Launch Lightroom Classic.
- Lightroom Classic User Guide
- Introduction to Lightroom Classic
- Workspace
- Import photos
- Organize photos in Lightroom Classic
- Process and develop photos
- Develop module basics
- Create panoramas and HDR panoramas
- Flat-Field Correction
- Correct distorted perspective in photos using Upright
- Improve image quality using Enhance
- Work with image tone and color
- Masking
- Apply local adjustments
- HDR photo merge
- Develop module options
- Retouch photos
- Cure red eye and pet eye effects
- Use the Radial Filter tool
- Adjustments with Lens Blur
- Edit and Export in HDR
- Remove Tool
- Viewing photos
- Export photos
- Work with external editors
- Manage catalogs and files
- Maps
- Photo books
- Slideshows
- Print photos
- Web galleries
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Content Authenticity
- Lightroom and Adobe services
- Troubleshooting
- Technical Support
- Performance Guidelines
- Technical issues
- GPU Issues
- Startup Issues
- Rendering Issues
- Stability Issues
- Miscellaneous Issues
- Workflow Issues
If you're experiencing any of the issues listed below, a defective, unsupported, or incompatible graphics processor (also called a graphics card, video card, or GPU) or graphics driver could be the issue. The solutions listed in this section can help you resolve the following issues:
- The image area in the Develop module is all blue or all white.
- Lightroom Classic crashes on launch, crashes or freezes in general, or slows without explanation.
- Moving basic develop sliders causes image brightness to flicker or shift colors unexpectedly
- The message "Graphics processor acceleration has been disabled due to errors" appears under the Use Graphics Processor check box in Lightroom Classic's Performance preferences.
- Image previews and thumbnails look tiled or broken on Windows
Solution 1: Disable the graphics processor to quickly narrow down the issue
You can quickly determine if the issue is related to your graphics processor or driver by following these steps:
Navigate to one of the following:
- (macOS) Lightroom Classic > Preferences > Performance
- (Windows) Edit > Preferences > Performance
From the Use Graphics Processor drop-down menu, select Off.
Quit and relaunch Lightroom Classic.
If the problem goes away, your graphics processor or driver is likely the issue. See Solution 4: GPU and graphics driver troubleshooting steps for further troubleshooting steps.
If the problem still occurs, the graphics processor is not the cause. For additional troubleshooting, see:
Solution 2: Manually disable the graphics processor
If you can't launch Lightroom Classic, or Lightroom Classic crashes before you can clear the Use Graphics Processor check box, here's how to manually disable this preference:
Navigate to one of the following:
- (macOS) /Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.LightroomClassicCC7.plist
- (Windows) C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\Lightroom Classic CC 7 Preferences.agprefs
Poznámka:(Windows) Some of the folders you're looking for could be hidden. To view them, choose Start > Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Folder Options. In the Advanced area of the View tab, make sure that Show Hidden Files and Folders is selected, and then click OK.
(macOS) The user Library file is hidden by default on Mac OS X 10.7 and later. For temporary access to the user Library file, press Option and choose Go > Library in the Finder.
Open the file Lightroom Classic CC 7 Preferences.agprefs (Windows) / com.adobe.LightroomClassicCC7.plist (macOS) in a text editor.
Change the line useAutoBahn = true to useAutoBahn = false.
Save and close the file Lightroom Classic CC 7 Preferences.agprefs (Windows) / com.adobe.LightroomClassicCC7.plist (macOS).
Restart your computer.
Launch Lightroom Classic.
Solution 3: Force Lightroom Classic to use Windows DirectX or macOS Metal
If you run into crashing or redraw issues, try the following solution:
Go to Help > System Info and scroll to the Graphics Processor Info section in the System Info dialog box. Verify that the GPU is set to OpenGL.
OpenGL OpenGL -
Quit Lightroom Classic.
Locate the Camera Raw GPU Config.txt file.
- (macOS) /Users/[user name]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/GPU/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic/Camera Raw GPU Config.txt
- (Windows) \Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\GPU\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic\Camera Raw GPU Config.txt
On macOS, the user Library folder is hidden by default in macOS X 10.7 and later releases. Use the directions here.
On Windows, the AppData folder may be hidden. To view the hidden folder on Windows 10, open File Explorer and from the top menu bar, select View and enable the checkbox for hidden items in Show/hide section. For Windows 11 users, open File Explorer and from the top menu bar, select View > Show > Hidden items. -
Manually delete the Camera Raw GPU Config.txt file.
Relaunch Lightroom Classic.
Solution 4: GPU and graphics driver troubleshooting steps
If you run into any of the issues listed above, try the following solutions in order.
Confirm that you're using the latest version of Lightroom Classic.
Choose Help > Updates. For additional details, see the article Update Creative Cloud apps.
Confirm that your graphics card is compatible with Lightroom Classic. To determine your graphics card make and model, see the section How do I determine the make and model of my graphics card?
Update your graphics card driver.
If you're experiencing any of the issues listed above, or Lightroom Classic isn't accessing your graphics processor and your graphics card meets the minimum system requirements, update the graphics driver.
Graphics drivers are updated via operating system updates. To make sure that you have the latest macOS updates, choose Software Update from the menu or the Updates tab in the App Store application.
Download the most recent driver directly from your graphics card manufacturer's website:
Perform a clean installation of your graphics card driver
When upgrading the graphics card driver, it is recommended that you remove all previous versions of the graphics card driver from your computer before installing the new one. This is called a clean installation.
Once you’ve determined the make and model of your graphics card in your computer, follow your card’s manufacturer documentation and resources below:
- NVIDIA drivers: How to perform a clean installation of my Nvidia drivers?
- AMD drivers: AMD Clean Uninstall Utility
- Intel: Intel Driver & Support Assistant (Intel DSA)
After installing the updates, relaunch Lightroom Classic. Turn on the Use Graphics Processor option in Preferences and retry the steps that caused the problem.
Poznámka:- Windows Update won't always give you the latest and greatest drivers. You must go directly to your card manufacturer’s website to check for driver updates.
- Be sure to choose the correct driver. Notebook drivers sometimes have a different name than similar desktop drivers.
- Some video adapter manufacturers have other software that requires updating in addition to the video driver. Read the update instructions carefully, and contact the video adapter manufacturer directly if you don't understand the instructions.
Disable third-party graphics accelerators. Third-party GPU overclocking utilities and haxies aren't supported.
Multiple graphics cards with conflicting drivers can cause problems with GPU-accelerated or enabled features in Lightroom Classic. For best results, connect two (or more) monitors into one graphics card.
Disable Automatic graphic switching on the Energy Saver tab in the System Preferences.
For more details, refer to Apple's documentation:
If you must use more than one graphics card, remove or disable the less powerful cards. For example, assume that you have two different cards using two different drivers—an NVIDIA graphics card and an AMD graphics card. In this case, ensure that Lightroom has been assigned the High Performance graphics card rather than Integrated Graphics or Power Saving graphics card.
- Right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose the NVIDIA control panel.
- Click Manage 3D settings.
- Click Program Settings and add Lightroom.exe. Change the preferred graphics processor to High-performance NVIDIA processor.
- Right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose the AMD Catalyst Control Center or Configure Switchable Graphics.
- Click Browse and choose High Performance instead of Power Saving.
For additional instructions on how to set a specific card to be the primary graphics card on Windows, consult the graphics card manufacturer's driver documentation.
(Windows) If the previous step does not resolve the issue, consider disabling the graphics cards.
If you're using more than one graphics card in Windows, your high-end card might not be set as the primary card. To disable the lesser of the two cards, use the Device Manager on Windows. In the Device Manager, right-click the card's name and choose Disable.
Disabling a graphics card Disabling a graphics card -
Do not use Lightroom Classic on a virtual machine (VM).
Running Lightroom Classic under virtual machines (VMs) is not tested extensively nor officially supported because of known issues with features that rely on the graphics processor in VM environments.
After performing the troubleshooting steps above, you can confirm the results by enabling the Use Graphics Processor option in Preferences.
If none of the troubleshooting steps above solve the issue, your last option is to purchase a compatible graphics card, or completely disable the graphics processor using the following steps:
- Launch Lightroom Classic.
- Navigate to one of the following:
- (macOS) Lightroom Classic > Preferences > Performance
- (Windows) Edit > Preferences > Performance
- Do one of the following:
- Lightroom Classic (version 8.4)
From the Use Graphics Processor drop-down menu, select Off. - Lightroom Classic (version 8.3 and earlier)
Deselect Use Graphics Processor
- Lightroom Classic (version 8.4)
- Quit and relaunch Lightroom Classic.