos with newer versions.
If you experience problems uploading to Flickr using the Publish Services panel, make sure you are using the latest update: In Lightroom Classic, choose Help > Check For Updates.
Publish from Lightroom Classic to Adobe Stock
The Publish Services panel in the Library module allows you to send photos directly from Lightroom Classic to Adobe Stock. Use your existing Creative Cloud account credentials to establish a connection between Adobe Stock Contributor portal ( and Lightroom Classic, then drag photos from the Grid view to the Adobe Stock photoset in the Publish Services panel. Finally, publish the photos from Lightroom Classic.
Now, you can go to the Adobe Stock Contributor portal to tag the uploaded images and submit them to Adobe Stock for moderation. Adobe Stock Contributor portal automatically extracts the Lightroom Classic Keywords associated with your images and displays them as tagged Keywords. For more details, see Adobe Stock Contributor Learn and Support.
Set up the Adobe Stock publishing service
Setting up the Adobe Stock publishing service establishes a link between the Adobe Stock Contributor portal and Lightroom Classic.
In the Publish Services panel on the left side of the Library module, click the Adobe Stock connection Set Up button.
In the Lightroom Classic Publishing Manager dialog box, look under Adobe Stock.
Specify the settings in the Lightroom Classic Publishing Manager:
Publish Service
A description that appears next to the connection name in the Publish Services panel.
Adobe Stock Account
Select the first link. When you set up the publishing service for the first time, it takes you through an on-boarding sequence. Log in using your existing Creative Cloud credentials. For more information on Adobe Stock account creation, see Adobe Stock Contributor Learn and Support.
After completing the on-boarding process, ensure that you select Save in the dialog.
(Optional) To change your Adobe Stock connection settings at any time, click the + button at the top of the Publish Services panel and choose Adobe Stock > Edit Settings.
Add and manage photos in the Submit to Adobe Stock collection
Photos that you want to upload to Adobe Stock should be added to the Published collection. The default name of this collection is Submit to Adobe Stock.
To add photos, do one of the following:
- Set the Adobe Stock collection in the Publish Services panel as the Target collection
- Right-click / Command-click the Adobe Stock collection, and then click Set as Target Collection.
- To add a file to the queue of files ready to be published:
- Press B, or,
- Right-click/Command-click a file, and then click
- Drag photos from the Grid view to the Adobe Stock Published collection
in the Publish Services panel.
- Set the Adobe Stock collection in the Publish Services panel as the Target collection
To manage your Adobe Stock collection:
To rename the collection, double-click the collection in the Publish Services panel and type a new name. The default name of the collection is Submit to Adobe Stock.
To remove a photo from the collection, right-click the photo, and select Remove from Collection.
To view the photos in a collection, select the photoset in the Publish Services panel. The photos are organized in the following categories, or queues, in the image display area:
New Photos To Publish
Photos that have not been published to Adobe Stock.
Published Photos
Photos that have not been modified since they were previously published.
Deleted Photos To Remove
When you press Delete to remove previously published photos, Lightroom Classic marks them as Deleted Photos To Remove. They are removed from the collection in the Publishing Services panel in Lightroom Classic. However, the deleted photos aren't automatically removed from the Adobe Stock Contributor portal — you need to remove them manually.
Upload to Adobe Stock
Photos waiting to be published appear in the New Photos To Publish queue. When you click Publish, Lightroom Classic uploads everything in this queue to your Adobe Stock Contributor portal's New section.
Make sure that the selection of images you want to upload to Adobe Stock meets the technical requirements for photos.
If your selection contains images that do not meet these file specifications, Lightroom Classic displays the errors in the Unable To Upload All Assets dialog. To continue, remove the non-confirming images from your selection and publish again.
To publish photos to Adobe Stock, do one of the following:
Right-click / command-click the collection in the Publishing Services panel, and then select Publish Now.
Click the Publish button below the module buttons (above the image display area).
When the upload completes successfully, Lightroom Classic displays the Image(s) successfully Uploaded dialog.
You can click Continue To Adobe Stock link in this dialog to continue to the Adobe Stock Contributor portal.
See Adobe Stock | Upload and manage content for more details.