Attach field data to the final email in CSV format


Workflows that require agreement senders to evaluate/process the field data from the agreements they send can be facilitated by attaching a CSV of all field-level data collected to the final email.

The CSV file can only be attached to the sender's email.

Admins (and users) have access to field data via the Reports feature, which can produce spreadsheets containing not just field content but additional transaction information as well.

Unless there is a clear need to deliver the field-level data directly to the sender via email, it is generally recommended that this feature be disabled at the account level to safeguard against data leakage. Individual groups can be enabled if there are workflows that demand individual agreement data sheets to be emailed.


Data fields that are masked in the signing process and on the resultant signed agreement PDF

are exposed in clear text on the CSV form.

Configuration options

The option to attach the CSV to the sender's email can only be enabled or disabled, there are no further controls.

The feature can be enabled at the account and/or group level.

To enable/disable the form data CSV attachment:

  1. Navigate to Account Settings > Global Settings > Collect form data with agreements.
  2. Enable/Disable the Attach a CSV with form data to the sender's signed agreement emails option as needed.
  3. Save the page.
Form field CSV Controls

The sender receives the "Signed and Filed" email with all agreement attachments included once the agreement is completed.

The below example includes the signed agreement PDF, the audit report PDF, and the data CSV.

CSV Attached to email

The CSV file contents include one row per recipient, with the columns representing individual fields. Any content added by the user is reflected in the corresponding cell of the spreadsheet.

Example field data


Customers that require senders to access the field level data may want to review the Reports features that allow a CSV of multiple agreements to be downloaded from the server.

If individual agreement data is required, there is an option to download an agreement's field data on the Manage tab.

Both of these options pull the data directly from the server and deliver it to the requestor's desktop, avoiding email transit.