[Ai] Create a tutorial

This section is a walkthrough of how to author your tutorial in the Tutorial Builder in Illustrator.


To hide or show the instructions in Tutorial Builder, click your profile picture on the Home dashboard. You can toggle on and off the Help text.

To access this Tutorial Builder Guide, while inside Illustrator, click the Question mark icon at the bottom of the panel. Or click your profile picture on the Home dashboard and click Go to Author Guide.

1. Plan for limitations

Tutorial Builder is still in development and there are some Illustrator features that are not currently supported in the builder. It is best to choose assets and workflows that don’t require these features. 


triangular flag  Plan for the current limitations of Tutorial Builder

  • Avoid anything that requires a dialog box (unless very straightforward).
    • For instance, avoid effects with large, complicated dialog boxes. 
  • Avoid tools that are not currently showing in the Essentials workspace toolbar.
  • Avoid drawing tools that cannot be explained via an MP4, text, and/or an asset.
  • Avoid panels that are not currently supported.

2. Prepare to create a tutorial


  • Follow the installation instructions given to you by your Community Manager and install Illustrator through the Creative Cloud Desktop app. Install the Interactive Tutorial Builder extension as directed.
  • Create your assets: Startup file, Hero image, Thumbnail image
  • Plan your tutorial content

Open your Startup file

  • Open your Startup file locally in Illustrator.

Launch the Tutorial Builder

  • In the Illustrator Menu bar, go to: Window > Extensions > Interactive Tutorial Builder Ai
  • The Interactive Tutorial Builder panel opens to your personal Dashboard, where you’ll see all your tutorials by status: 
    • In progress
    • Submitted
    • Needs Review
    • Published 
  • To Edit, Preview, or Delete a tutorial click the three-dot menu
  • Return to the Dashboard by selecting the Home icon

Start a new tutorial

  • Click the blue Create button to start a new tutorial.

3. Set up the tutorial

To set up your tutorial, enter a title and upload the Startup file.

Enter the tutorial title

  • Enter a title in the Title your tutorial field which describes what you’ll cover. Use search terms that will help end-users find your tutorial. Go to Writing guidelines for Tutorial Builder for more details on creating a title. 
  •  The title you enter becomes both the user-facing title and the document identifier that’s important for searches. 
    • You can’t return to this screen or change the document identifier after entering your title. 
    • You can change the user-facing title on the next screen.
  • Click Create to go to the next screen.

triangular flag Click Done to upload assets

When working on content in a Section, after adding a section asset, make sure that the asset is fully uploaded before clicking Done or the asset won’t upload. 

4. Create Sections, Steps, and Notes

Create sections, steps, and notes to build out the tutorial. The maximum number of Sections in a tutorial is 10. Try to keep the maximum number of Steps in a Section to 3 (three) and the maximum number of Notes to 2 (two).

Currently, there are only two Step types, Menu Bar and Tool Bar where Authors use a record button to create coach marks in the Tutorial Builder. For Canvas and Panel coach marks, Authors will need to use the drop-down menus and add text. 

There is a Play icon, which allows authors to preview their Steps. The Play icon appears with each Step type, but may not be actionable. If the Play icon is not actionable it is dimmed.

Create a Section

  • Click the blue +Add button
  • Toggle Asset on (so that it turns blue) if you are adding a static image or animation to illustrate the section. 
    • Static images must be a JPG or JPEG file under 600KB. 
    • Animations must be MP4 files under 4MB.
    • Dimensions for both must be 560 by 280 pixels. 
  • Enter a section Title on the following screen
    • Describe what this section covers. 
    • The best section titles start with an action verb summarizing what a user can accomplish. 
  • Enter a section Description 
    • Explain what the user will learn. 
    • This is optional and used to offer context. See guidelines for Writing descriptions.
  • Click Done this completes the section information
  • Click Save
  • You can edit by clicking the Edit button
  • Select the  three-dot menu . . .  buttons to Delete or Move Up and Down

triangular flag Bold Tool and Panel names

When typing a coach mark you should bold Tool and Panel names where you can. 

  • Type an @ symbol and choose a Tool or Panel name from the dropdown menu that appears. This will bold the feature name in the text. 
  • If you don’t see the feature you want to use, type the feature name without the @ symbol.

When you @ a Panel name, the text that appears in the text box shows {adobespropertiespanelpanel}. However, only the word Properties appears and is bold. You will have to type in “panel.”

Create a Step 

  • Click the blue +Add button
  • Pick a Placement from the drop-down menu
  • Canvas
    • No recording option available with Canvas
    • Add information to the Text box describing what the user should do
    • Click Done this completes the section information
    • Click Save
    • You can edit by clicking the Edit button
    • You also click the three-dot menu . . .  buttons to Delete or Move Up and Down

triangular flag Best practices for Menu Bar options

  • Most Menu Bar options can be recorded as Steps. However, if a particular Menu Bar option is not available for recording, add a new numbered Canvas Step and continue leading users through your tutorial.

  • Menu Bar
    • You can record most Menu Bar options as Steps
    •  Click the Record button and use the cursor to demonstrate to the end-user what they should do to complete the step
      • Click Stop Recording when finished with the step
      • To change what was recorded, remove it and click Record again
    • The step you completed will be automatically added to the Text box describing what the end-user should do
    • Click Done  to complete the step information
    • Click the play icon to preview the step and see what the end-user will see
    • Click Save
    • You can edit by clicking the Edit button
    • You can click the three-dot menu . . .  button to Delete or Move Up and Down

triangular flag Create 2 coach marks when pointing to a Panel element

  • You cannot create a coach mark by recording in Panel. When you point to a panel element, use Panel > Panel name for the first Step. This will add a coach mark to the correct area. 
  • For sequential panel items, do not send the user to the Panel again as they are already focused on that element. Instead, add a new numbered Canvas coach mark and continue leading users through your tutorial. 

  • Panel
    • Choose Properties from the drop-down Panel name menu.  
    • Add information to the Text box describing what the user should do
    • Click Done this completes the section information
    • Click Save
    • You can edit by clicking the Edit button
    • You also click the three-dot menu . . .  buttons to Delete or Move the Step Up and Down

  • Tool Bar
    • Click the Record button and use the cursor to demonstrate to the user what they should do to complete the step
      • Click Stop Recording when finished with the step
      • To change what was recorded, remove it and click Record again
    • The step you completed will be automatically added to the Text box describing what the user should do
    • Click Done  to complete the step information
    • Click the Play icon to preview the step and see what the user will see
    • Click Save
    • You can edit by clicking the Edit button
    • You can click the three-dot menu . . .  button to Delete or Move Up and Down

triangular flag Minimize the use of Notes

A Note is a tip or info related to a Step that appears in the panel

  • Do not include instructions or words that sound like instructions in the Notes. 
  • Try to keep the number of Notes to two (2) per section. 
  • If adding a Note causes the text in the panel to scroll (not all is visible), either edit the text to fit or remove it.

Example: Point text is useful for headlines. Paragraph text is useful when you want to enter a larger amount of text.

Create a Note

  • Click the blue +Add button
  • Add information to the Text box that explains why a Step is useful
  • Click Done this completes the section information
  • Click Save
  • You can edit by clicking the Edit button
  • You can click the three-dot menu . . .  buttons to Delete or Move Up and Down

triangular flag Preview capabilities

You can preview either the entire tutorial or a Step. You cannot, however, preview an entire Section in one go. 

5. Previewing as You Go

Preview Steps

  • You can preview individual Steps you have created as you build your tutorial. 
  • Look for the Play icon after you have created a Step and clicked Done
  • Review the Step by clicking the Play icon
  • If the Step was correctly created, click Save at the top right-hand corner of the tutorial. 

Preview what you’ve created so far

  • Click the Save button at the top of the Tutorial Builder
  • Click the Preview button
  • Click Start Tutorial to start the tutorial from its beginning
  • Follow the instructions to walk through the tutorial from the user’s point of view. 
  • Note: If you want to make changes to your tutorial, you will need to exit Preview mode. To exit the tutorial preview, click End.

6. Finish creating your tutorial

  • Click Next or the Finish tab to complete the tutorial. 
  • Click Select a file to upload and upload your Startup file
    • This is what Illustrator will download and open when users start your tutorial. It must be an AI or AIT file under 5MB. 
    • Include Image credits
      • If the image is yours make sure the box is checked to Include your name
      • If the image is not solely yours, uncheck the box for Include your name and add the list of contributors
        • List the names of everyone who worked on the startup file and its assets, including Adobe Stock contributors. Separate names by commas. 
  • Write a Completion message in the field box
    • This appears when users finish the tutorial. Use it for encouragement and to reinforce what they learned. 

triangular flag If you are unsure of what tag to use for any of the fields below, go to Tagging guidelines.

  • Enter Skill level
    • Skill level refers to the topic of the content, not you or the user.
    • Click in the field and select from the drop-down menu.
    • If you decide that a particular tag you choose does not fit the content, after all, you can always click the x next to the tag to delete it. 
    • There are 3 Skill level tags, and you can select only 1. 
  • Enter Creative field
    • Click the Creative field menu and type the at symbol (@) and select one or more creative domains, or distinct areas of expertise that your content might be most associated with.
    • There is a short list of Creative field tags to choose from. Some tags don’t apply to some products, so you may see fewer.
    • Choose at least one Creative field, and as many as are necessary. 
    • If you decide that a particular tag you choose does not fit the content, after all, you can always click the x next to the tag to delete it. 
  • Enter Topics covered
    • Topic tags reflect the content’s overall goal or subject matter.
    • In the Topics covered field, type the at symbol (@) and select one or more relevant topics from the menu.
    • Choose at least one Topic tag; you can add up to a total of 5 for your tutorial. 
    • If you decide that a particular tag you choose does not fit the content, after all, you can always click the x next to the tag to delete it. 

  • Enter Tasks
    • These are the actions users take as they follow the content’s instructions.
    • You can select as many Task tags as you feel necessary, as long as they are outlined in the tutorial.
    • Type the at symbol (@) and select one or more tasks from the menu that appears. 
    • If you decide that a particular tag you choose does not fit the content, after all, you can always click the x next to the tag to delete it. 
  • Enter Tools & features
    • This category contains the app-specific features used to accomplish tasks, such as tools, panels, and menu commands.
    • You can select an unlimited number of Tool tags, but be sure to select only the tools, panels, and menu commands mentioned in your tutorial.
    • Type the at symbol (@) and select one or more tools from the menu that appears. 
    • If you decide that a particular tag you choose does not fit the content, after all, you can always click the x next to the tag to delete it. 

  • Upload your Thumbnail image
    • This square image appears next to your tutorial title in search results. It should show the final output, or “after” state, of your tutorial. 
    • Must be a PNG, JPG, or JPEG file, 740 by 740 pixels, and under 200KB. 
  • Upload your Hero image 
    • This banner image appears when users click your tutorial to learn more about it before they begin. It should show either the “before” and “after” states, or just the “after” state of your tutorial. 
    • Must be PNG, JPG, or JPEG file, 1200 x 600 pixels, and under 600KB.
  • Click Save

7. Final preview

When you’re finished creating a tutorial, make sure you preview how it will look for users from start to finish

  • Click the Save button at the top of the TB
  • Click the Preview button
  • Click Start Tutorial to start the tutorial from its beginning
  • Follow the instructions to walk through the tutorial from the user’s point of view. 
  • If you want to make changes to your tutorial, you will need to exit Preview mode. To exit the tutorial preview, click End

8. Complete and submit your tutorial

  • Click Save at the top of the Tutorial Builder. Feel free to click Preview again to give your tutorial a final once-over.
  • If you want to make any changes to your tutorial, click Create at the top of the screen to return to sections and steps in the Tutorial Builder.
  • Click the Submit button at the bottom of the Finish screen when you’re sure the tutorial is complete. 
    • This moves it out of the In progress queue in your Dashboard, so you won’t be able to access it again until you receive a review notification.

9. Tutorial review

Step 1: Notification

  • After you submit your tutorial, a curator will review it, and you’ll receive an email notification from the system that your tutorial is approved or that further action is required.
    • Don’t feel bad if you get an Action Required notification from the system. It just means that some changes are needed. 

Step 2: Editing

  • If you get an Action Required notification, go to your Topics for [author] Paper document. 
    • The requested changes will be listed in the Review Feedback section
    • Contact your Community Manager if you have questions or comments about changes.
  • Make the requested changes in the Tutorial Builder.
    • In the Tutorial Builder Dashboard click the three-dot menu . . . on the tutorial and choose Edit
    • Make the requested changes.
    • Click Submit

Step 3: Completion

  • After you make changes, you’ll receive another notification from the system approving or rejecting the tutorial.
    • If the tutorial is rejected at this stage, please repeat review Step 2: Editing.
    • Once your tutorial is approved, your work is complete. Thank you!

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Easily add a Step or Note: 

  • Once you have created your first Section and Step you can add additional steps and notes by hovering between a Section/Step or Step/Note and clicking the Plus icon
  • Choose which element you want to add.