Curating process

Overview of the Curating Process

1. Definition of Role: 

The Curator role is responsible for reviewing in-app tutorials and providing review and QE comments back to the author.

2. Workflow

During initial content curation review

  • Use TB Content Production View to update progress
    • Updates the TB_content_status as the tutorial moves through the pipeline.
    • Finalizes the tutorial title, working with the Community Manager. After the Curator and the Community Manager agree on a final title, the Curator adds this Title from Tutorial Builder into the final_title field. 
    • The title must be finalized and in Alexandria before the tutorial is sent to QE.
  • Curator either approves or rejects tutorial (can be more than 1 round)
    • Approves: Tutorial moves to QE review
    • Rejects
      • Curator adds review comments to Author Brief and tags the author
      • Curator rejects the tutorial in the Tutorial Builder
      • Authors will receive an email notification that their tutorial needs attention, which can be found in their Author Brief in this folder: +Author feedback on tutorials
    • Author modifies, previews and resubmits in the Tutorial Builder.
  • Curator approves tutorial.
  • During QE curation review
    • Use TB Content Production View to update progress
      • Updates TB_content_status as the tutorial moves through the pipeline. 
      • If QE rejects a tutorial, it is returned to the Curator in Tutorial Builder. The comments are listed in the qe_comments field, the curator is tagged @ in the field. 
      • If no fixes are needed, tag @ QE in the qe_comments field, along with date and initials, and approve the tutorial in Tutorial Builder and change the status in TB_content_status to Curator: QE content approved.
    • If fixes are needed:
      • Add review comments to Author Brief and tag author
      • Reject tutorial in the Tutorial Builder
      • Author will receive an email notification that their tutorial needs attention, which can be found in their Author Paper Doc in this folder: +Author feedback on tutorials 
      • Author modifies, previews and resubmits in Tutorial Builder.
      • Curator checks fixes, tags QE in the qe_comments field as needed, lets QE know of all updates, adds date and initials; and approves in Tutorial Builder. 
        • For Illustrator: Curator provides review comments on section images as well as text. Curator adds separate rows for discussion of images.

3. Curator Guidelines

  • Curator reviews what the end-user will see 
  • Checks for basic usability
    • Makes sure coach marks proceed and point to the correct place
  • Makes sure tutorial complies with best practices, asset guidelines, and image specs
  • Understands the current limitations of Tutorial Builder and suggests alternative solutions for blockers
  • Determines if the content is outlined in the best way for the End User?
    • Takes into consideration user level: beginner, intermediate, and advanced
  • Makes sure each step is created using the preferred, as-designed method
    • Curators should know the best approach to making a coach mark, so they will be able to catch places where authors did not add the coach mark correctly. 
  • Evaluates whether the tutorial focuses on the planned topic and learning goals.
    • Works with author to repoint the tutorial toward its focus when needed.
  • Checks the Starter file to make sure it works well with a) the instruction and b) current feature constraints of Tutorial Builder. 
  • Copyediting:
    • Checks for typos
    • Checks for run-on sentences
    • Checks punctuation
  • Allows the author’s voice to be heard.
  • If a Curator runs into something technical they think might be a Tutorial Builder bug, they should consult with their Community Manager first. 
    • Be prepared to file a JIRA ticket if needed.

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