Adobe Lightroom In-App Feedback program

What is the purpose of this program?

The Adobe Lightroom’s in-app feedback program is designed to help improve machine learning based features in Lightroom. Features like Auto Red Eye Correction, Subject Select, and Sky Select can all be improved with a wide range of images to train our machine learning algorithms. Participation in this program is opt-in only on a per-image basis and voluntary. 

What information is collected?

When you choose to participate in the program, the following data may be sent to Adobe servers when feedback is submitted:

  • Your specifically shared image data that is stored in the Lightroom cloud.
  • Any feedback you voluntarily provide on the quality of the feature.

Can I see the data that is collected before it is sent to Adobe?

No, the information is not viewable by users.

What are the participating products?

Adobe Lightroom version 5.4 and later on macOS and Windows.

How will Adobe use the information?

If you choose to participate, Adobe will:

  •  Collect image data that will be viewed by researchers and trusted vendors
  • Collect information on how you use this software to identify trends and usage patterns

Adobe will not use this data for any purpose other than to improve Adobe Products and services.

How is my privacy protected?

Adobe takes many precautions in protecting the information that is collected and transmitted. You can learn more about how we handle user information by reviewing Adobe Privacy Policy.

Visit the Adobe Privacy Center to find information on privacy topics, including your choices about how Adobe collects and uses your information. 

How do I participate in the program?

Participation in the program is voluntary. To submit feedback and grant permission for Adobe and its vendors to view a selected image:

  1. Choose the image for which you would like to provide feedback
  2. Submit the image along with your feedback

How do I leave the program?

Permission to view your submitted images is withdrawn when you delete the image from your library.

How does Adobe use machine learning?

Read Machine Learning FAQs to find answers to common questions on machine learning and the machine learning features available in Creative Cloud and Document Cloud.

More answers

Will I receive spam if I participate in the program?

You will not receive any email from Adobe regarding this program, regardless of whether you participate.

How long does the program last?

Permission granted to view images included with your submitted feedback continues until you leave the program and delete the image from your library.

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