In the Structure View, a user is able to drag-and-drop content within an empty element.
Also, validation indicators are displayed to indicate whether or not the target element is
(Ref#: 3803088)
This document provides information on the following enhancements and issues resolved in the latest FrameMaker update 12.0.3:
Most issues listed below are relevant to both FrameMaker and FrameMaker XMLAuthor. Issues relevant to only FrameMaker are labeled Fm Only.
In the Structure View, a user is able to drag-and-drop content within an empty element.
Also, validation indicators are displayed to indicate whether or not the target element is
(Ref#: 3803088)
In the Structure View, a collapsed node should automatically expand when a user drags an element and hovers over the node and holds the cursor for a short time. In this case, only one level of node expansion takes place. User has the option to hover over one of the expanded child nodes, if required.
(Ref#: 3803087)
A visual indication is provided to the user when performing an element drop in the Structure View:
(Ref# 3803084)
(Ref# 3803083)
A user can choose to view a compact hierarchy in the Structure View by setting the following flag in the maker.ini:
In the compact view, the text within the elements are not right-aligned but display along side the element.
(Ref# 3803111)
A user can expand or collapse all child elements or attributes of an element, including nested elements, in the Structure View.
Press Shift+Click to expand or collapse all sibling elements.
Press Alt+Click to expand or collapse all child elements.
Press Shift+Click to expand or collapse all sibling attributes.
Press Alt+Click to expand or collapse all child attributes.
(Ref# 3803081)
A user can expand the element hierarchy in the Structure View to the current selected element in the document by using the Ctrl+Shift+L shortcut.
Also, a user can now navigate the element hierarchy in the Structure View while working in the document. Each time the user selects an element in the document, the Structure View is expanded to the corresponding element in the hierarchy. To enable this functionality go the Preferences dialog (Edit > Preferences > Interface tab > Structure View group) and check the option Auto-expand Corresponding to Cursor Location in Document Window.
(Ref# 3803064)
Visually get an indication of my position in Structured View corresponding to my position in document view, even when some nodes in Structured View are collapsed.
(Ref# 3803061)
A user can now right-click on a table to insert a table continuation variable.
Also, a user can now update the table continuation variable for:
Press the Tab key on the last cell of a table causes a new table row to be created.
(Ref# 3803120)
A user is able to drag-and-drop the rows and columns of a table within the table.
A user can drag-and drop a column to the left of any existing column and above any existing row.
A user can multi-select and drag-and-drop rows and columns.
(Ref# 3803119)
A user is able to easily navigate in the table cells using arrow keys
Right key: Traverse the cell right-to-left. On reaching the last cell in a row, the cursor moves to the next row.
Left key: Traverse a cell left-to-right. On reaching the first cell in the row, the cursor moves to the previous row.
Down key: Traverse the cell top-to-bottom. On reaching the last line in a cell, the cursor moves to the next column.
Up key: Traverse the cell bottom-to-top-t. On reaching the first line in a cell, the cursor moves to the previous column.
(Ref# 3803118)
The following User Interface enhancements are now available:
Also, the locations of most modal and modaless dialog boxes are remembered.
However, the following dialogs are not remembered:
(Ref# 3811928)
The FrameMaker - AEM connector now implements multi-threading to improve the performance of file operations such as upload, check-in, check-out, and browsing of the repository tree.
(Ref# 3803256)
When using DITA-OT to generate output, a user can choose a DITAVAL file in the Generate DITA-OT Output dialog.
(Ref# 3801587)
If a user is currently at a specific location in a document, the corresponding tags are highlighted in the following catalogs:
(Ref# 3801518 - Fm Only)
Claim-based authentication for SharePoint is now supported. Also, FrameMaker 12 now supports SharePoint 2013.
(Ref# 3226824)
The following FDK API extracts a single graphic or all the graphics in a document that are imported by copy to a specified folder. The graphics in the document are then set to import by reference.
F_ApiExternalize(F_ObjHandleT docId, F_ObjHandleT objId, String destFolder)
Set objId = 0 to extract all graphics in a document that are imported by copy.
(Fm Only)
If a FrameMaker document containing SVG graphics that contain text is saved as a PDF, the text is the graphics is not search-able in the PDF.
(Ref# 3803140)
FrameMaker XML Author does not support save as PDF for a DITA map. Also, when saving a DITA map as PDF, a user can choose a DITA val.
(Ref# 3757229)
When a hypertext marker is present in paragraphs having autonumber formats, the hyper-links are missing from the autonumber strings in the PDF output.
(Ref# 3811103 - Fm Only)
FrameMaker crashes if an image is dragged from a Word document to a FrameMake rdocument or from a document in one FrameMaker session to a document in another session.
(Ref# 3803147 - Fm Only)
The default expression definition changes are not being round-tripped properly in Build Expression dialog.
(Ref# 3801525 - Fm Only)
If a text inset includes conditional text that is marked as hidden, when the text inset is updated, the conditional text is not hidden.
(Ref# 3801523)
If a text is set to hide and a user clicks the Apply button in the Show/Hide Conditional Text dialog repeatedly, the hidden text flickers on the screen.
(Ref# 3801516)
In the FrameMaker XML file, if an entity such as a variable is added that includes an ampersand in the definition, FrameMaker throws an “Unterminated entity reference”error.
(Ref# 3757246)
The straddle feature for tables is not supported in FrameMaker XML Author.
(Ref# 3755590)
FrameMaker crashes when opening or updating (Fm Only) a book that contains corrupted colors.
(Ref# 3548178, 3539167, 3566511, 3213323)
The menu option File->Save as Review PDF >Share on required to save a file as review PDF is no longer valid and needs to be removed from the File menu.
(Ref# 3805769 - Fm Only)
The FrameMaker console window does not come into focus by clicking on the icon in the Windows task bar.
(Ref# 3804232)
Transparent images are incorrectly made visible in the output PDF if the user selects the CMYK option in the PDF Setup dialog.
(Ref# 3803143 - Fm Only)
Responsive layout data is saved to the %appdata% folder. In this case, the user needs to delete this folder every time the layout is updated.
(Ref# 3767844 - Fm Only)
The ePub and Responsive HTML5 outputs do not support output URL length greater than 255 characters.
(Ref# 3800096 - Fm Only)
If the Responsive HTML5 output is viewed in Firefox, clicking on the items in the Table of Contents takes users to incorrect locations.
(Ref# 3800102 - Fm Only)
When using the HTML5 editor to control string values for variables in JavaScript, the values are written without quotes.
(Ref# 3800115 - Fm Only)
If multiple RoboHelp projects are used to create a single merge output, hitting the Home button does not cause the browser to navigate back to the merged home page. Instead, the browser navigates back to the home page of the current project.
(Ref# 3800120 - Fm Only)
In the output, a character style defined in a FrameMaker document is defined in the CSS inline style attribute as well as the CSS class attribute. The inline style attribute then overrides the class attribute.
(Ref# 3800165 - Fm Only)
In online help, the successful search for a word with a trailing space in a table breaks the table alignment.(Ref# 3800166 - Fm Only)
FrameMaker crashes in the publish output work-flow if the document contains a .image file.
(Ref# 3800167 - Fm Only)
A performance issue is encountered when a FrameMaker document containing a large number of images or multimedia is imported into RoboHelp.
(Ref# 3800147 - Fm Only)
While viewing customized Responsive HTML5 output, the JavaScript exception showHideButton being undefined occurred.
(Ref# 3800111 - Fm Only)
The Show text link in the Theme2_Government template flashed on and off if a new topic is selected in the table of contents.
(Ref# 3800112 - Fm Only)
The Responsive HTML5 output now uses an iFrame to improve performance and user experience.
(Ref# 3800141 - Fm Only)
If a FrameMaker document contains images that are defined on the reference pages of the document, these images are seen on the output.
(Ref# 3800160 - Fm Only)
The publish feature in FrameMaker does not provide the option to import an external screen layout.
(Ref# 3800161 - Fm Only)
If the topic in a project are not included in the table of contents, the topics appear at the end of the ebook output and not in the order in which they are placed in the project.
(Ref# 3800170 - Fm Only)